good-design-awardミラーレスカメラ「Z6III」Mirrorless camera Z6III2024gooddesign-2024-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ6IIIは上位機種であるニコンZ9やZ8の高性能を継承しつつクリエイティビティーを拡張する機能にも対応しています。 カメラ1台で幅広い性能が求められる中級ミラーレス機市場にて高速連続撮影や6K60pのRAW動画撮影を兼ね備え取り回しの良いサイズと安定した操作性を実現する事で、幅広いユーザーに応えるモデルです。The Nikon Z6III inherits the superior performance of the higher-end Z9 and Z8 while also offering features that expand users' creativity. In the mid-level mirrorless market, where a variety of capabilities are required of a single camera, the Z6III responds to a wide range of users with high-speed continuous shooting and 6K/60p RAW video recording functions, a handy size and stable operability.
good-design-awardNIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S PlenaNIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena2024gooddesign-2024-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award非常に高い解像度と大きく美しい玉ボケを組み合わせ、被写体を立体的に描写する大口径中望遠レンズです。 NIKKOR Z のポテンシャルを最大限に発揮し、「主題の輝き」と「きれいなボケ」が調和する幻想的で新しい映像表現によって、クリエイターの創造性を最大限に引き出します。This fast medium-telephoto lens offers pleasing three-dimensional rendering by combining astonishingly high resolution with stunning circular bokeh. Leveraging NIKKOR Z capabilities to the utmost extent, the NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena totally liberates creators' potential with transformative, ethereal imaging expression that harmonizes the brilliance of the subject with beautiful bokeh.
good-design-awardNIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR SNIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S2024gooddesign-2024-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardNIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR Sは、同クラス世界最軽量&全長278mmの小型設計で、600mm超望遠でありながら手持ち撮影が可能であり、野生動物・モータースポーツなどの遠くの被写体の迫力ある写真・動画を撮りたいハイアマチュアに向けた焦点距離600mmの超望遠単焦点レンズです。Being the lightest lens in its class, with a compact design and a total length of 278 mm, the NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S is a 600-mm prime that, despite being a super-telephoto lens, supports handheld shooting, making it the ideal lens for advanced amateurs who want to record powerful photos and videos of distant subjects such as wildlife and motorsports races.
good-design-awardECLIPSE Ti2-IECLIPSE Ti2-I2024gooddesign-2024-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award不妊で悩む患者さんの治療に携わる、IVF(体外受精)の医師や胚培養士などの医療従事者向けの倒立顕微鏡です。 床面積が小さく導入しやすいサイズで、簡単操作・明解な状態表示・身体的に負荷のかかりにくいプロダクトデザインで、ユーザーに作業効率と再現性の向上を提供し、医療従事者の負荷軽減をサポートします。This is an inverted microscope intended for medical professionals, such as embryologists or doctors in the IVF (in vitro fertilization) field, who treat patients suffering from infertility. Its ease of installation, small footprint and product design lead to simple operation and clear status display, offering improvements in work efficiency and reproducibility, while helping to reduce the burden on users.
good-design-awardデジタルイメージングマイクロスコープDigital Imaging Microscope2023gooddesign-2023-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ベスト100Good Design Best 100病理診断で何時間も顕微鏡に向かう病理医、検査医、検査技師等をターゲットとした医療用デジタル正立顕微鏡です。身体的・精神的負担を最大限ケアし、長時間にわたる顕微鏡観察に集中して取り組めるようサポート。データの供覧、マクロ画像とXYステージ移動との連携などデジタル観察ならではの様々なソリューションを実現します。This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement.
good-design-awardミラーレスカメラ「Z 8」Mirrorless camera Z 82023gooddesign-2023-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ 8は、ニコン Z シリーズのフラッグシップモデル「ニコン Z 9」と同等の高い機能と性能を、堅牢性・信頼性の高い小型ボディに凝縮し、風景や野鳥、飛行機、ウェディングを含むポートレートなど、機動力を求める幅広いジャンルにおいて、さらなる映像表現の可能性を追求するフォトグラファーや映像クリエイターに向けたモデルです。The Z 8 offers the high functionality and performance of the Zseries' flagship model, the Nikon Z 9, in a rugged, reliable, and more compact body aimed at photographers and image creators looking to further expand their expressive potential in a wide variety of genres, including wedding and other forms of portrait photography, as well as landscape, wild bird, and aircraft photography.
good-design-awardZ f+NIKKOR Z SE(Special Edition)レンズZ f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses2023gooddesign-2023-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ fは、ニコンZ マウントを採用したフルサイズミラーレスカメラです。象徴的なフィルムカメラの1つであるFM2にインスパイアされたアイコニックなデザインと、フルサイズミラーレスカメラの最新の光学技術と画像処理技術を併せ持ち、購入体験から作品のアウトプットまで、全ての過程で自分を表現することができます。The Z f is a full-frame mirrorless camera featuring the Nikon Z mount. It combines a heritage design inspired by the FM2, Nikon's iconic film camera, with the latest optical and image processing technologies available for full-frame mirrorless cameras, supporting the user's self-expression throughout their creative process.
good-design-awardリモートグリップ MC-N10MC-N10 Remote Grip2023gooddesign-2023-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardMC‑N10は、ニコン Z マウントを採用したミラーレスカメラと有線接続することにより、接続したカメラをリモートで操作することができるアクセサリーです。MC‑N10から接続したカメラの様々な機能を操作、制御することができ、動画撮影時や星景撮影などカメラ本体に触れられない・触れたくないシーンでの撮影をサポートします。The MC-N10 is an accessory that when connected via cable to mirrorless cameras featuring the Nikon Z mount can be used to control the camera remotely. It can be used for the operation and control of a variety of camera functions, aiding users during video recording and starscapes photography and in other situations in which they would prefer to (or must) keep their hands off the camera.
good-design-awardNIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 SNIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S2023gooddesign-2023-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award圧倒的な解像力と大きく柔らかなボケ味で、静止画でも動画でも、ポートレートの表現の幅を大きく広げる、開放F値1.2の大口径中望遠単焦点レンズです。NIKKOR Z S‑Lineシリーズの中でも圧倒的な描写力を誇り、開放F値1.2からあらゆる場面で臨場感あふれる映像を捉えます。With a maximum aperture of f/1.2, this fast, mid-telephoto prime lens vastly expands the expressive range of portrait photographers and videographers alike with its amazing sharpness and large and soft bokeh. It boasts rendering performance that is outstanding even among S-Line lenses, while its maximum aperture of f/1.2 enables the capture of immersive images in a wide variety of scenes.
good-design-awardNIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.82023gooddesign-2023-06グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award常に撮影機会を狙う方に最適な、携行性、画質、デザイン性を追求した焦点距離26mmの薄型広角単焦点レンズです。高い光学性能、明るい開放F値、高速高精度なAF機構や防塵・防滴に配慮した設計で、小型軽量ながらも高性能。ストリートスナップやポートレートなど、様々なシーンや被写体をクリエイティブな作品に仕上げることができます。This slim, wide-angle prime lens pursues superior portability, image quality, and design, and is ideal for tireless shot-seekers. High performance is packed into a light, compact body with top-tier optics, a fast maximum aperture, fast and precise autofocus, and a design that takes dust and drip resistance into account, supporting a wide variety of scenes, including cityscapes and portraits.
good-design-awardLasermeister 1000SLasermeister 1000S2023gooddesign-2023-07グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award汎用金属に加え、ダイヤモンドやセラミックなどの難削材や脆性材、そして低剛性品と言われる加工困難な材料にも高精度な面加工や微細加工を実現するレーザー除去加工機です。機内に測定器を搭載しているため加工時に計測データの取得・活用が可能です。そのため、属人的な工程の削減やスキルレス、管理の簡素化などを通じてDXに貢献します。In addition to general metals, hard/brittle materials such as diamonds and ceramics are processable as well. This machine enables you to process surfaces precisely. You can obtain and apply the scanning data of workpieces to processing thanks to the on-machine laser measuring instrument. This machine contributes to DX by reducing the process and lowering the skill level required.
good-design-awardECLIPSE JiECLIPSE Ji2023gooddesign-2023-08グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardECLIPSE Jiは誰もが簡単に創薬研究を行える革新的イメージングシステムで、創薬市場のシーズ探索に関わる研究開発を行う方々をユーザーと想定しています。「簡単」「早い」を求めるデジタルネイティブへの訴求のため、AI搭載による自律性を持った顕微鏡をキーコンセプトとしたデジタル倒立顕微鏡です。ECLIPSE Ji is an innovative imaging system that allows anyone to easily conduct drug discovery research and is targeted at those doing research and development related to the search for "seeds" in the drug discovery market. To appeal to digital natives, who demand "easy" and "fast," this is a digital inverted microscope based on the key concept of an autonomous, AI-equipped microscope.
good-design-awardミラーレスカメラ「Z 9」Mirrorless camera Z 92022gooddesign-2022-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ベスト100Good Design Best 100Z 9は、ニコンZマウントを採用した初のフラッグシップモデルです。ニコンの最先端技術を結集させ、静止画・動画ともに過去最高の性能を発揮します。道具としての使い心地を極め、これまでの一眼レフカメラ、ミラーレスカメラを超える新しい映像体験を第一線で活躍するプロフェッショナルフォトグラファーや映像クリエイターに提供します。The Z 9 is the first flagship camera in the Nikon Z mount system. Adoption of many cutting-edge Nikon technologies ensures the best still and video performance in Nikon history. It embodies ultimate usability as a tool, offering professional photographers and video creators active on the front lines an unprecedented imaging experience exceeding that of previous digital-SLR and mirrorless cameras.
good-design-awardAPS-Cサイズ/DXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコン Z 30」APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 302022gooddesign-2022-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ 30はニコン Z マウントシステムを採用し、動画のユーザビリティーを徹底的に追求したZシリーズ最少・最軽量のAPS-Cサイズミラーレスカメラです。昨今更に高まってきている動画需要に対し、手の届きやすい価格帯で、これから映像制作を始めたいエントリーユーザーから本格的な作品作りにこだわるユーザーまで対応するカメラです。The Z 30 is the smallest and lightest APS-C size mirrorless camera in the Nikon Z mount system developed with a thorough pursuit of video usability. It is an affordable camera that responds to ever-increasing demand for video capabilities, perfectly suited for those just beginning to work with video, as well as seasoned video creators.
good-design-awardミラーレスカメラ対応レンズ「NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S」Interchangeable lens for mirrorless cameras NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S2022gooddesign-2022-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardマクロ撮影からポートレートまで、ひと際美しいボケと高い解像力とのコントラストが目を惹く最高峰の中望遠等倍マイクロレンズです。大口径のZ マウントにより、他には真似のできない極めて印象深く繊細な表現を可能にします。高い描写性能を実現しながら、撮影するための道具としての使い勝手と高級感のある佇まいを追求しています。Covering from macro to portraits, this ultimate medium-telephoto 1x Micro lens exhibits striking contrast between beautiful bokeh and superior sharpness. The fast Z mount enables incredibly impressive and delicate expression not possible with other lenses. The lens pursues usability as a photographic tool and a sophisticated appearance even as it realizes superior rendering performance.
good-design-awardミラーレスカメラ対応交換レンズ「NIKKOR Z 超望遠単焦点レンズシリーズ」(受賞製品は、「NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S」と「NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S」です)NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)2022gooddesign-2022-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ マウント初の超望遠単焦点レンズシリーズは、プロ・ハイアマチュアの期待を越える最高峰の光学性能を誇るレンズとして、様々なスポーツイベントやネイチャーシーンなどで臨場感あふれる高い解像力と美しいボケ味を発揮します。また高速・高精度なAFにより動きの速い被写体の決定的な瞬間を確実に捉えることができます。This first in a new series of super-telephoto prime NIKKOR Z lenses boasts ultimate optical performance that exceeds the expectations of pros and advanced amateurs. It demonstrates superior sharpness and beautiful bokeh for realistic images of a wide variety of sporting and nature scenes. Fast and precise AF ensures the certain capture of decisive moments, even when the subject is moving rapidly.
good-design-awardレーザー距離計 「COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED / COOLSHOT 50i」Golfer's laser rangefinder (COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED / COOLSHOT 50i)2022gooddesign-2022-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardゴルフ用レーザー距離計COOLSHOTシリーズは、目標物に赤外線レーザーを照射し、反射して戻ってくる時間をもとに目標物までの距離を瞬時に測定、打つべき距離の把握やゴルフクラブの選択を容易にし、プレーに集中することを可能にします。The COOLSHOT series of laser rangefinders for golfers irradiate an infrared laser to a target such as the flagstick, instantly measuring the distance to it based on the laser's reflection and return time. This makes it a lot easier for golfers to understand the right distance to hit and which club to select, allowing users to more fully focus on their play.
good-design-award双眼鏡「MONARCH M7」Binoculars MONARCH M72022gooddesign-2022-06グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardMONARCHシリーズはニコン双眼鏡の上位に位置づくシリーズです。高度な光学性能によってもたらされる見やすい広視界とコントラストを追求し、野鳥をはじめとした様々な自然観察に適した双眼鏡です。内蔵される全てのレンズとプリズムに多層膜コーティングが採用され、明るい視界を実現しています。The lightweight, compact and easy-to-use PROSTAFF P7 binoculars are ideal for users who enjoy 'looking' during all kinds of outdoor activities such as birdwatching, nature watching, sporting events and hiking. Multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms, achieving a wonderfully bright field of view.
good-design-award双眼鏡「PROSTAFF P7」Binoculars PROSTAFF P72022gooddesign-2022-07グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardバードウォッチングやネイチャーウォッチング、スポーツイベント、ハイキングなど、あらゆる種類のアウトドアアクティビティで「見ること」をより楽しみたいユーザーに向けた、軽量・コンパクトで使い勝手の良い双眼鏡です。全てのレンズとプリズムに多層膜コーティングを施すことで、明るい視界を実現しています。The MONARCH series models are highly ranked among Nikon binoculars. By pursuing a wide field of view and superior contrast attained through high optical performance, they are perfectly suited for a wide range of nature observation in the wild, including birdwatching. Multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms, effectively realizing a brighter field of view.
good-design-award超小型マシンビジョンカメラ「LuFact」Ultra-compact machine vision camera LuFact2022gooddesign-2022-08グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardLuFactシリーズは、ニコンが長年積み上げてきた独自の画像処理技術によって生まれたマシンビジョンカメラシリーズです。工場内の様々な生産ラインで使用することを想定しており、センサーを内蔵したカメラヘッドと、I/F(インターフェース)変換ユニットによって構成され、合計4機種を展開しています。Lufact is a series of machine vision cameras manufactured by Nikon, utilizing in-house image-processing technology accumulated over many years. Each model consists of a camera head with a built-in sensor and an I/F (interface) conversion unit, designed to be installed on various production lines in factories. There are currently four different models available to meet a variety of customer needs.
good-design-awardニコンDXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコン Z fc」および、人工皮革部「プレミアムエクステリア」張替サービスNikon DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc and Premium Exterior customizable color options2021gooddesign-2021-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ fcは、ニコンZマウントシステムの最新の光学技術と画像処理技術を有しながら、ヘリテージデザインを採用したミラーレスカメラです。ダイヤルにて基本的な撮影設定を直感的に操作することが出来ます。また、同時にボディーの革を好きな色に貼り替えられるサービスも展開し、撮影も外観も自分のスタイルで楽しみたいユーザーに応えます。The Z fc is a mirrorless camera that combines a heritage design with the latest optical and image-processing technologies of the Z mount system. It supports intuitive adjustment of basic camera settings using the dials. Nikon also offers a service that allows users to change the leather-toned material around the camera body to their preferred color, meeting the needs of anyone who wants to enjoy shooting with an exterior design in their own style.
good-design-award防振双眼鏡「10×25 STABILIZED」10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars2021gooddesign-2021-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award10x25 STABILIZEDは、ニコンが培ってきた光学技術と手ブレ補正技術を小型ボディに搭載したコンパクトな防振双眼鏡です。ライブやコンサート、スポーツ観戦、野鳥観察などに利用することを想定し、それらの場に持って行きやすいシンプルな造形で扱いやすい双眼鏡になっています。The 10x25 STABILIZED binoculars are a compact model equipped with the optical and stabilization technologies that Nikon has cultivated over many years. They are designed to be used at live performances, concerts and sporting events, as well as being ideal for birdwatching. They have a simple form and are easy to handle, making them extremely convenient for such situations and activities.
good-design-award生物顕微鏡「ECLIPSE Si」Upright Microscope ECLIPSE Si2021gooddesign-2021-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award検査や研究で何時間も顕微鏡に向かう病理医、検査医、検査技師や、それらを目指す方々をターゲットとした生物顕微鏡です。エルゴノミクスに基づいたデザインで操作の効率性を追求。身体への負担を軽減し、長時間にわたる顕微鏡観察に集中して取り組めるようサポートします。教育現場に於いても分かり易さと取り回しのしやすさを実現しています。The ECLIPSE Si is a biological microscope intended for current and prospective pathologists, as well as clinical laboratory physicians who employ microscopes for testing and research over many hours of observation. It achieves operational efficiency with a design based on ergonomics that permits natural posture and less strain, allowing users to concentrate on their tasks for an extended period of time. It also realizes intuitive operation and provides easy handling in educational fields.
good-design-award教育用顕微鏡 ECLIPSE EiEducational microscope ECLIPSE Ei2020gooddesign-2020-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award学校における実習教育を行うための教育用顕微鏡です。実習教育では、初学者に顕微鏡の操作を教える教員の負担が大きいことや、学生が授業のたびに顕微鏡を棚から運搬し設置、撤収する負担が課題でした。これらを直感的に分かる操作部材の表示や形状、軽量で持ち易いボディ、美しくまとまるアクセサリー収納部のデザインによって解決しました。The ECLIPSE Ei is a practical educational microscope. Practical lab education places a heavy burden on instructors who are teaching beginners how to use a microscope. Students have to set up and put away their microscopes before and after each lesson. These issues have been resolved with intuitive shapes and displays for controls, a lightweight and portable body, and beautifully designed accessory storage.
good-design-awardD6D62020gooddesign-2020-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardスポーツ・報道系のプロフェッショナルフォトグラファーの最高のパフォーマンスをサポートするニコンデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。豊富なラインナップを取り揃えたNIKKOR Fレンズとの組み合わせで決定的瞬間を捉え、撮影した画像を瞬時に届けなければならないニーズに応えます。The D6 is Nikon's new flagship digital SLR camera that provides the ultimate in performance demanded by top professional sports and press photographers. When used with any of the plethora of NIKKOR F mount lenses, the D6 effectively responds to user needs with its ability to capture decisive moments then immediately deliver those images.
good-design-awardZ 50 + NIKKOR Z 16-50 VR レンズキットZ 50 + NIKKOR Z 16-50mm VR Kit2020gooddesign-2020-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ 50はニコンZマウントシステムを採用した初のAPS-Cサイズのミラーレスカメラです。ニコンが築き上げてきた高い光学技術と製造技術に加え、デジタル一眼レフカメラ「D」シリーズを中心に培ったノウハウや知見を小型ボディに余す事なく凝縮することで、初めてカメラを使う層から、趣味層まで幅広いユーザーが満足できるカメラです。The Z 50 is Nikon's first APS-C format mirrorless camera for the Z mount system. This camera, which condenses in a compact body many of the optical and manufacturing technologies Nikon has developed, as well as knowledge and know-how it has cultivated with its D series of D-SLR cameras, will satisfy a wide variety of users, from those using a camera for the first time to seasoned hobbyists.
good-design-awardZ 5 + NIKKOR Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3Z 5 + NIKKOR Z 24-50mm f/4-6.32020gooddesign-2020-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ 5はフルサイズセンサー搭載のレンズ交換式ミラーレスカメラです。Zマウントシステムの高い表現力・信頼性を妥協なく継承しながら、小型軽量の標準ズームレンズとのキットでコンパクトシステムを実現しました。より豊かな写真・映像表現を求める方に、Zシリーズのフルサイズ画質を気軽に楽しんでいただけるモデルです。The Z 5 is an interchangeable-lens mirrorless camera equipped with a full-frame sensor. It has inherited the superior power of expression and reliability of the Z mount system, yet forms a remarkably compact system when used with its small and lightweight standard zoom kit lens. It's the perfect camera for those looking to easily enjoy richer photo and video expression with Z series full-frame image quality.
good-design-awardNIKKOR Z f/2.8 ズームレンズシリーズNIKKOR Z f/2.8 zoom lenses series2020gooddesign-2020-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardNIKKOR Z f/2.8 ズームレンズシリーズは、静止画、動画を問わずあらゆるシーンで圧倒的な描写性能を発揮するミラーレスカメラ用大口径レンズシリーズです。この3本で幅広い画角をカバーしつつ、いずれも従来を上回る描写性能を実現。風景、ポートレートから動物まで、幅広い場面で新たな表現領域に到達することができます。The NIKKOR Z f/2.8 zoom lens series for large-diameter Z mount mirrorless cameras offers incredible rendering performance for recording of both stills and video. These three great lenses cover a broad range of angles of view, each achieving better rendering performance than ever before. They will open a new frontier in expression for any subject or scene, from landscapes to portraits or wildlife.
good-design-awardインテリジェントアクチュエータユニット C3 eMotionIntelligent Actuator Unit C3 eMotion2020gooddesign-2020-06グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardC3 eMotionはロボットメーカーのみならず、自身で組み立てたいユーザーまで対象としたロボット関節用アクチュエータユニットです。従来のモーター、減速機、ブレーキ、ドライバ、エンコーダといった各ユニットをワンパッケージ化する事で省配線化や、煩雑な計算や相性問題に悩まされる事なくロボットの組立・制御が可能になりました。The C3 eMotion is an actuator unit for robotic joints that is not only intended for use by robot manufacturers, but also for anyone who wants to perform their own assembly. The unit combines a motor, speed reducer, motor driver, brake, and encoders together in one package, making it easier to build and control robots without the need of reducing wiring or concern for complicated calculations or compatibility problems.
good-design-awardニコン Z マウントシステムZ Mount System2019gooddesign-2019-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardZ マウントシステムは、ニコンが100年を超える歴史の中で築き上げてきた高い光学技術と製造技術、および画像処理技術に加え、デジタル一眼レフカメラ「D」シリーズを中心に培ってきたノウハウや知見を小型ボディに凝縮した新マウントを採用したミラーレスカメラシステムです。 デザインのポイントは、【大口径マウント】Z マウントシステムの高いポテンシャルを体現しました。【エルゴノミクス】小型ボディに一眼レフカメラで培った操作性を凝縮しました。【ファインダー】没入感を高めるための情報表示をしています。The Z mount system is a mirrorless camera system that utilizes the superior optical, image-processing, and production technologies Nikon has established over its history of more than 100 years, and into which the knowledge and know-how acquired primarily through Nikon's experience with the D series of D-SLR cameras have been condensed into compact bodies for which a new mount has been adopted.
good-design-awardLasermeister 100ALasermeister 100A2019gooddesign-2019-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardLasermeister 100Aは、ニコン独自の金属加工機で、肉盛り造形といった3Dプリンターのような使い方やマーキング、接合、さらには研磨までレーザーによる様々な金属加工が可能です。操作が難しい金属加工に慣れていない人でも簡単に使える扱いやすさと、搬入場所を選ばないコンパクトなボディが特徴です。 デザインのポイントは、【軽量コンパクト】筐体を一般的なエレベーターでも搬入できるコンパクトな重量、サイズに抑えました。【簡単操作】ファブ施設や研究室等の金属加工機に慣れていない人でもわかりやすい操作手順を実現しました。【安全設計】造形操作や粉体補給を安心してスムーズにできるよう、わかりやすいガイド画面を用意しました。Lasermeister 100A is Nikon's unique metal processing machine, and it can be used for various metal processing by laser such as usage, marking, bonding, and polishing like 3D printer such as build-up modeling. It is easy to use even for people who are not familiar with metal processing, which is difficult to operate, and features a compact body that can be used anywhere.
good-design-awardCOOLPIX P1000COOLPIX P10002018gooddesign-2018-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardCOOLPIX P1000は月撮影や野鳥撮影に向いた、高倍率や優れた操作性を追求した超望遠カメラです。レンズ前約1cmの接写撮影から35mm判換算で焦点距離3000mmでの天体撮影まで様々なシーンに対応します。The COOLPIX P1000 is a super-telephoto camera that offers high-power zoom and superior operation for photographing the moon, birds, and other subjects at a distance. It is suited for an incredibly wide variety of scenes, from macro photography of subjects as close as approximately 1 cm from the front of the lens, to astrophotography at a focal length equivalent to 3000mm with conversion to 35mm [135] format.
good-design-awardCOOLSHOT PRO STABILIZEDCOOLSHOT PRO STABILIZED2018gooddesign-2018-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award手ブレ補正機能搭載で目標物までの距離を瞬時に測定可能なレーザー距離計です。ニコンの持つ光学技術を注ぎ込んだハイエンドモデルであるこの機種は、最長1200ydの直線距離を計測でき、さらにID TECHNOLOGYの搭載により、高低差のある距離をつかみにくいシーンでも打つべき距離を表示することが可能です。独自のアルゴリズムによりピンフラッグ等、捉えにくい目標物でも瞬時に測距・表示します。ゴルフの楽しみを広げる多彩な機能を搭載しながら、コンパクトでスポーティなスタイリングを実現しました。Equipped with Nikon's vibration reduction system, the COOLSHOT PRO STABILIZED is a laser rangefinder capable of instantly measuring the distance to a target. As a high-end model loaded with Nikon's optical technologies, this rangefinder can measure the actual distance to an object as far away as 1,200 yards. The built-in ID Technology reads uphill and downhill slopes, which can make judging distances difficult, to display the slope-adjusted distance to the target. In addition, this technology uses an algorithm to instantly measure and display the distance to more difficult targets, such as flagsticks. This compact and sporty, yet highly functional rangefinder makes golfing more enjoyable.
good-design-awardMONARCH HG 8×30/10×30MONARCH HG 8×30/10×302018gooddesign-2018-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardバードウォッチングや旅行等のアウトレジャーで「見ること」をより楽しみたいユーザーに向けた、軽量・コンパクト、且つ光学性能の高い双眼鏡です。フィールドフラットナーレンズシステムを採用することにより像面湾曲を補正し、広視界でありながら視野周辺までシャープな像で観察できます。MONARCHシリーズの最上位機種である、「MONARCH HG」の30口径モデルとして「本物の道具」であることを目指し、普遍的でありながら洗練されたラインと高級感のある質感を実現しています。MONARCH HG 8×30/10×30 binoculars are compact and lightweight high-performance binoculars for those looking for greater enjoyment from the "watching" they do in their leisure time, whether it be birdwatching or traveling. Nikon's Field Flattener Lens System is incorporated to minimize the curvature of field for a sharp and clear view to the lens periphery even with the M00001's wide field of view. These flagship models of the MONARCH series with 30mm-diameter objective lenses are reliable and effective tools with universal yet refined lines and a high-quality look and feel.
good-design-awardメガネレンズ 老眼対策レンズ ロハス テンSpectacle Lenses Nikon PAL LOHAS 102018gooddesign-2018-04gooddesign-2018-04-enグッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardロハス テンは、新しいタイプの老眼対策レンズです。パソコンやスマホの普及で今日の「見たい」環境は多様化していて、従来の老眼鏡や遠近両用レンズでは解決できない問題が増えました。ロハス テンは現代人のライフスタイルに合わせて4タイプのレンズから、最適な「見え心地」を体験して選ぶことができます。しかも、交換・作り直しが保証されているので、満足できる「見え心地」が必ず見つかります。"LOHAS 10" is the new type Progressive Addition Lens designed by Nikon for presbyopia. The digitalization of today has been creating new vision problems and various new requirements for better vision. In order to realize these visual requirements we designed four types of lenses according to lifestyle: ACTIVE, WALK, HOME, and CRAFT. Furthermore, we offer consumers a lens trial before purchase and guarantee exchange or re-adaptation of lenses in the LOHAS 10 lineup after purchase to achieve the optimum vision solution for each user's lifestyle.
good-design-awardアクションカメラ「KeyMission 360」「KeyMission 170」「KeyMission 80」および専用アクセサリーAction Cameras "KeyMission 360" "KeyMission 170" "KeyMission 80" and the accessories2017gooddesign-2017-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardKeyMissionシリーズはあらゆるシーンで撮影できるアクションカメラです。それぞれ360°、170°、80°の画角を持ち、記録した映像をSnapBridge もしくはSnapBridge 360/170アプリを使ってスマートデバイスへ自動転送できます。防水性能、耐衝撃性、耐寒性、防塵性を備えているので、厳しい環境下でも安心して使用する事が出来ます。また、豊富なアクセサリーを使って様々な撮影フィールドで楽しむことも可能です。KeyMission is a series of action cameras that enable recording with a wide variety of scenes. The cameras support 360°, 170°, and 80° angles of view, and photos recorded with the cameras can be automatically transferred to a smart device using the SnapBridge or SnapBridge 360/170 app. They offer varying degrees of water-, dust-, cold-, and shock-proofing that enable worry-free use in even the harshest environmental conditions. The cameras also support a rich lineup of accessories for more convenient and more enjoyable recording in a variety of situations.
good-design-awardD850D8502017gooddesign-2017-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardD850は、D810の驚異的な画質を上回り、汎用性の高い、新次元の性能を備えたデジタル一眼レフカメラです。4575万画素で常用感度ISO64-25600、最高7コマ/秒(マルチパワーバッテリーパックMB-D18装着時は最高9コマ/秒)、D5同等の153点AFシステムを採用しています。ニコンFXフォーマット一眼レフとして、初めて4K UHDビデオのフルフレーム撮影を可能とし、タイムラプス動画制作では、極めて低光量下でも高画素の素材づくりができます。ランドスケープからコマーシャル、スポーツ、ウェディング、ファッションの各ジャンル、またマルチメディア制作まで、幅広いシーンでの映像づくりができます。The D850 is a high-end camera with 45.8-million pixels, the same 153-point AF system built into the D5, and support for the ISO 64-25600 range of standard sensitivities and continuous shooting at up to 7 fps (9 fps with the MB-D18). It is Nikon's first FX-format SLR to support full-frame recording of 4K UHD video, and its interval timer shooting enables recording of high-resolution images, even in low-light conditions. It supports a wide variety of photographic scenes, from landscape to commercial, sports, wedding, and fashion, as well as multimedia content creation.
good-design-awardD7500D75002017gooddesign-2017-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardD7500は最高約8コマ/秒の高速連続撮影とニコンDXフォーマット最高レベルの高画質を実現するデジタル一眼レフカメラです。高剛性炭素繊維複合材料を用いたモノコック構造を採用し、前機種からさらなる軽量化を達成しました。DXフォーマットならではの機動力とフィールドでの撮影を強力にサポートする防塵・防滴ボディーにより、さまざまなシーンで気軽に手持ち撮影を楽しめます。また、D5、D500同様の再生ワークフローに加え、カメラ内でのRAW画像一括現像を搭載。作業効率が飛躍的に向上しています。The D7500 is a digital SLR camera that supports high-speed continuous shooting at up to 8 fps and realizes the ultimate in Nikon DX-format image quality. Its monocoque structure is made of a highly durable carbon-fiber composite material that makes it even lighter than its predecessors. The agility for which the DX format is known and its dust- and drip-resistant body allows users to easily enjoy hand-held shooting in a variety of situations and conditions. It also supports in-camera batch RAW processing with the same playback workflow as the D5 and D500 for greatly efficient post-processing.
good-design-awardWX 7x50 IF / WX 10x50 IFWX 7x50 IF / WX 10x50 IF2017gooddesign-2017-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award天体と景観観望用の双眼鏡です。解放感ある超広視界と周辺までシャープな視野を追求し、見ることが感動と喜びとなる双眼鏡を目指しました。「最高の光学性能」を得るために機能を絞り込み妥協することなくコンセプトのぼやけていない製品としました。These are binoculars for observing heavenly bodies and scenery. The objective was to ensure that users would feel excitement and joy from the sense of release the super-wide field of view and incredible sharpness to the very edge of the periphery they offer. The concept behind these products, which called for minimization, without sacrifice, of supported functions in order to achieve the ultimate in optical performance, has been in no way watered down, but is fully realized.
good-design-award研究用倒立顕微鏡「ECLIPSE Ti2」およびスマートフォン/タブレット用アプリ「Ti2 Control」Inverted Research Microscope "ECLIPSE Ti2" and the application for smartphones and tablets "Ti2 Control"2017gooddesign-2017-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardTi2は生物学・医学・薬学分野で使用する倒立顕微鏡のフラッグシップモデルです。かつてない25mmの広視野により、大型CMOSカメラセンサーの能力を最大限に利用した大量データの高速取得を可能にします。多彩なアクセサリーとの高速連携を可能にし、複雑な多次元画像を効率よく取得できます。また、高分解能の長時間観察でもフォーカスを確実に維持する抜群の安定性を実現します。センサーから現在の顕微鏡状態を自動的に判断し、正しい操作手順をナビゲーションするアシストガイド機能を搭載。様々な熟練度の研究者をヒューマンエラーから解放し、研究の効率を向上します。Ti2は、最先端の生命科学研究を強力にサポートします。The ECLIPSE Ti2 is a flagship model of inverted microscopes series for biology, medical and pharmaceutical. Unparalleled 25mm field of view maximizes the large sensor area of CMOS cameras without compromises, and significantly improves data throughput. Exceptional stability meets the demands of super-resolution imaging while unique hardware-triggering even enhance high-speed imaging. Furthermore, intelligent functions assist users operation by gathering data from internal sensors, eliminating the possibility of human errors. The Ti2 strongly supports the most advanced life science research.
good-design-awardCNC画像測定システム「iNEXIV VMA」シリーズ専用ソフトウェア「Auto MeasureEyes」"Auto MeasureEyes" imaging software for CNC Video Measuring Systems "iNEXIV VMA" series2017gooddesign-2017-06グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardAuto MeasureEyesは画像測定機を操作して、対象物の寸法などを測定、自動測定のプログラミング、レポート作成を誰でも簡単にできるようにするコントロールソフトウェアです。従来のソフトウェアであれば複雑な設定や指示が必要でしたが、「すぐに理解できるUI」「測定に集中できるUI」「悩ませないUI」「設定不要なUI」「やさしいUI」により誰でも簡単に使える画像測定機を実現しています。Auto MeasureEyes is a control software that enables anyone to easily operate a video measuring system. Users can now measure object dimensions, create automatic measurement programs, and export reports, all without the complex settings and instructions required with conventional software. Easily understandable and user-friendly, Auto MeasureEyes UI is engineered to simplify the measurement process.
good-design-award倒立顕微鏡 ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2RInverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R2016gooddesign-2016-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ベスト100Good Design Best 100生物学・医学の研究において、培養細胞の観察などに使用される倒立顕微鏡です。厚みのある標本をより立体的に観察できる「エンボスコントラスト観察」や、調整不要の透過/蛍光LED光源、直感的な操作を可能にする操作系を、コンパクトで洗練されたデザインに収めました。The ECLIPSE Ts2R is an inverted microscope for cell culture observations in biological and medical research. The compact, sophisticated body provides intuitively positioned control buttons, LED-based diascopic and epi-fluorescence illumination as well as enabling the Emboss Contrast technique that realizes pseudo-three-dimensional images of thick samples.
good-design-award携帯型実体顕微鏡 ファーブル フォトFieldmicroscopes EZ-Micro2016gooddesign-2016-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ロングライフデザイン賞Good Design Long Life Design Award野外で昆虫や植物、鉱物などの観察ができる顕微鏡です。気軽に携帯して倍率20倍のマイクロウォッチングが楽しめるほか、対応のニコンコンパクトデジタルカメラを装着すると、観察と撮影を同時に行うことも可能です。2006年の発売以来、ユニークな観察道具として好評を得ています。The "EZ-Micro" is a portable fieldmicroscope that enables observation of such subjects as insects, plants and minerals in outdoor situations. You can easily carry it with you and enjoy 20x magnification observation. Attaching a compatible Nikon COOLPIX digital camera allows the user to observe objects and capture images at the same time. Since its release in 2006, it has been highly acclaimed as a unique observing tool.
good-design-awardD5D52016gooddesign-2016-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award格段に向上した動体捕捉力や高感度画質をはじめとする高いパフォーマンスで、幅広いシーンと被写体に対応したニコンFXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。新世代の153点AFシステムと高速連続撮影性能によって、さまざまな状況で被写体をより確実に捉えます。新開発のニコンFXフォーマットCMOSセンサーと新画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」により、ニコン史上最高の常用感度ISO 102400を実現しました。Nikon's flagship D5 D-SLR responds to a wide variety of shooting scenarios and subjects, as it provides superior performance such as dramatically boosted acquisition performance for moving subjects and elevated image quality at high ISO. Boasting a new-generation, 153-point AF system and high-speed continuous shooting at approx.the camera demonstrates highly reliable subject acquisition in diverse situations.
good-design-awardD500D5002016gooddesign-2016-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award「D5」と同等の新世代の153点AFシステムを搭載し、高速連続撮影時にも確実に被写体を捕捉する、ニコンDXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。新画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」と新開発のニコンDXフォーマットCMOSセンサーの採用で、静止画、動画ともに常用感度ISO 100~51200の広い感度域で高画質を実現しました。Nikon's D500 DX-format flagship D-SLR ensures subject acquisition during high-speed continuous shooting at approx. Employing a new Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor and the highly advanced EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, the camera yields stills and movies in high-quality images throughout the wide standard sensitivity range of ISO 100-51200.
good-design-awardMONARCH フィールドスコープMONARCH Fieldscopes2016gooddesign-2016-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardEDガラスを採用し、色収差を可視光域の極限まで抑える色収差補正システム「アドバンスト・アポクロマート」と、像面湾曲を抑え、視野の隅々まで鮮明に観察できる「フィールドフラットナーレンズシステム」を採用した高性能フィールドスコープです。バードウォッチングはもちろんのこと、自然観察や天体観察、アーチェリーの標的確認などにお使いいただけます。High-performance Fieldscopes employing the Advanced Apochromat Optical System with ED (extra-low dispersion) glass that minimizes chromatic aberration at the furthest limits of the visible light range, and the Field Flattener Lens System that provides consistent sharpness across the entire field of view, all the way to the periphery. They are ideal for all kinds of nature observation, astro observation and target confirmation for archery, as well as birdwatching.
good-design-award画像計測ソリューション Nivo-iDigital Imaging Solution Nivo-i2016if-2017-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award視準カメラ、広角カメラ、求心カメラの3つのイメージセンサと高精度測距・測角機能を搭載しています。オンボードソフトで画像取得と測距を同時に実行、取得画像に位置情報を持たせることができるので、コンクリート橋梁ひび割れ検査などの変状調査や地すべりなどの地盤調査において経年変化のモデリングを支援、インフラ検査業務の効率化に貢献します。Nivo-i incorporates three image sensors - in a collimation camera, wide-angle camera and centripetal camera, as well as an accurate rangefinder and angle-measuring features. The onboard software simultaneously acquires images while measuring the distance, allowing location data to be embedded on the images. This helps scientific modeling of temporal changes for applications such as the geological study of landslides, or examining cracks on concrete bridges - contributing to increased efficiency for infrastructure inspections.
good-design-award顕微鏡カメラコントロールユニット「DS-L4」のアプリケーションソフトウェアApplication software for Microscope Camera Control Unit DS-L42016gooddesign-2016-07グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award顕微鏡デジタルカメラDS-Fi3の設定、制御、ライブ画像表示、画像取得が行えます。タブレットタイプなので、パソコンを用意しなくても顕微鏡の画像記録システムを省スペースで構築可能。豊富な計測機能、取得した画像に文字やマーカーを入力できるアノテーション機能なども搭載しています。This software for the DS-L4 allows setup and control of the Microscope Camera DS-Fi3, live image display and acquisition of pictures from the camera. The tablet-style control unit enables easy building of a microscopic image storage system in a compact space without using a PC. The software incorporates a variety of measuring functions as well as annotation features for text input with markers on-screen.
good-design-awardMONARCH HGMONARCH HG2016gooddesign-2016-08グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardニコンを代表する双眼鏡のMONARCHシリーズ史上、最上位クラスの双眼鏡。広視界でありながらフィールドフラットナ—レンズシステムを採用することにより、像面湾曲を補正し、視野全域でシャープでクリアな像を実現。また、高品質多層膜コーティングを全てのレンズ・プリズムに施し、補助プリズムの唯一全反射しない面に高反射誘電体多層膜を採用することで最高透過率92%以上の明るい視界と、ありのままの色調を実現しました。MONARCH HG binoculars are the most advanced models in the history of MONARCH binoculars, which are Nikon's representative binoculars. While providing a wide field of view, the Field Flattener Lens System also assures a sharp and clear view all the way to the lens periphery. A high-quality multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms. Dielectric high-reflective multilayer coating is applied to the roof prism. All of this combines to achieve a bright view with light transmittance of up to 92% or higher, plus natural color fidelity.
good-design-awardCOOLPIX P900COOLPIX P9002015gooddesign-2015-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン金賞・グッドデザイン・ベスト100Good Design Best 100COOLPIX P900は一眼レフでは成し得ないサイズと価格を実現した超望遠カメラです。レンズ前約1cmの接写撮影から35mm判換算で焦点距離2000mmでの天体撮影まで様々なシーンに1台で対応します。The COOLPIX P900 is a super-telephoto camera that realized an attractive size and price that D-SLR cameras have never achieved. It supports a range of shooting from macro photography of subjects as close as 1 cm to the lens, to astrophotography with a super-telephoto 2,000 mm angle of view (equivalent focal lengths in 35mm [135] format).
good-design-awardF6F62015gooddesign-2015-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ロングライフデザイン賞Good Design Long Life Design Awardあらゆるジャンルのプロカメラマンを対象に開発された35mmフィルム一眼レフカメラです。発売後10年が経過した今でも、フィルムカメラとして最高レベルのパフォーマンスを発揮します。プロカメラマン向けの機種に求められる確実かつ素早い操作感を求めてグリップ形状の改良に力をいれ、操作部材に自然に指が届くグリップ形状と操作部材レイアウトを実現しました。The Nikon F6 is a 35mm-format film SLR camera developed for professional photographers working in diverse genres. It reigns as a top-quality film camera even ten years after its launch. The grip form was repeatedly refined to enable quick and secure operation, a must for a professional tool. This process yielded an ergonomic body with a firm grip and efficient layout of controls, allowing users to comfortably hold the camera while easily operating buttons and dials with their fingers.
good-design-awardNIKKOR レンズ群NIKKOR Lenses2015gooddesign-2015-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ロングライフデザイン賞Good Design Long Life Design Award1932年に誕生以来、世界中の幅広いユーザーに使われ続けています。緻密感と堅牢感を融合させたそのデザインは一貫して操作性を重視しており、グリップ性の高いローレット形状や視認性を考慮した表示等は長年にわたり統一感を持たせています。幅広いユーザーから高い信頼を得ているニッコールレンズ群はこれからも、未来に向けて進化し続けます。Since their introduction in 1932, NIKKOR lenses have been highly evaluated by a wide range of users all over the world. Their intricately fine but rugged design has consistently placed emphasis on operability and long-term reliability, employing features such as an easy-to-grip roulette and easy-to-read lens information. This highly praised NIKKOR lens lineup will continue to successfully advance into the future.
good-design-awardフィールドスコープED50 / ED50-AFieldscope ED50 / ED50-A2015gooddesign-2015-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ロングライフデザイン賞Good Design Long Life Design Award色にじみを良好に補正するEDレンズを採用しました。ニーズに合わせズーム接眼を含む複数の専用接眼レンズを活用でき、デジタルカメラを専用ブラケットに取り付けての超望遠撮影も可能です。また、小型軽量で片手でも使えるデザインとなっています。長く使える実用的でシンプルなデザインと本格的な仕様で入門機として、またベテランのサブ機として愛用されています。Employs ED glass to compensate chromatic aberration. Multiple, exclusive eyepieces, including zoom eyepieces, can be attached for a variety of purposes, while super-telephoto shooting is available by attaching a digital camera to the Fieldscope via an attachment. The small, lightweight body can be operated with a single hand. These models have been highly appreciated by many people as entry-level equipment which has a practical, simple design while delivering genuine performance and that can be used over many years, and also as sub-equipment for professionals.
good-design-awardD5500D55002015gooddesign-2015-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardニコンDXフォーマットで、2416万画素の高画質、使いやすい操作性、撮影領域と表現の自由度を拡げる、高い機動力を備えた小型軽量の一眼レフカメラです。 手に持って使う道具としての完成度を突き詰め、小型でありながら、手の大きい人から小さい人まで握り易く進化した深いグリップ、直感操作で快適なタッチパネル、画像の即時共有が可能なWi-Fi®などを搭載し、実用的で快適な撮影体験を提供します。The Nikon D5500 DX-format D-SLR features high image quality delivered by 24.2 megapixels and superb operability. Its compact, lightweight and very agile body further pushes the horizons of shooting opportunities and creative photography. Rigorous exploration to find the perfect form as a handheld device has resulted in the slim body with a deep grip that fits comfortably in users' hands, whether large or small. Combined with the intuitive touch-screen LCD monitor and Wi-Fi® connectivity allowing instant image sharing, the camera offers comfortable and practical photo shooting experience.
good-design-awardNikon 1 J5 + 1 NIKKOR 18.5mm f/1.8Nikon 1 J5 + 1 NIKKOR 18.5mm f/1.82015gooddesign-2015-06グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award高い撮影意欲を満たす、超高速・本格レンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。有効画素数2081万画素の裏面照射型CMOSセンサー搭載。動きの中の一瞬の表情や躍動感ある姿を美しく切りとります。進化したデザインと操作性や本格仕様が、撮影意欲をかきたてます。チルト式液晶モニターで自分撮りも可能、広い可動域で撮りたいシーンに最適なアングルで撮影できます。The Nikon 1 J5 is an ultra-high-speed, advanced camera with interchangeable lenses, satisfying the high shooting motivation of users. It employs a 20.8-megapixel backside illumination CMOS image sensor and can capture fleeting facial expressions or movements of subjects beautifully. Improved design, operability and other specifications encourage users to shoot. The tilting LCD monitor enables self-portraits, and the wide tilting range facilitates shooting from the best angle.
good-design-awardCOOLPIX S33COOLPIX S332015gooddesign-2015-07グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award子供から大人まで安心して使用できる耐衝撃・防水のコンパクトデジタルカメラです。どのようなシーンでも気軽に持ち出して使うことができます。両手で持って、しっかりホールドでき、撮影ボタン・動画ボタンを握った指の先に置くことで自然な撮影を促す特徴的な操作系です。シンプルな操作ボタンは子供だけでなく、ご年配の方にも使用しやすくなっています。The COOLPIX S33 offers shock- and water-proofing performance that enables worry-free use for anyone from children to adults. It can be used in any situation. In addition to the design that makes it easy to hold with both hands, operational buttons are placed closer to the fingers, for more natural shooting. Simple operational buttons are easy to use not only for children but also seniors.
good-design-awardPROSTAFF 7S 8x30 / 10x30PROSTAFF 7S 8x30 / 10x302015gooddesign-2015-08グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award手になじむ機能的なスタイリングと高い質感で、バードウォッチングをはじめ、アウトドアレジャーなど幅広い用途に使用できる防水型双眼鏡です。倍率は8倍と10倍の2種類を用意しています。本体素材にグラスファイバー入りポリカーボネイト樹脂を使用した軽量・スリムボディーで、気軽に持ち運びが出来る30mm口径に本格的な性能を有した双眼鏡です。PROSTAFF 7S 8x30/10x30 binoculars are waterproof models that feature a highly practical design to fit in your hands comfortably with high-class texture, and can be used for a wide variety of applications, including birdwatching. Magnifications are 8x and 10x. The lightweight and slim body employs fiberglass-reinforced polycarbonate resin. These easily portable, 30mm-diameter binoculars deliver genuine performance.
good-design-awardCOOLSHOT 40i / 40COOLSHOT 40i / 402015gooddesign-2015-09グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award目標物までの距離を瞬時に測定するゴルファー向けレーザー距離計です。直線距離はもちろんのこと、高低差がある距離をつかみにくいコースでも「打つべき距離の目安」を表示するGモードを搭載し、ニコン独自の近距離アルゴリズム搭載でピンフラッグまでの距離測定が容易です。ゴルフの楽しみを広げる多彩な機能を搭載しながら、コンパクトで携帯しやすく、かつ簡単操作とスポーティなスタイリングを両立したレーザー距離計です。Laser Rangefinders for golfers that display the measured distance to a target speedily. As well as the actual distance, Golf mode displays "the guide distance to shoot" considering slopes where a sense of distance is otherwise difficult to judge. This is realized by Nikon's original First Target Priority Algorithm, which easily measures the distance to a flagstick. Employing various functions that expand the enjoyment of golf, the COOLSHOT 40i/40 Laser Rangefinder combines compactness, portability, easy operation and sporty styling.
good-design-award8x20HG L DCF / 10x25HG L DCF8x20HG L DCF / 10x25HG L DCF2014gooddesign-2014-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardグッドデザイン・ロングライフデザイン賞Good Design Long Life Design Award高い解像力と明るい視界を有し、フレアやゴーストの少ない非常に優れた光学系です。発売から10年以上の歳月を経て、なお高水準の見え味を維持しています。堅牢、軽量なマグネシウムボディに本格的な防水機能を備え、さらに左右の鏡筒部を内側に折り畳むことでコンパクトに収納可能なため、暗いインドアからタフなアウトドアまであらゆるシーンで、シンプルに使えます。With their high resolving power and bright field of view, 8x20HG L DCF/10x25HG L DCF binoculars achieve a superior optical system with reduced flare and ghost. It has been over 10 years since their introduction and their enduring high-class image quality can be assured. In addition to durability, the lightweight magnesium body offers genuine waterproof performance. By folding both left and right lens tubes inside, they are compact to store. They can be used in any situation from dark interiors to tough outdoor conditions.
good-design-award遠近両用メガネレンズ エーアイProgressive Addition Lens [AI]2014gooddesign-2014-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award未来づくりデザイン賞Open For The Future Award一人ひとりの目の状態や度数情報等によって、見え心地を個別に調整する新しい人工知能設計プログラムを開発したことで、いかなる度数においても嫌な見え心地を徹底的に抑えました。サイクロン設計によって作られる「AI」は、従来の課題を克服し、自由に視線を動かせる遠近両用レンズです。The Progressive Addition Lens [AI] has drastically reduced uncomfortable vision problems such as distortion and blurring. This is thanks to Nikon's new Artificial Intelligence design program, which finetunes people's eyesight individually based on the precise condition of the wearer's eyes and lens power information. The [AI] lens, developed in the Cyclone design, is a bifocal lens that allows users to freely adjust their vision, overcoming conventional problems.
good-design-awardNikon 1 J4 + 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD-ZOOMNikon 1 J4 + 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD-ZOOM2014gooddesign-2014-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardCXフォーマットの小型・軽量なレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。高速連写と1839万画素の高画質で感動の一瞬を逃しません。写真も動画もタッチ操作で簡単に操ることができ、多彩な映像表現を可能にしています。外観はNikon1のコンセプトであるミニマルデザインを進化させ継ぎ目のないシームレスなデザインを採用し、無垢な金属をイメージさせるシャープさと品位ある質感を実現しました。The Nikon 1 J4 is a compact and lightweight, CX-format advanced camera with interchangeable lenses. High-speed continuous shooting and superior image quality delivered by 18.4 megapixels capture the decisive moments. Images and movies can be handled by touch operation easily, allowing a variety of image expressions. Nikon 1's characteristic minimal appearance has been enhanced by a seamless design, while a sharp and sophisticated texture portraying solid metal is achieved.
good-design-awardNikon 1 V3(プレミアムキット)+ 1NIKKOR VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6Nikon 1 V3(Premium Kit)+1NIKKOR VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.62014gooddesign-2014-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardニコンCXフォーマットCMOSセンサーを搭載し、圧倒的な動体捕捉性能を小型軽量ボディーに凝縮したレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。EVFや外付けグリップ等の豊富な撮影アクセサリーを組み合わせることで、デジタル一眼レフカメラに相当する優れた操作性を実現するとともに、様々な撮影シーンに応じて柔軟にボディを拡張出来るシステム性を備えています。The Nikon V3 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses, employing a CX-format CMOS sensor and achieving outstanding subject acquisition performance of moving subjects, condensed in a compact and lightweight body. In addition to realizing superior operability equivalent to that of D-SLR cameras, the camera supports system expansion with an array of accessories, including an EVF and grip, for flexible response to a variety of shooting situations.
good-design-awardD750D7502014gooddesign-2014-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardニコンFXフォーマットで、撮影領域と表現の自由度を拡げる高い機動力、クラスを超えた豊かな表現力、充実の無線通信機能を小型・軽量ボディーに凝縮させた本格派モデルです。チルト式液晶モニターを搭載、快適に握れるグリップスペースの確保、使用頻度の高い機能にすばやくアクセスできる「i〈アイ〉ボタン」と、より直感的に認識できる新しいinfo画面表示の連携など、快適な撮影をアシストする高い操作性を備えています。The D750 is a Nikon FX-format camera offering superb agility, that further expands the horizons of shooting scenarios and creative photography, as well as providing rich rendering performance that goes well beyond its class. Concentrating comprehensive wireless communication features in its compact, lightweight body, it is a full-scale D-SLR camera. It has also achieved superb operability with a series of convenient features: a tilting LCD monitor, a spacious grip area for comfortable holding, the unique i button offering quick access to frequently used menu items, and intuitive info display designs.
good-design-awardPROSTAFF 5 8x42/10x42PROSTAFF 5 8x42 / 10x422014gooddesign-2014-06グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award手になじむ機能的なスタイリングと高い質感で、バードウォッチングをはじめとしたアウトドアレジャーなど幅広い用途に使用できるレジャー向けの防水型双眼鏡です。倍率は8倍と10倍の2種類を用意しています。本体素材にグラスファイバー入りポリカーボネイト樹脂を使用することで軽量・スリムボディーを達成しました。気軽に持ち運ぶことが出来る対物口径42mmの本格サイズ双眼鏡です。With functional styling and high-class texture that provides a comfortable grip, the PROSTAFF 5 8x42/10x42 models are waterproof binoculars ideal for a wide range of outdoor leisure activities such as birdwatching. Magnifications are 8x and 10x. Employing fiberglass-reinforced polycarbonate resin for the body material ensures a lightweight and slim body. The 42mm-diameter binoculars also offer easy portability.
good-design-awardD7100D71002013gooddesign-2013-01グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award有効画素数2410万画素CMOSセンサー、高性能画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 3」、鮮鋭感の高い描写を実現する光学ローパスフィルターレス仕様を採用したデジタル一眼レフカメラ。長時間使用でも疲れないように形状を繰り返し検証・工夫したグリップ、使用頻度の高い機能にすばやくアクセスできる「i〈アイ〉ボタン」などを搭載し、効率的で快適な撮影をサポートする高い操作性を備えています。The D7100 incorporates a Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor featuring 24.1 effective megapixels, an image sensor unit developed without an optical low-pass filter, that contributes to sharp depiction, as well as the advanced EXPEED 3 image-processing engine. It also achieves excellent operability that delivers efficient, comfortable shooting. The carefully designed camera grip comfortably fits in users' hands even after long hours of shooting, while the unique i button provides quick access to frequently used menu items.
good-design-awardD610D6102013gooddesign-2013-02グッドデザイン賞Good Design AwardニコンFXフォーマットで、小型・軽量ボディーに、上位機種に迫るほどの高画質と描写性能、操作性能、耐久性を凝縮させた、高いコストパフォーマンスを誇るデジタル一眼レフカメラです。長時間使用でも疲れないよう、形状を繰り返し検証・工夫したグリップ、「D800/800E」と同等の防塵、防滴性能など、上位機種から多くの高度な機能や性能を継承しながら小型軽量化を実現しました。A Nikon FX-format camera, the D610 is a highly cost-effective model. Its compact, lightweight body packs high image quality, rendering performance, operability and robustness that pursue those of more advanced models. It also inherits diverse convenient functions and features of higher-end models, such as the camera grip that comfortably fits in a user's hand even after long hours of shooting, as well as dust- and weather-resistance at the same level as the D800 and D800E.
good-design-awardNikon 1 AW1Nikon 1 AW12013gooddesign-2013-03グッドデザイン賞Good Design Awardレンズ交換式で世界初となる防水・耐衝撃モデルです。15m防水・2m耐衝撃性能を備えたボディ、20m防水・2m耐衝撃性能を備えた11-27.5mmと10mmの2本のレンズが撮影フィールドを広げ、Nikon 1の高画質を提供します。外観はNikon1のコンセプトであるミニマルデザインを踏襲しながら前面にステンレスを採用し、スタイリッシュさとヘビーデューティーさを両立させました。The Nikon AW1 is the world's first waterproof and shockproof digital camera with interchangeable lenses. It maintains waterproofing to a depth of 15 m and can withstand the shock of a fall from up to 2 m. Using it with the dedicated 1 NIKKOR AW 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 and 1 NIKKOR AW 10mm f/2.8 lenses, also waterproof to 15 m and shockproof to 2 m, expands shooting possibilities, while delivering the high image quality of the Nikon 1. Inheriting the Nikon 1's characteristic minimal design, the camera incorporates stainless steel on the front surface, providing both elegant styling and ruggedness.
good-design-awardMONARCH 7 8X42 / 10X42MONARCH 7 8X42 / 10X422013gooddesign-2013-04グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award手になじむ優美なデザインと高い質感の中に「MONARCHシリーズ」の中で最高の光学性能を持った防水型双眼鏡です。持ちやすさと優美なデザイン、高い性能を併せ持ち、高品質と高性能を求めるユーザーからファミリーまで幅広いお客様にお使いいただける双眼鏡です。These waterproof models deliver the best optical performance in the MONARCH series of binoculars and feature an elegant design providing secure holding and high-class texture. With their comfortable grip, superb design and outstanding performance, MONARCH 7 8x42/10x42 binoculars are ideal for a wide variety of users, from serious enthusiasts who seek high quality and performance to family users.
good-design-award実体顕微鏡 SMZ25 / SMZ18Research Stereo Microscope SMZ25 / SMZ182013gooddesign-2013-05グッドデザイン賞Good Design Award研究用システム実体顕微鏡です。大幅にズーム範囲を拡大するとともに、解像力を飛躍的に向上させました。新世代の顔として採用された本体後部から流れるアーム形状は、ユーザーに先進で新鮮な印象を与え、光軸を意識させる色彩と造形の構成が大切にされるべき安心感や信頼感を体現しています。These stereo microscopes feature an expanded zoom range as well as drastically increased resolution. The arm design that smoothly stretches from the back, signifying new-generation products, realizes a fresh, advanced appearance. The combination of color and form, providing an impression of the optical axis, symbolizes reliability and security to inspire users.
if-design-awardZ 8Z 82024if-2024-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignZ 8は、ニコン Z シリーズのフラッグシップモデル「ニコン Z 9」と同等の高い機能と性能を、堅牢性・信頼性の高い小型ボディに凝縮し、風景や野鳥、飛行機、ウェディングを含むポートレートなど、機動力を求める幅広いジャンルにおいて、さらなる映像表現の可能性を追求するフォトグラファーや映像クリエイターに向けたモデルです。The Z 8 offers the high functionality and performance of the Z series' flagship model, the Nikon Z 9, in a rugged, reliable, and more compact body aimed at photographers and image creators looking to further expand their expressive potential in a wide variety of genres, including wedding and other forms of portrait photography, as well as landscape, wild bird, and aircraft photography.
if-design-awardZ f+NIKKOR Z SE(Special Edition)レンズZ f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses2024if-2024-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignZ fは、ニコンZ マウントを採用したフルサイズミラーレスカメラです。象徴的なフィルムカメラの1つであるFM2にインスパイアされたアイコニックなデザインと、フルサイズミラーレスカメラの最新の光学技術と画像処理技術を併せ持ち、購入体験から作品のアウトプットまで、全ての過程で自分を表現することができます。The Z f is a full-frame mirrorless camera featuring the Nikon Z mount. It combines a heritage design inspired by the FM2, Nikon's iconic film camera, with the latest optical and image processing technologies available for full-frame mirrorless cameras, supporting the user's self-expression throughout their creative process.
if-design-awardNIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S PlenaNIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena2024if-2024-03iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena」はNIKKOR Z レンズの「S-Line」に属し、大口径マウントを採用した「ニコン Z マウントシステム」が実現するレンズ設計の自由度の高さと圧倒的光量のポテンシャルを活かし、絞り開放から画面全域で円形度の高い美しいボケと、撮影距離を問わず優れた解像感を実現しています。ポートレートや自然風景撮影で、繊細な質感の描写と美しいボケを両立した、幻想的な表現を可能にします。The NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena is an S-Line lens, and takes full advantage of the Z mount system's large-diameter mount that unlocks further possibilities for lens design, as well as the potential for large and consistent distribution of light. This realizes beautiful, well-rounded bokeh throughout the entire frame even at maximum aperture, and outstanding sharpness and clarity regardless of the shooting distance — resulting in the fantastic expression of delicate textures and beautiful bokeh in both portraits and landscapes.
if-design-awardNIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.82024if-2024-04iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design常に撮影機会を狙う方に最適な、携行性、画質、デザイン性を追求した焦点距離26mmの薄型広角単焦点レンズです。高い光学性能、明るい開放F値、高速高精度なAF機構や防塵・防滴に配慮した設計で、小型軽量ながらも高性能。ストリートスナップやポートレートなど、様々なシーンや被写体をクリエイティブな作品に仕上げることができます。This slim, wide-angle prime lens pursues superior portability, image quality, and design, and is ideal for tireless shot-seekers. High performance is packed into a light, compact body with top-tier optics, a fast maximum aperture, fast and precise autofocus, and a design that takes dust and drip resistance into account, supporting a wide variety of scenes, including cityscapes and portraits.
if-design-awardECLIPSE JiECLIPSE Ji2024if-2024-05iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignECLIPSE Jiは誰もが簡単に創薬研究を行える革新的イメージングシステムで、創薬市場のシーズ探索に関わる研究開発を行う方々をユーザーと想定しています。「簡単」「早い」を求めるデジタルネイティブへの訴求のため、AI搭載による自律性を持った顕微鏡をキーコンセプトとしたデジタル倒立顕微鏡です。ECLIPSE Ji is an innovative imaging system that allows anyone to easily conduct drug discovery research and is targeted at those doing research and development related to the search for "seeds" in the drug discovery market. To appeal to digital natives, who demand "easy" and "fast," this is a digital inverted microscope based on the key concept of an autonomous, AI-equipped microscope.
if-design-awardデジタルイメージングマイクロスコープDigital Imaging Microscope2024if-2024-06iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design病理診断で何時間も顕微鏡に向かう病理医、検査医、検査技師等をターゲットとした医療用デジタル正立顕微鏡です。身体的・精神的負担を最大限ケアし、長時間にわたる顕微鏡観察に集中して取り組めるようサポート。データの供覧、マクロ画像とXYステージ移動との連携などデジタル観察ならではの様々なソリューションを実現します。This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement.
if-design-awardAPS-Cサイズ/DXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコン Z 30」APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 302023if-2023-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignZ 30はニコン Z マウントシステムを採用し、動画のユーザビリティーを徹底的に追求したZシリーズ最少・最軽量のAPS-Cサイズミラーレスカメラです。昨今更に高まってきている動画需要に対し、手の届きやすい価格帯で、これから映像制作を始めたいエントリーユーザーから本格的な作品作りにこだわるユーザーまで対応するカメラです。The Z 30 is the smallest and lightest APS-C size mirrorless camera in the Nikon Z mount system, and was developed via thorough pursuit of video usability. It is an affordable camera that responds to the ever-increasing demand for video capabilities, and is perfectly suited for those just beginning to work with video, as well as seasoned video creators.
if-design-awardミラーレスカメラ対応交換レンズ「NIKKOR Z 超望遠単焦点レンズシリーズ」(受賞製品は、「NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S」と「NIKKOR Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S」、「NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S」です)NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S, NIKKOR Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)2023if-2023-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignZ マウント初の超望遠単焦点レンズシリーズは、プロ・ハイアマチュアの期待を越える最高峰の光学性能を誇るレンズとして、様々なスポーツイベントやネイチャーシーンなどで臨場感あふれる高い解像力と美しいボケ味を発揮します。また高速・高精度なAFにより動きの速い被写体の決定的な瞬間を確実に捉えることができます。This first in a new series of super-telephoto prime NIKKOR Z lenses boasts ultimate optical performance that exceeds the expectations of pros and advanced amateurs. It demonstrates superior sharpness and beautiful bokeh for realistic images of a wide variety of sporting and nature scenes. Fast and precise AF ensures the certain capture of decisive moments, even when the subject is moving rapidly.
if-design-awardリモートグリップ「MC-N10」Remote Grip MC-N102023if-2023-03iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignZ シリーズカメラ※と有線接続し、カメラをリモート操作できます。ARRI規格準拠のロゼットにアダプターを装着することで、三脚のパン棒やショルダーリグのハンドル等に取り付けてカメラの様々な機能を操作、制御できるため、特に少人数での動画撮影の効率が向上。より作品作りに集中できるスタイルを生み出し、今までできなかった表現が可能になります。静止画撮影にも対応しています。※ 対応カメラ:Z 9、Z 7II、Z 6II、Z 5、Z fc、Z 30(2023年5月16日現在)。Attaches to a variety of video equipment via the ARRI Rosette*1 and allows for remote control of Z mount mirrorless cameras*2 via a wired connection while recording — expanding what's possible on solo video shoots using a gimbal, slider, etc.<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*1</span>Requires a third-party rosette adapter if using equipment without an adapter of its own.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*2</span>As of May 2023, the Z 9, Z 7II, Z 6II, Z 5, Z fc and Z 30 are the cameras supported.</li> </ul>
if-design-award超小型マシンビジョンカメラ「LuFact」シリーズUltra-compact machine vision camera LuFact series2023if-2023-04iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignLuFactシリーズは、ニコンが長年積み上げてきた独自の画像処理技術によって生まれたマシンビジョンカメラシリーズです。工場内の様々な生産ラインで使用することを想定しており、センサーを内蔵したカメラヘッドと、I/F(インターフェース)変換ユニットによって構成され、合計4機種を展開しています。Lufact is a series of machine vision cameras manufactured by Nikon, utilizing in-house image-processing technology accumulated over many years. Each model consists of a camera head with a built-in sensor and an I/F (interface) conversion unit, designed to be installed on various production lines in factories. There are currently four different models available to meet a variety of customer needs.
if-design-awardフルサイズ/FXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコンZ 9」Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 92022if-2022-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「Z 9」は、ニコンの最先端技術を結集させ、静止画・動画ともにニコン史上最高の機能・性能を備えた「ニコン Z シリーズ」初のフラッグシップモデルです。新開発の積層型CMOSセンサーと画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 7」により、ニコン史上最強のAF性能を実現。さらに、世界最多※の9種類の被写体検出(人物、犬、猫、鳥、自転車、バイク、車、列車、飛行機)に対応。多様な被写体の決定的なシーンを逃しません。<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※</span>2021年10月28日現在、発売済みのミラーレスカメラにおいて。ニコン調べ。</li> </ul>The Z 9 is the first flagship model of the Z series mirrorless cameras bringing together Nikon's leading-edge technologies to deliver the best still and video features and performance in Nikon history. Thanks to the newly developed stacked CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 7 image-processing engine, the most powerful AF performance among Nikon cameras is realized. This advanced AF system detects the world's largest range* of nine subject types for both stills and video: people, dogs, cats, birds, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trains, and airplanes. With this system, decisive moments can be reliably captured for diverse subjects.<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>Among mirrorless cameras available as of October 28, 2021, based on Nikon research.</li> </ul>
if-design-awardAPS-Cサイズ/DXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコン Z fc」APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc2022if-2022-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「Z fc」は、ニコンの歴史的なカメラにインスパイアされたデザインを「Z シリーズ」で初めて採用し、静止画・動画を撮る楽しみに加え、カメラを持つ楽しみにもこだわったミラーレスカメラです。高い性能と操作性を有しながらも、レンズ交換式カメラに初めて触れる方にも使いやすく、気軽に持ち歩ける小型・軽量ボディーも特長です。また、描写力が高く、思い通りの画づくりをサポートします。The Z fc is the first Z-series camera to adopt a heritage design, while simultaneously supporting various advanced features. In addition to the enjoyment of shooting great stills and videos, it is designed with particular attention paid to delivering the pride and joy of ownership. Its compact, lightweight body is highly portable but packs superb operability and rendering capability, making it easy to handle even for first-time mirrorless camera users.
if-design-award中望遠マイクロレンズ「NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S」NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens2022if-2022-03iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S」は、NIKKOR Z レンズの「S-Line」※が実現する極めて高い解像性能と、色にじみや色づきを徹底的に抑えた美しいボケを両立します。同日発表の「NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8」と同様、NIKKOR Z レンズ初のマイクロレンズです。最短撮影距離は0.29m、最大撮影倍率は1.0倍で、等倍撮影から、中望遠の焦点距離を活かした風景やポートレートの撮影まで、幅広い撮影シーンに対応するなど、中望遠マイクロレンズに求められる高い性能を有しています。 ※「S-Line」は、NIKKOR Z レンズにおいて設定されたグレードで、ニコン独自の設計指針と品質管理を高い基準でクリアーしており、特にハイレベルな光学性能を発揮します。The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S belongs to the S-Line* series of NIKKOR Z lenses, thereby achieving superior resolution, while also realizing beautiful bokeh with thoroughly suppressed color bleeding and fringing. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm F/2.8 VR S and the NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8, both announced on the same date, are the first NIKKOR Z micro lenses. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S supports a minimum focus distance of 0.29 m and a maximum reproduction ratio of 1.0x, while delivering the high performance required of a mid-telephoto micro lens in a wide variety of scenes, from life-size photography to the capture of landscapes and portraits for which the mid-telephoto focal length is perfectly suited.<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>The S-Line is a grade of NIKKOR Z lenses that demonstrate outstanding optical performance, adhering to a high standard of design principles and quality control.</li> </ul>
if-design-award生物顕微鏡「ECLIPSE Si」ECLIPSE Si upright microscope2022if-2022-04iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design教育や臨床の現場では、顕微鏡観察を行う際の煩雑な操作性や、長時間の観察による身体への疲労蓄積といった課題があります。これに対し、ニコンは、操作性を向上させ、長時間の観察による身体への負担を軽減する生物顕微鏡「ECLIPSE Si」を開発。倍率変更時の明るさの調節時間を大幅に短縮し、エルゴノミクスに基づいたデザインで、自然な姿勢での観察を実現しました。幅広いユーザーのワークフローを向上させ、長時間にわたる顕微鏡観察に集中して取り組めるようサポートします。Complex operation and physical fatigue from long hours of use are common challenges for microscope users in both clinical and educational settings. To address these challenges, Nikon has developed the ECLIPSE Si upright microscope. The ECLIPSE Si features intelligent features such as a Light Intensity Management function which reduces the time spent on adjusting the light intensity when changing magnifications. The ergonomic design of the ECLIPSE Si, including a tube featuring a 45-degree inclination angle and a low stage height ensures that users maintain a natural posture. The ECLIPSE Si improves the workflow for a wide range of users and helps them stay focused during long hours of observation.
if-design-awardD6D62021if-2021-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「D6」は、スポーツ・報道系のプロフェッショナルフォトグラファーの最高のパフォーマンスをサポートするデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。ニコン史上最強のAF性能を実現し、狙った被写体の狙った位置にピントをより確実に合わせることが可能。豊富なラインナップを取り揃えたNIKKOR Fレンズとの組み合わせによって、幅広いシーンでより確実に決定的な瞬間を捉えることができます。It provides the necessary support for professional sports photographers and photojournalists to perform at their best, and is equipped with the most powerful AF system in Nikon history. Further, in combination with the rich lineup of NIKKOR F lenses, photographers are able to capture decisive, once-in-a-lifetime shots with more accuracy.
if-design-awardZ 7II、Z 6II、パワーバッテリーパックMB-N11Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack2021if-2021-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design大口径の「Zマウント」を採用したミラーレスカメラ「Z 7」、「Z 6」の後継機種です。「デュアル EXPEED 6」の搭載による連続撮影可能コマ数の増加や、ユーザーの要望に応えたダブルスロットの搭載など、信頼性と操作性が向上しています。さらに、縦位置操作に対応した「パワーバッテリーパックMB-N11」を使用することで、撮影可能コマ数の拡張やグリップ性能が向上。「MB-N11」は撮影を中断せずにバッテリーの交換が可能なホットスワップに対応しており、動画やタイムラプス等の長時間撮影にも適しています。Reliability and operability have been improved with the adoption of Dual EXPEED 6, which increases the number of shots with a single burst of continuous shooting as well as enabling support of dual card slots, meeting the needs of users. Further, the MB-N11 Power Battery Pack, ideal for vertical shooting, increases the number of possible shots while offering a firm and comfortable hold. The MB-N11 Power Battery Pack supports a hot-swap system and is well suited for extended use, such as when recording video or capturing shots for time-lapse videos.
if-design-award教育用顕微鏡 ECLIPSE EiEducational microscope ECLIPSE Ei2021if-2021-03iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design顕微鏡の操作方法をまとめたウェブサイト「オンラインガイド」によって、顕微鏡操作や注意点を動画と静止画で手軽に学ぶことができ、直感的な操作を可能にするデザインを特長としています。また、可搬性や収納性に優れ、機材の準備や後片付けの時間を短縮し、教育現場で効率的なワークフローを実現します。ECLIPSE Ei, educational microscope, is designed for intuitive operation and an improved learning experience. Its Online Guide provides quick and easy access to tutorials, empowering students to learn independently. Also, its portable and storable design shorten the time required to preparation and clean-up, realizing an efficient workflow.
if-design-award眼底撮影装置 RetinaStationFundus camera RetinaStation2020if-2020-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignRetinaStation は、フルオートで直感的な操作が可能な眼底撮影装置で、緑内障、網膜色素変性症、糖尿病網膜症、加齢黄斑変性症といった多様な眼疾患の診断をサポートします。1,200万画素の高解像度で、眼底の細部まで忠実に再現することが可能です。RetinaStation captures high-definition fundus images with full automation. It supports diagnosis of eye diseases such as glaucoma, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. Fundus details are reproduced in high resolution with 12 million pixels.
if-design-awardニコン Z マウントシステムNikon Z mount system2019if-2019-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「ニコン Z マウントシステム」は、「Z マウント」採用のミラーレスカメラ、それに対応するNIKKOR Z レンズおよびアクセサリーで構成するシステムです。ミラーレスカメラは、高画素機種の「Z 7」とオールラウンドモデルの「Z 6」をラインアップ。NIKKOR Z レンズは、大口径の「Z マウント」とショートフランジバックの組み合わせにより、レンズの設計自由度が格段に上がり、光学性能の驚異的な向上を実現しました。また、「マウントアダプター FTZ」を介せば、約360種類の一眼レフカメラ用NIKKOR Fレンズを「Z シリーズ」でお楽しみいただけます。The Z mount system is comprised of mirrorless cameras featuring a new, larger-diameter mount, and compatible NIKKOR Z lenses and accessories. At the heart of the new Z mount system is the new, larger-diameter mount, which unlocks further possibilities of lens design, greatly increasing capabilities in optical performance. The Z mount system will offer a variety of high-performance lenses, including an extremely fast f/0.95 lens. Nikon will expand the value of mirrorless cameras through the pursuit of a new dimension in optical performance, and by upholding Nikon's tradition of quality while responding to the evolution of imaging technology.
if-design-awardCOOLPIX P1000/ドットサイトDF-M1COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight2019if-2019-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design<figcaption class="mod__modal__caption">「COOLPIX P1000」は、広角24mm相当<sup>※1</sup>から超望遠3000mm相当<sup>※1</sup>までをカバーする光学125倍ズーム(ダイナミックファインズーム時250倍<sup>※2</sup>)を搭載したコンパクトデジタルカメラです。光学125倍ズームによる驚異的な映像を高画質で記録する撮影性能と高い操作性を実現。画像処理エンジン「EXPEED」によりさらなる高画質を達成し、手ブレ補正効果5.0段<sup>※3</sup>の「デュアル検知光学VR」で手持ちでの望遠撮影時にも手ブレを抑えた撮影が可能です。 <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※1</span>35mm判換算。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※2</span>最大画像サイズ設定時。画像サイズによって最大倍率は異なります。ダイナミックファインズームの倍率は、広角端からの光学ズームと電子ズームを合わせた総合倍率です。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※3</span>CIPA規格準拠。約350mm(35mm判換算)で測定。</li> </ul> </figcaption><figcaption class="mod__modal__caption">The COOLPIX P1000 is a compact digital camera that combines superior photographic performance that records high-quality, breathtaking images with 125x optical zoom and superior operability. It is equipped with a 125x optical zoom lens that covers an incredible range of focal lengths, beginning at the wide-angle 24mm<sup>*1</sup> equivalent, and extending to the super-telephoto 3000mm<sup>*1</sup> equivalent (up to 250x<sup>*2</sup> zoom is possible when Dynamic Fine Zoom is enabled). The EXPEED image-processing engine built into the camera achieves superior image quality, and the Dual Detect Optical VR, which provides a level of vibration reduction equivalent to a 5.0-stop<sup>*3</sup> increase in shutter speed, enables sharp and clear images, even with hand-held telephoto shooting.<br> When used with the DF-M1 Dot Sight, an accessory that helps the user to keep track of the intended subject with telephoto photography, the capture of previously impossible subjects, including birds and celestial bodies, is fully supported. <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*1</span>Equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*2</span>At the maximum image size. The maximum zoom ratio varies by image size. The zoom ratio indicated for Dynamic Fine Zoom is the combined ratio of optical zoom from the maximum wide-angle position and digital zoom.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*3</span>Measured in accordance with CIPA standards at approx. 350mm (equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format).</li> </ul> </figcaption>
if-design-awardD850D8502018if-2018-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design高画質、優れた高速性、人間工学に基づいたデザイン、低消費電力設計、高度な防滴・防塵性能、サイレント撮影など最先端の機能を備え、国内外で高く評価されています。The D850 has been extremely well received around the world for its high image quality; outstanding high-speed performance; its ergonomic, power-saving, and advanced dust- and drip-resistant design; and cutting-edge functions such as silent photography.
if-design-awardD7500D75002018if-2018-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design優れた高速性能や、ニコンDXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルである「D500」と同等の高画質を小型・軽量ボディーに凝縮しました。「D500」と同じ画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」とCMOSセンサーを搭載し、ISO100~51200の広い常用感度域でノイズの少ない高画質を実現しています。The D7500 is a compact and lightweight digital SLR camera with superior high-speed performance, featuring the same impressive image quality as the D500 — Nikon's flagship DX-format digital SLR camera. Equipped with the same EXPEED 5 image-processing engine and Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor as the D500, the D7500 achieves superior image quality with very little noise throughout the broad ISO 100-51200 range of standard sensitivities.
if-design-awardCOOLPIX W300COOLPIX W3002018if-2018-03iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Designアウトドアでの過酷な撮影状況に対応するタフ性能とホールドしやすいグリップなどの使いやすさを追求しながらも、ハードになり過ぎないスマートなデザインを採用。日常はもちろん、イベントや旅行などでもスタイリッシュに撮影を楽しめます。A compact digital camera providing tough durability able to withstand severe outdoor shooting situations. It features a stylish design and offers easier-to-use operability including a comfortable grip. With the COOLPIX W300, you can enjoy shooting in style at special events and while traveling, as well as in everyday life.
if-design-awardD5D52017if-2017-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design格段に向上した動体捕捉力や高感度画質をはじめとする高いパフォーマンスで、幅広いシーンと被写体に対応したニコンFXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。新世代の153点AFシステムと高速連続撮影性能によって、さまざまな状況で被写体をより確実に捉えます。新開発のニコンFXフォーマットCMOSセンサーと新画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」により、ニコン史上最高の常用感度ISO 102400を実現しました。Nikon's flagship D5 D-SLR responds to a wide variety of shooting scenarios and subjects, as it provides superior performance such as dramatically boosted acquisition performance for moving subjects and elevated image quality at high ISO. Boasting a new-generation, 153-point AF system and high-speed continuous shooting at approx.the camera demonstrates highly reliable subject acquisition in diverse situations.
if-design-awardD500D5002017if-2017-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「D5」と同等の新世代の153点AFシステムを搭載し、高速連続撮影時にも確実に被写体を捕捉する、ニコンDXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。新画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」と新開発のニコンDXフォーマットCMOSセンサーの採用で、静止画、動画ともに常用感度ISO 100~51200の広い感度域で高画質を実現しました。Nikon's D500 DX-format flagship D-SLR ensures subject acquisition during high-speed continuous shooting at approx. Employing a new Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor and the highly advanced EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, the camera yields stills and movies in high-quality images throughout the wide standard sensitivity range of ISO 100-51200.
if-design-awardKeyMission 360KeyMission 3602017if-2017-03iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Designコンパクトボディーを実現しながら、4K UHD※対応の全方位360°動画撮影が可能な本格的なアクションカメラです。優れた防水・耐衝撃・耐寒・防塵性能を発揮し、スキーやスカイダイビング、登山といったあらゆるアウトドアおよびレジャーシーンに対応。さまざまな体験を360°の全方位で記録できます。また、対応のヘッドマウントディスプレーを使用すると、バーチャルリアリティーの世界も楽しめます。 <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※</span>記録されるデータの画素数は3840×2160(4K UHD)ですが、動画閲覧時の解像度は表示するディスプレーや表示拡大率によって異なります。</li> </ul>The flagship KeyMission 360 records seamless 360° video in 4K UHD format, moving action camera users a step closer toward virtual reality content, and changing the way people capture and share their experiences.
if-design-award倒立顕微鏡 ECLIPSE Ti2Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ti22017if-2017-04iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Designボディサイズはそのままに、大型センサーを搭載したデジタルカメラに対応するため、新設計した内部観察光路により大口径化を実現、クラス最大の広視野を達成しました。また透過および蛍光照明装置にフライアイレンズを採用することで、視野の端まで均一な照度を実現し高速なタイリング画像の取得を可能にしました。Without altering the size of the microscope body, the diameter of the observation light path has been enlarged in order to make it compatible with digital cameras which employ a large sensor. The ECLIPSE Ti2 has achieved the largest FOV in its class. Integrated fly-eye lens technology provides uniform illumination from edge to edge, enabling high-speed, image-tiling experiments.
if-design-award画像計測ソリューション Nivo-iDigital Imaging Solution Nivo-i2017if-2017-05iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design視準カメラ、広角カメラ、求心カメラの3つのイメージセンサと高精度測距・測角機能を搭載しています。オンボードソフトで画像取得と測距を同時に実行、取得画像に位置情報を持たせることができるので、コンクリート橋梁ひび割れ検査などの変状調査や地すべりなどの地盤調査において経年変化のモデリングを支援、インフラ検査業務の効率化に貢献します。Nivo-i incorporates three image sensors — in a collimation camera, wide-angle camera and centripetal camera, as well as an accurate rangefinder and angle-measuring features. The onboard software simultaneously acquires images while measuring the distance, allowing location data to be embedded on the images. This helps scientific modeling of temporal changes for applications such as the geological study of landslides, or examining cracks on concrete bridges — contributing to increased efficiency for infrastructure inspections.
if-design-award倒立顕微鏡 ECLIPSE Ts2R/Ts2Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R2016if-2016-01iFデザイン賞iF design award金賞iF Gold Award生物学・医学の研究において、培養細胞の観察などに使用される倒立顕微鏡です。厚みのある標本をより立体的に観察できる「エンボスコントラスト観察」や、調整不要の透過/蛍光LED光源、直感的な操作を可能にする操作系を、コンパクトで洗練されたデザインに収めました。The ECLIPSE Ts2R is an inverted microscope for cell culture observations in biological and medical research. The compact, sophisticated body provides intuitively positioned control buttons, LED-based diascopic and epi-fluorescence illumination as well as enabling the Emboss Contrast technique that realizes pseudo-three-dimensional images of thick samples.
if-design-awardNikon 1 J5Nikon 1 J52016if-2016-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design高級感のあるシンプルかつモダンなデザインのボディーに、有効画素数2081万画素、裏面照射型CMOSセンサーと画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5A」を搭載しているほか、AF追従で約20コマ/秒の高速連続撮影を実現したレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。4K動画撮影機能や、自分撮りができるチルト式液晶モニターなども備えた、本格仕様と高い操作性を追求したモデルです。Nikon 1 J5 features 20.8 effective megapixels, a backside-illumination CMOS image sensor, and EXPEED 5A image-processing engine in a simple and modern body delivering a high-quality impression. High-speed continuous shooting at up to approximately 20 fps is achieved with AF. Also, with 4K movie recording function and a tilting LCD monitor that enables the capture of self-portraits, it is a model that pursues genuine specifications and superior operation.
if-design-awardDfDf2015if-2015-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design「操る愉(たの)しみ」を提供する直感的なダイヤル操作系と幅広い撮像感度域をカバーする高画質を、携行性の高い小型・軽量ボディーで実現したデジタル一眼レフカメラです。有効画素数1625万画素、FXフォーマットCMOSセンサーと画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 3」を搭載。大型の金属製メカニカルダイヤルによるシンプルで視認性に優れた操作系や精緻なボディーデザインが特長です。The Df features intuitive dial control that boosts the pleasure of camera operation, as well as providing superior image quality covering a wide sensitivity range, condensed in its highly portable, compact and light body. It is equipped with the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine and offers an effective pixel count of 16.2 million pixels. The large, metal mechanical dials enable simple operation with immediate visual verification of settings as part of the precision body design.
if-design-awardD750D7502015if-2015-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design有効画素数2432万画素、新開発のニコンFXフォーマットCMOSセンサーと画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 4」がもたらす高品位画質とプロフェッショナルモデルに迫る本格仕様を、機動力の高い小型・軽量、薄型ボディーに凝縮したデジタル一眼レフカメラです。ニコンFXフォーマットモデル初のチルト式液晶モニターや内蔵Wi-Fi®を搭載し、ユーザーの利便性を追求しています。The D750 is a Nikon FX-format digital SLR camera that offers 24.3 effective megapixels, and is equipped with a new Nikon FX-format CMOS image sensor and the EXPEED 4 image-processing engine. It supports superior image quality and full-scale specifications that pursue those of professional models, all in a very agile compact, lightweight, and slim body. It is the first Nikon FX-format camera for which a tilting LCD monitor and built-in Wi-Fi® function have been adopted for greater convenience.
if-design-awardNikon 1 V3Nikon 1 V32015if-2015-03iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design軽量・コンパクトボディーによる高い機動力に加え、AF追従で約20コマ/秒、AF固定で最大約60コマ/秒の高速連続撮影、短い撮影タイムラグを実現し、優れた動体捕捉性能を備えたレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。デジタル一眼レフカメラユーザーでも違和感なく使用できる操作系を備え、チルト式液晶モニターと、簡単かつ直感的に使えるタッチパネルを搭載しています。Nikon 1 V3 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses that realizes superb agility with its lightweight, compact body. It offers superior subject acquisition performance with high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 20 fps with AF and at up to approx. 60 fps with fixed AF, as well as a short shooting time lag. Other features include controls and buttons that are designed to allow digital- SLR users to operate them in a familiar manner, and a vari-angle LCD monitor with touch-screen control for simple and intuitive operation.
if-design-awardNikon 1 AW1Nikon 1 AW12014if-2014-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Designレンズ交換式で世界初となる防水・耐衝撃モデルです。15m防水・2m耐衝撃性能を備えたボディ、20m防水・2m耐衝撃性能を備えた11-27.5mmと10mmの2本のレンズが撮影フィールドを広げ、Nikon 1の高画質を提供します。外観はNikon1のコンセプトであるミニマルデザインを踏襲しながら前面にステンレスを採用し、スタイリッシュさとヘビーデューティーさを両立させました。The Nikon AW1 is the world's first waterproof and shockproof digital camera with interchangeable lenses. It maintains waterproofing to a depth of 15 m and can withstand the shock of a fall from up to 2 m. Using it with the dedicated 1 NIKKOR AW 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 and 1 NIKKOR AW 10mm f/2.8 lenses, also waterproof to 15 m and shockproof to 2 m, expands shooting possibilities, while delivering the high image quality of the Nikon 1. Inheriting the Nikon 1's characteristic minimal design, the camera incorporates stainless steel on the front surface, providing both elegant styling and ruggedness.
if-design-awardCOOLPIX ACOOLPIX A2014if-2014-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Designコンパクトデジタルカメラ「COOLPIX」 初のニコンDXフォーマットCMOSセンサー搭載モデルです。「COOLPIX A」用に専用設計された、焦点距離18.5mm(35mm判換算で28mm相当の撮影画角)、開放F値2.8の広角単焦点NIKKORレンズを搭載し、デジタル一眼レフカメラの高い描写力とコンパクトデジタルカメラの手軽さを両立しています。The first COOLPIX compact digital camera to be equipped with a DX-format CMOS sensor. Employing an exclusively designed wide-angle 18.5mm (equivalent to a 28mm angle of view in 35mm [135] format), f/2.8 fixed focal length NIKKOR lens, the COOLPIX A combines the superior rendering capabilities of a digital SLR camera with the ease and portability of a compact digital camera.
if-design-awardD4D42013if-2013-01iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product Design有効画素数は16.2メガピクセル、ニコンFXフォーマットCMOSセンサーとハイスペックなデジタル一眼レフカメラに最適化した画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 3」を搭載し、高精細・高画質と同時に優れた高速性能を実現した、ニコンデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。プロフェッショナルフォトグラファーなどの撮影現場から寄せられた数々の要望を反映し、機能や性能を極限まで高めています。The D4 is a Nikon flagship D-SLR providing beautiful, sharp image quality as well as offering superb high-speed continuous shooting, thanks to its 16.2 effective megapixels, Nikon FX-format CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine optimized for high-spec D-SLRs. Addressing the many demands of professional photographers including numerous requests based on on-site experiences, its features and performance have been improved to the fullest extent.
if-design-awardNikon 1 システムNikon 1 system2013if-2013-02iFデザイン賞iF design awardプロダクトデザイン部門Discipline : Product DesignNikon 1は新たな映像表現を提案する小型軽量レンズ交換式アドバンストカメラと新規開発のレンズ郡を軸に、ストロボ、GPS、カメラグリップ、専用ケース類から構成されたシステムカメラです。デザインはシンプルで無駄の無いフォルムと金属外観へ塗装した多彩なカラーバリエーションを展開。軽快で高品位なミニマルデザインでアクセサリーを含め統一し、次世代の映像機器としてニコンが自信を持って提案するシステムカメラです。The Nikon 1 system includes Speedlights, GPS unit, grips and cases, centered on a compact and lightweight camera and dedicated interchangeable lenses, providing new image expressions. The camera body, with its simple, trim styling and metallic appearance is available in a selection of colors. The entire system is unified with a smart, sophisticated and minimal design, symbolizing Nikon's confidence in Nikon 1 as a new-generation imaging device.
red-dot-awardZ 8Z 82024reddot-2024-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignZ 8は、ニコン Z シリーズのフラッグシップモデル「ニコン Z 9」と同等の高い機能と性能を、堅牢性・信頼性の高い小型ボディに凝縮し、風景や野鳥、飛行機、ウェディングを含むポートレートなど、機動力を求める幅広いジャンルにおいて、さらなる映像表現の可能性を追求するフォトグラファーや映像クリエイターに向けたモデルです。The Z 8 offers the high functionality and performance of the Z series' flagship model, the Nikon Z 9, in a rugged, reliable, and more compact body aimed at photographers and image creators looking to further expand their expressive potential in a wide variety of genres, including wedding and other forms of portrait photography, as well as landscape, wild bird, and aircraft photography.
red-dot-awardZ f+NIKKOR Z SE(Special Edition)レンズZ f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses2024reddot-2024-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignZ fは、ニコンZ マウントを採用したフルサイズミラーレスカメラです。象徴的なフィルムカメラの1つであるFM2にインスパイアされたアイコニックなデザインと、フルサイズミラーレスカメラの最新の光学技術と画像処理技術を併せ持ち、購入体験から作品のアウトプットまで、全ての過程で自分を表現することができます。The Z f is a full-frame mirrorless camera featuring the Nikon Z mount. It combines a heritage design inspired by the FM2, Nikon's iconic film camera, with the latest optical and image processing technologies available for full-frame mirrorless cameras, supporting the user's self-expression throughout their creative process.
red-dot-awardNIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S PlenaNIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena2024reddot-2024-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena」はNIKKOR Z レンズの「S-Line」に属し、大口径マウントを採用した「ニコン Z マウントシステム」が実現するレンズ設計の自由度の高さと圧倒的光量のポテンシャルを活かし、絞り開放から画面全域で円形度の高い美しいボケと、撮影距離を問わず優れた解像感を実現しています。ポートレートや自然風景撮影で、繊細な質感の描写と美しいボケを両立した、幻想的な表現を可能にします。The NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena is an S-Line lens, and takes full advantage of the Z mount system's large-diameter mount that unlocks further possibilities for lens design, as well as the potential for large and consistent distribution of light. This realizes beautiful, well-rounded bokeh throughout the entire frame even at maximum aperture, and outstanding sharpness and clarity regardless of the shooting distance — resulting in the fantastic expression of delicate textures and beautiful bokeh in both portraits and landscapes.
red-dot-awardNIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR SNIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S2024reddot-2024-04レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S」はNIKKOR Zレンズの「S-Line」※1に属し、小型・軽量と高い光学性能を両立させた超望遠単焦点レンズです。全長を278mmに収めながら、クラス最軽量※2の約1390gを実現。レンズの重心位置を従来よりもボディー側に寄せた設計は、レンズの重みを感じにくいため、レンズのコントロールのしやすさ、安定性が必要なモータースポーツでの流し撮りや、野鳥などの動きの速い被写体の手持ち撮影にも最適です。 <ol class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※1</span>「S-Line」は、NIKKOR Zレンズにおいて設定されたグレードで、ニコン独自の設計指針と品質管理を高い基準でクリアーしており、特にハイレベルな光学性能を発揮します。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※2</span>2023年10月11日現在、発表済みの焦点距離600mmを含む、開放F値6.3以下のフルサイズ/FXフォーマットのミラーレスカメラ用交換レンズにおいて。ニコン調べ。</li> </ol>The NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S is an S-Line*1 super-telephoto prime lens offering superior optical performance and portability with a total length of 278 mm and weight of approximately 1,390 g, the lightest in its class*2. Furthermore, a design that positions the lens' center of gravity closer to the body side means that users are much less aware of its weight, making the NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S an ideal lens for panning in situations that require easy lens control and stability, such as motorsport races, as well as for the hand-held shooting of various fast-moving subjects such as wild birds. <ol class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*1</span>The S-Line is a grade of NIKKOR Z lenses that demonstrate outstanding optical performance, adhering to a high standard of design principles and quality control.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*2</span>Among f/6.3 and faster interchangeable lenses for full-frame/FX-format mirrorless cameras, including those with a focal length of 600 mm, available as of October 11, 2023. Statement based on Nikon research.</li> </ol>
red-dot-awardECLIPSE JiECLIPSE Ji2024reddot-2024-05レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignECLIPSE Jiは誰もが簡単に創薬研究を行える革新的イメージングシステムで、創薬市場のシーズ探索に関わる研究開発を行う方々をユーザーと想定しています。「簡単」「早い」を求めるデジタルネイティブへの訴求のため、AI搭載による自律性を持った顕微鏡をキーコンセプトとしたデジタル倒立顕微鏡です。ECLIPSE Ji is an innovative imaging system that allows anyone to easily conduct drug discovery research and is targeted at those doing research and development related to the search for "seeds" in the drug discovery market. To appeal to digital natives, who demand "easy" and "fast," this is a digital inverted microscope based on the key concept of an autonomous, AI-equipped microscope.
red-dot-awardデジタルイメージングマイクロスコープDigital Imaging Microscope2024reddot-2024-06レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design病理診断で何時間も顕微鏡に向かう病理医、検査医、検査技師等をターゲットとした医療用デジタル正立顕微鏡です。身体的・精神的負担を最大限ケアし、長時間にわたる顕微鏡観察に集中して取り組めるようサポート。データの供覧、マクロ画像とXYステージ移動との連携などデジタル観察ならではの様々なソリューションを実現します。This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement.
red-dot-awardAPS-Cサイズ/DXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコン Z 30」APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 302023reddot-2023-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignZ 30はニコン Z マウントシステムを採用し、動画のユーザビリティーを徹底的に追求したZシリーズ最少・最軽量のAPS-Cサイズミラーレスカメラです。昨今更に高まってきている動画需要に対し、手の届きやすい価格帯で、これから映像制作を始めたいエントリーユーザーから本格的な作品作りにこだわるユーザーまで対応するカメラです。The Z 30 is the smallest and lightest APS-C size mirrorless camera in the Nikon Z mount system, and was developed via thorough pursuit of video usability. It is an affordable camera that responds to the ever-increasing demand for video capabilities, and is perfectly suited for those just beginning to work with video, as well as seasoned video creators.
red-dot-awardリモートグリップ「MC-N10」Remote Grip MC-N102023reddot-2023-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignZ シリーズカメラ※と有線接続し、カメラをリモート操作できます。ARRI規格準拠のロゼットにアダプターを装着することで、三脚のパン棒やショルダーリグのハンドル等に取り付けてカメラの様々な機能を操作、制御できるため、特に少人数での動画撮影の効率が向上。より作品作りに集中できるスタイルを生み出し、今までできなかった表現が可能になります。静止画撮影にも対応しています<br>※ 対応カメラ:Z 9、Z 7II、Z 6II、Z 5、Z fc、Z 30(2023年5月16日現在)。Attaches to a variety of video equipment via the ARRI Rosette1 and allows for remote control of Z mount mirrorless cameras*2 via a wired connection while recording — expanding what's possible on solo video shoots using a gimbal, slider, etc.<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*1</span>Requires a third-party rosette adapter if using equipment without an adapter of its own.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*2</span>As of May 2023, the Z 9, Z 7II, Z 6II, Z 5, Z fc and Z 30 are the cameras supported.</li> </ul>
red-dot-awardゴルフ用レーザー距離計 「COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED / COOLSHOT 50i」Golfer's Laser Rangefinders COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED and COOLSHOT 50i2023reddot-2023-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designゴルフ用レーザー距離計COOLSHOTシリーズは、目標物に赤外線レーザーを照射し、反射して戻ってくる時間をもとに目標物までの距離を瞬時に測定、打つべき距離の把握やゴルフクラブの選択を容易にし、プレーに集中することを可能にします。The COOLSHOT series of laser rangefinders for golfers irradiate an infrared laser to a target such as the flagstick, instantly measuring the distance to it based on the laser's reflection and return time. This makes it a lot easier for golfers to understand the right distance to hit and which club to select, allowing users to more fully focus on their play.
red-dot-awardフルサイズ/FXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコンZ 9」Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 92022reddot-2022-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot AwardBest of the BestBest of the Best「Z 9」は、ニコンの最先端技術を結集させ、静止画・動画ともにニコン史上最高の機能・性能を備えた「ニコン Z シリーズ」初のフラッグシップモデルです。新開発の積層型CMOSセンサーと画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 7」により、ニコン史上最強のAF性能を実現。さらに、世界最多※の9種類の被写体検出(人物、犬、猫、鳥、自転車、バイク、車、列車、飛行機)に対応。多様な被写体の決定的なシーンを逃しません。 ※2021年10月28日現在、発売済みのミラーレスカメラにおいて。ニコン調べ。The Z 9 is the first flagship model of the Z series mirrorless cameras bringing together Nikon's leading-edge technologies to deliver the best still and video features and performance in Nikon history. Thanks to the newly developed stacked CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 7 image-processing engine, the most powerful AF performance among Nikon cameras is realized. This advanced AF system detects the world's largest range* of nine subject types for both stills and video: people, dogs, cats, birds, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trains, and airplanes. With this system, decisive moments can be reliably captured for diverse subjects.<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>Among mirrorless cameras available as of October 28, 2021, based on Nikon research.</li> </ul>
red-dot-awardAPS-Cサイズ/DXフォーマットミラーレスカメラ「ニコン Z fc」APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc2022reddot-2022-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「Z fc」は、ニコンの歴史的なカメラにインスパイアされたデザインを「Z シリーズ」で初めて採用し、静止画・動画を撮る楽しみに加え、カメラを持つ楽しみにもこだわったミラーレスカメラです。高い性能と操作性を有しながらも、レンズ交換式カメラに初めて触れる方にも使いやすく、気軽に持ち歩ける小型・軽量ボディーも特長です。また、描写力が高く、思い通りの画づくりをサポートします。The Z fc is the first Z-series camera to adopt a heritage design, while simultaneously supporting various advanced features. In addition to the enjoyment of shooting great stills and videos, it is designed with particular attention paid to delivering the pride and joy of ownership. Its compact, lightweight body is highly portable but packs superb operability and rendering capability, making it easy to handle even for first-time mirrorless camera users.
red-dot-award中望遠マイクロレンズ「NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S」NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens2022reddot-2022-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S」は、NIKKOR Z レンズの「S-Line」※が実現する極めて高い解像性能と、色にじみや色づきを徹底的に抑えた美しいボケを両立します。同日発表の「NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8」と同様、NIKKOR Z レンズ初のマイクロレンズです。最短撮影距離は0.29m、最大撮影倍率は1.0倍で、等倍撮影から、中望遠の焦点距離を活かした風景やポートレートの撮影まで、幅広い撮影シーンに対応するなど、中望遠マイクロレンズに求められる高い性能を有しています。 ※「S-Line」は、NIKKOR Z レンズにおいて設定されたグレードで、ニコン独自の設計指針と品質管理を高い基準でクリアーしており、特にハイレベルな光学性能を発揮します。The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S belongs to the S-Line* series of NIKKOR Z lenses, thereby achieving superior resolution, while also realizing beautiful bokeh with thoroughly suppressed color bleeding and fringing. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm F/2.8 VR S and the NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8, both announced on the same date, are the first NIKKOR Z micro lenses. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S supports a minimum focus distance of 0.29 m and a maximum reproduction ratio of 1.0x, while delivering the high performance required of a mid-telephoto micro lens in a wide variety of scenes, from life-size photography to the capture of landscapes and portraits for which the mid-telephoto focal length is perfectly suited.<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>The S-Line is a grade of NIKKOR Z lenses that demonstrate outstanding optical performance, adhering to a high standard of design principles and quality control.</li> </ul>
red-dot-award大口径超望遠単焦点レンズ「NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S」NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S super-telephoto prime lens2022reddot-2022-04レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignNIKKOR Z レンズ初の超望遠単焦点レンズ「NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S」は「S-Line」※に属し、美しいボケ味と高い解像力による臨場感のある描写を可能にするレンズです。1.4倍のテレコンバーターを内蔵し、さらに、「NIKKOR(ニッコール)」レンズ史上最高の反射防止性能を持つ新コーティングを採用予定です。高い操作性と動画撮影にも配慮した設計で、プロフェッショナルの映像表現をサポートします。 ※「S-Line」は、NIKKOR Z レンズにおいて設定されたグレードで、ニコン独自の設計指針と品質管理を高い基準でクリアーしており、特にハイレベルな光学性能を発揮します。The NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S, the first NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens, belongs to the S-Line series of NIKKOR Z lenses, which pursues the ultimate in optical performance. It realizes the rendering of realistic images by achieving beautiful bokeh and high resolution. It features a built-in 1.4x teleconverter and a new coating that delivers the highest anti-reflection performance in NIKKOR history. Providing superb operability that is ideal for video recording, the NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S supports the imaging expression of professional photographers.
red-dot-award生物顕微鏡「ECLIPSE Si」ECLIPSE Si upright microscope2022reddot-2022-05レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design教育や臨床の現場では、顕微鏡観察を行う際の煩雑な操作性や、長時間の観察による身体への疲労蓄積といった課題があります。これに対し、ニコンは、操作性を向上させ、長時間の観察による身体への負担を軽減する生物顕微鏡「ECLIPSE Si」を開発。倍率変更時の明るさの調節時間を大幅に短縮し、エルゴノミクスに基づいたデザインで、自然な姿勢での観察を実現しました。幅広いユーザーのワークフローを向上させ、長時間にわたる顕微鏡観察に集中して取り組めるようサポートします。Complex operation and physical fatigue from long hours of use are common challenges for microscope users in both clinical and educational settings. To address these challenges, Nikon has developed the ECLIPSE Si upright microscope. The ECLIPSE Si features intelligent features such as a Light Intensity Management function which reduces the time spent on adjusting the light intensity when changing magnifications. The ergonomic design of the ECLIPSE Si, including a tube featuring a 45-degree inclination angle and a low stage height ensures that users maintain a natural posture. The ECLIPSE Si improves the workflow for a wide range of users and helps them stay focused during long hours of observation.
red-dot-awardソフトウェア「NX Studio」Software NX Studio2021reddot-2021-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot AwardBrands & CommunicationBrands & Communication Designニコン純正のパソコン専用ソフトウェアです。 使いやすさを追求したUIデザインにより、誰でも直感的に、スムーズな閲覧、効果的なRAW現像、編集が可能。画像表示をはじめ各機能のレスポンスも全体的に改善しており、静止画・動画を問わず快適に作業できます。NX Studio is a genuine Nikon computer software. The UI is designed in pursuit of enhanced operability, providing any user with intuitive operation including smooth viewing, effective RAW processing and editing. The overall improved responsiveness of individual functions, such as the image display, allows you to work on both stills and movies comfortably.
red-dot-awardD6D62021reddot-2021-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designニコン史上最強のAF性能を実現し、狙った被写体の狙った位置にピントをより確実に合わせることが可能。豊富なラインナップを取り揃えたNIKKOR Fレンズとの組み合わせによって、幅広いシーンでより確実に決定的な瞬間を捉えることができます。It provides the necessary support for professional sports photographers and photojournalists to perform at their best, and is equipped with the most powerful AF system in Nikon history. Further, in combination with the rich lineup of NIKKOR F lenses, photographers are able to capture decisive, once-in-a-lifetime shots with more accuracy.
red-dot-awardZ 7II、Z 6II、パワーバッテリーパックMB-N11Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack2021reddot-2021-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design大口径の「Z マウント」を採用したミラーレスカメラ「Z 7」、「Z 6」の後継機種です。「デュアル EXPEED 6」の搭載による連続撮影可能コマ数の増加や、ユーザーの要望に応えたダブルスロットの搭載など、信頼性と操作性が向上しています。さらに、縦位置操作に対応した「パワーバッテリーパックMB-N11」を使用することで、撮影可能コマ数の拡張やグリップ性能が向上。「MB-N11」は撮影を中断せずにバッテリーの交換が可能なホットスワップに対応しており、動画やタイムラプス等の長時間撮影にも適しています。Reliability and operability have been improved with the adoption of Dual EXPEED 6, which increases the number of shots with a single burst of continuous shooting as well as enabling support of dual card slots, meeting the needs of users. Further, the MB-N11 Power Battery Pack, ideal for vertical shooting, increases the number of possible shots while offering a firm and comfortable hold. The MB-N11 Power Battery Pack supports a hot-swap system and is well suited for extended use, such as when recording video or capturing shots for time-lapse videos.
red-dot-awardNIKKOR Z f/2.8 ズームレンズシリーズNIKKOR Z f/2.8 Zoom Lens Series2021reddot-2021-04レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design大口径「Z マウント」の採用により、光学性能が大幅に向上しています。3本のレンズで焦点距離14mmから200mmまでの広い画角をカバーしており、風景、ポートレート、動物の撮影など様々な場面において、フォトグラファーの映像表現の可能性をさらに拡げます。Adoption of a large-diameter mount has enabled high flexibility in lens design, greatly improving optical performance. These lenses cover a broad range of focal lengths—14 mm to 200 mm—expanding possibiliries of imaging expression in a wide array of scenes, from landscape and portrait, to wildlife.
red-dot-award防振双眼鏡「10×25 STABILIZED」10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars2021reddot-2021-05レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designニコンのコンパクト双眼鏡として初めてSTABILIZED(手ブレ補正)機能を搭載しています。2軸の折りたたみ式を採用した小型・軽量ボディーは携行性に優れ、長時間の使用はもちろん、片手での使用にも適しています。10x25 STABILIZED is the first compact binocular of Nikon to be equipped with the STABILIZED function. The compact and lightweight double-hinge foldable body is suitable for not only long-time but also one-handed use.
red-dot-award教育用顕微鏡 ECLIPSE EiEducational microscope ECLIPSE Ei2021reddot-2021-06レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design顕微鏡の操作方法をまとめたウェブサイト「オンラインガイド」によって、顕微鏡操作や注意点を動画と静止画で手軽に学ぶことができ、直感的な操作を可能にするデザインを特長としています。また、可搬性や収納性に優れ、機材の準備や後片付けの時間を短縮し、教育現場で効率的なワークフローを実現します。ECLIPSE Ei, educational microscope, is designed for intuitive operation and an improved learning experience. Its Online Guide provides quick and easy access to tutorials, empowering students to learn independently. Also, its portable and storable design shorten the time required to preparation and clean-up, realizing an efficient workflow.
red-dot-awardZ 50Z 502020reddot-2020-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「Z 50」は、ニコン初のAPS-Cサイズ(ニコンDXフォーマット)ミラーレスカメラです。2018年に発売した「ニコン Z 7」と「ニコン Z 6」の洗練されたデザインや操作性、信頼性、システムとしての将来性などを継承し、高い描写力と多彩な表現力を小型・軽量かつ堅牢なボディーに凝縮しています。The Z 50 is Nikon's first APS-C size (Nikon DX-format) mirrorless camera, inheriting its design and operability, reliability, and future possibilities as a mirrorless system from the Nikon Z 7 and Z 6. The Z 50 further improves on these characteristics and condenses them into a compact, lightweight, and durable body capable of superior rendering capabilities and rich power of expression.
red-dot-awardNIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S NoctNIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct2020reddot-2020-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct」は、NIKKOR Z レンズの光学性能の高さを象徴するレンズです。内径55mmの大口径「Z マウント」とフランジバック16mmの組み合わせがもたらす高いレンズ設計自由度を活かし、ニコン史上最も明るい※開放F値0.95を実現しています。 ※ニコンカメラ用の交換レンズにおいて。The NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct serves as a symbol of the outstanding optical performance achieved with NIKKOR Z lenses. It takes advantage of the superior design flexibility made possible by the combination of the large-diameter (inner diameter of 55 mm) Z mount and 16 mm flange focal distance to realize an f/0.95 maximum aperture, the fastest (brightest)* in Nikon history.<br><br> <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>Among interchangeable lenses for Nikon cameras.</li> </ul>
red-dot-award眼底撮影装置 RetinaStationFundus camera RetinaStation2020reddot-2020-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignRetinaStation は、フルオートで直感的な操作が可能な眼底撮影装置で、緑内障、網膜色素変性症、糖尿病網膜症、加齢黄斑変性症といった多様な眼疾患の診断をサポートします。1,200万画素の高解像度で、眼底の細部まで忠実に再現することが可能です。RetinaStation captures high-definition fundus images with full automation. It supports diagnosis of eye diseases such as glaucoma, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. Fundus details are reproduced in high resolution with 12 million pixels.
red-dot-awardニコン Z マウントシステムNikon Z mount system2019reddot-2019-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「ニコン Z マウントシステム」は、「Z マウント」採用のミラーレスカメラ、それに対応するNIKKOR Z レンズおよびアクセサリーで構成するシステムです。ミラーレスカメラは、高画素機種の「Z 7」とオールラウンドモデルの「Z 6」をラインアップ。NIKKOR Z レンズは、大口径の「Z マウント」とショートフランジバックの組み合わせにより、レンズの設計自由度が格段に上がり、光学性能の驚異的な向上を実現しました。また、「マウントアダプター FTZ」を介せば、約360種類の一眼レフカメラ用NIKKOR Fレンズを「Z シリーズ」でお楽しみいただけます。The Z mount system is comprised of mirrorless cameras featuring a new, larger-diameter mount, and compatible NIKKOR Z lenses and accessories. At the heart of the new Z mount system is the new, larger-diameter mount, which unlocks further possibilities of lens design, greatly increasing capabilities in optical performance. The Z mount system will offer a variety of high-performance lenses, including an extremely fast f/0.95 lens. Nikon will expand the value of mirrorless cameras through the pursuit of a new dimension in optical performance, and by upholding Nikon's tradition of quality while responding to the evolution of imaging technology.
red-dot-awardCOOLPIX P1000/ドットサイトDF-M1COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight2019reddot-2019-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「COOLPIX P1000」は、広角24mm相当※1から超望遠3000mm相当※1までをカバーする光学125倍ズーム(ダイナミックファインズーム時250倍※2)を搭載したコンパクトデジタルカメラです。光学125倍ズームによる驚異的な映像を高画質で記録する撮影性能と高い操作性を実現。画像処理エンジン「EXPEED」によりさらなる高画質を達成し、手ブレ補正効果5.0段※3の「デュアル検知光学VR」で手持ちでの望遠撮影時にも手ブレを抑えた撮影が可能です。 <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※1</span>35mm判換算。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※2</span>最大画像サイズ設定時。画像サイズによって最大倍率は異なります。ダイナミックファインズームの倍率は、広角端からの光学ズームと電子ズームを合わせた総合倍率です。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※3</span>CIPA規格準拠。約350mm(35mm判換算)で測定。</li> </ul>The COOLPIX P1000 is a compact digital camera that combines superior photographic performance that records high-quality, breathtaking images with 125x optical zoom and superior operability. It is equipped with a 125x optical zoom lens that covers an incredible range of focal lengths, beginning at the wide-angle 24mm*1 equivalent, and extending to the super-telephoto 3000mm*1 equivalent (up to 250x*2 zoom is possible when Dynamic Fine Zoom is enabled). The EXPEED image-processing engine built into the camera achieves superior image quality, and the Dual Detect Optical VR, which provides a level of vibration reduction equivalent to a 5.0-stop*3 increase in shutter speed, enables sharp and clear images, even with hand-held telephoto shooting. When used with the DF-M1 Dot Sight, an accessory that helps the user to keep track of the intended subject with telephoto photography, the capture of previously impossible subjects, including birds and celestial bodies, is fully supported. <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*1</span>Equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*2</span>At the maximum image size. The maximum zoom ratio varies by image size. The zoom ratio indicated for Dynamic Fine Zoom is the combined ratio of optical zoom from the maximum wide-angle position and digital zoom.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*3</span>Measured in accordance with CIPA standards at approx. 350mm (equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format).</li> </ul>
red-dot-awardSnapBridgeSnapBridge2018reddot-2018-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot AwardコミュニケーションデザインCommunication Designニコンのデジタルカメラと、スマートデバイス※1をシームレスにつなぐ「SnapBridge」アプリは、BLE(Bluetooth® low energy)テクノロジーによって、消費電力を抑えながらカメラとスマートデバイスを接続することが可能です。一度ペアリングするだけで、カメラとスマートデバイスがBluetooth®により常時接続※2し、カメラのシャッターをきるたびに撮影した写真を自動転送します。<ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※1</span>「SnapBridge」アプリをインストールしたiPhone<sup>®</sup>、iPad<sup>®</sup>、iPod touch<sup>®</sup>、Android<sup>™</sup>端末が使用できます。<br>「SnapBridge」アプリは「App Store<sup>®</sup>」、「Google Play<sup>™</sup>」より、無料でダウンロード可能です。詳細はニコンのウェブサイトにてご確認下さい。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※2</span>「SnapBridge」アプリ ver 2.5以降、カメラとスマートデバイスの自動連携はデフォルト設定で「OFF」になっています。自動転送を行うためには、ペアリングの設定時に、自動連携を「ON」に設定してください。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">・</span>カメラ内蔵のWi-Fi<sup>®</sup>機能、Bluetooth<sup>®</sup>機能は、「SnapBridge」アプリがインストールされたスマートデバイスとの接続時のみ有効です。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">・</span>Bluetooth<sup>®</sup>のワードマークおよびロゴは、Bluetooth SIG, Inc.が所有する登録商標であり、株式会社ニコンはこれらのマークをライセンスに基づいて使用しています。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">・</span>Wi-Fi<sup>®</sup>およびWi-Fi<sup>®</sup>ロゴは、Wi-Fi Allianceの商標または登録商標です。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">・</span>Apple<sup>®</sup>、App Store<sup>®</sup>、Appleロゴ、iPhone<sup>®</sup>、iPad<sup>®</sup>、iPod touch<sup>®</sup>は米国およびその他の国々で登録された、Apple Inc.の商標です。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">・</span>iPhoneの商標は、アイホン株式会社のライセンスに基づき使用しています。</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">・</span>Android<sup>™</sup>およびGoogle Play<sup>™</sup>はGoogle Inc.の商標です。</li> </ul>SnapBridge is the Nikon app that seamlessly connects a smart device*1 to a Nikon digital camera via Bluetooth® connection. One-time setup enables a constant Bluetooth® connection*2 between the smart device and camera, automatically downloading pictures to the smart device as they are taken with the camera.<ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*1</span>iPhone<sup>®</sup>, iPad<sup>®</sup>, iPod touch<sup>®</sup>, and Android<sup>™</sup> devices to which the SnapBridge app has been installed can be used. The SnapBridge app can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store<sup>®</sup> and Google Play<sup>™</sup>. See Nikon's website for further information.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*2</span>As from SnapBridge version 2.5, the automatic connection between camera and smart device is "OFF" in default setting. Turn it to "ON" during pairing in order to activate automatic transfer.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">•</span>The Wi-Fi<sup>®</sup> and Bluetooth<sup>®</sup> functions built into cameras are effective only when connected to a smart device on which the SnapBridge app has been installed.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">•</span>The Bluetooth<sup>®</sup> word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Nikon Corporation is under license.</li> <li><span class="c-list__marker">•</span>Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.</li> </ul>
red-dot-awardD850D8502018reddot-2018-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design高画質、優れた高速性、人間工学に基づいたデザイン、低消費電力設計、高度な防滴・防塵性能、サイレント撮影など最先端の機能を備え、国内外で高く評価されています。The D850 has been extremely well received around the world for its high image quality; outstanding high-speed performance; its ergonomic, power-saving, and advanced dust- and drip-resistant design; and cutting-edge functions such as silent photography.
red-dot-awardD7500D75002018reddot-2018-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design優れた高速性能や、ニコンDXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルである「D500」と同等の高画質を小型・軽量ボディーに凝縮しました。「D500」と同じ画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」とCMOSセンサーを搭載し、ISO100~51200の広い常用感度域でノイズの少ない高画質を実現しています。The D7500 is a compact and lightweight digital SLR camera with superior high-speed performance, featuring the same impressive image quality as the D500 — Nikon's flagship DX-format digital SLR camera. Equipped with the same EXPEED 5 image-processing engine and Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor as the D500, the D7500 achieves superior image quality with very little noise throughout the broad ISO 100-51200 range of standard sensitivities.
red-dot-awardKeyMission 360KeyMission 3602017reddot-2017-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot AwardBest of the BestBest of the Bestコンパクトボディーを実現しながら、4K UHD※対応の全方位360°動画撮影が可能な本格的なアクションカメラです。優れた防水・耐衝撃・耐寒・防塵性能を発揮し、スキーやスカイダイビング、登山といったあらゆるアウトドアおよびレジャーシーンに対応。さまざまな体験を360°の全方位で記録できます。また、対応のヘッドマウントディスプレーを使用すると、バーチャルリアリティーの世界も楽しめます。 <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※</span>記録されるデータの画素数は3840×2160(4K UHD)ですが、動画閲覧時の解像度は表示するディスプレーや表示拡大率によって異なります。</li> </ul>The KeyMission 360 is a genuine action camera that records seamless 360° video in 4K UHD format while realizing a compact body. Delivering superior waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof and dustproof performance, it is ideal for a wide range of outdoor and leisure activities such as skiing, skydiving and mountain climbing. Diverse experiences can be recorded in 360°. By using a supported head-mount display you can also enjoy a virtual reality world of action.
red-dot-awardKeyMission 80KeyMission 802017reddot-2017-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designスマートデバイスでは撮影が難しい状況でも、片手のまますばやく撮影できる高い機動力と携行性が特長のアクションカメラです。防水・耐衝撃・耐寒・防塵性能を備え、海でも山でもシーンを問わず幅広く活躍します。メインカメラとは別に、自分撮り用カメラも搭載。広大な風景の中にいる自分を撮影できます。The KeyMission 80 is a tough, wearable camera enabling quick shooting with one hand, great for situations where it is difficult to use a smart device. With its excellent waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof and dustproof performance, it is suitable for many different activities, whether up in the mountains or out on the ocean. Besides the main camera, a second camera is equipped for selfies. You can take memorable images of yourself within vast landscapes.
red-dot-awardMONARCH HGMONARCH HG2017reddot-2017-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designニコンを代表する双眼鏡のMONARCHシリーズ史上、最上位クラスの双眼鏡。広視界でありながらフィールドフラットナ―レンズシステムを採用することにより、像面湾曲を補正し、視野全域でシャープでクリアな像を実現。また、高品質多層膜コーティングを全てのレンズ・プリズムに施し、補助プリズムの唯一全反射しない面に高反射誘電体多層膜を採用することで最高透過率92%以上の明るい視界と、ありのままの色調を実現しました。MONARCH HG binoculars are the most advanced models in the history of MONARCH binoculars, which are Nikon's representative binoculars. While providing a wide field of view, the Field Flattener Lens System also assures a sharp and clear view all the way to the lens periphery. A high-quality multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms. Dielectric high-reflective multilayer coating is applied to the roof prism. All of this combines to achieve a bright view with light transmittance of up to 92% or higher, plus natural color fidelity.
red-dot-awardPROSTAFF 3SPROSTAFF 3S2017reddot-2017-04レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designアウトドアにおいて優れたパフォーマンスを発揮するニコンの双眼鏡 PROSTAFFシリーズ。PROSTAFF 3Sは、42mm口径ながら、軽量・コンパクトで携行性に優れたモデル(8×42:565g、10×42:575g)です。見掛視界は8×42が53.4°、10×42が62.9°と大きく、迫力のある見え味が楽しめます。プリズムには高反射銀合金ミラーコーティング、レンズには多層膜コーティングを採用し、明るくクリアな視界を実現。メガネを掛けたままでも見やすい、ロングアイレリーフも採用しています。 <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※</span>本製品は、日本では販売しておりません。</li> </ul>The PROSTAFF 3S models are compact and lightweight 42mm-objective-lens-diameter binoculars with superior portability (565g for 8x42, 575g for 10x42). They provide a wide apparent field of view (53.4° for 8x42, 62.9° for 10x42). High-reflectivity silver-alloy mirror coating is applied on the mirror surfaces of the prisms for brightness and clarity. Multilayer-coated lenses also ensure a brighter image. The long eye relief design delivers a clear field of view, even for eyeglass wearers. <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>This product is not sold in Japan.</li> </ul>
red-dot-awardCOOLSHOT 80i VR/COOLSHOT 80 VRCOOLSHOT 80i VR/COOLSHOT 80 VR2017reddot-2017-05レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design世界で初めて※光学式VR(Vibration Reduction:手ブレ補正)機能をレーザー距離計に搭載。手ブレによる視界の揺れを低減できるので、視界が安定し、測距のしやすさが大幅に向上しました。ピンフラッグなどの小さな目標物でもストレスなくスピーディーに測定できます。 <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">※</span>2016年9月5日現在、発売済みのゴルフ用レーザー距離計において。ニコンビジョン調べ。</li> </ul>COOLSHOT 80i VR/80 VR Laser Rangefinders are the world's first Laser Rangefinders employing a VR (Vibration Reduction) function*. Reducing vibrations of the image in the viewfinder caused by hand movement stabilizes the subject and remarkably improves the ease of measuring. This realizes speedy measurement of smaller subjects, such as a flagstick, without stress. <ul class="c-list c-list--optional c-list--note"> <li><span class="c-list__marker">*</span>Among released Laser Rangefinders for golf, as of September 5, 2016. Researched by Nikon Vision.</li> </ul>
red-dot-award画像計測ソリューション Nivo-iDigital Imaging Solution Nivo-i2017reddot-2017-06レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design視準カメラ、広角カメラ、求心カメラの3つのイメージセンサと高精度測距・測角機能を搭載しています。オンボードソフトで画像取得と測距を同時に実行、取得画像に位置情報を持たせることができるので、コンクリート橋梁ひび割れ検査などの変状調査や地すべりなどの地盤調査において経年変化のモデリングを支援、インフラ検査業務の効率化に貢献します。Nivo-i incorporates three image sensors — in a collimation camera, wide-angle camera and centripetal camera, as well as an accurate rangefinder and angle-measuring features. The onboard software simultaneously acquires images while measuring the distance, allowing location data to be embedded on the images. This helps scientific modeling of temporal changes for applications such as the geological study of landslides, or examining cracks on concrete bridges — contributing to increased efficiency for infrastructure inspections.
red-dot-awardD5D52016reddot-2016-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design格段に向上した動体捕捉力や高感度画質をはじめとする高いパフォーマンスで、幅広いシーンと被写体に対応したニコンFXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。新世代の153点AFシステムと高速連続撮影性能によって、さまざまな状況で被写体をより確実に捉えます。新開発のニコンFXフォーマットCMOSセンサーと新画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」により、ニコン史上最高の常用感度ISO 102400を実現しました。Nikon's flagship D5 D-SLR responds to a wide variety of shooting scenarios and subjects, as it provides superior performance such as dramatically boosted acquisition performance for moving subjects and elevated image quality at high ISO. Boasting a new-generation, 153-point AF system and high-speed continuous shooting at approx.the camera demonstrates highly reliable subject acquisition in diverse situations.
red-dot-awardD500D5002016reddot-2016-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「D5」と同等の新世代の153点AFシステムを搭載し、高速連続撮影時にも確実に被写体を捕捉する、ニコンDXフォーマットデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。新画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5」と新開発のニコンDXフォーマットCMOSセンサーの採用で、静止画、動画ともに常用感度ISO 100~51200の広い感度域で高画質を実現しました。Nikon's D500 DX-format flagship D-SLR ensures subject acquisition during high-speed continuous shooting at approx. Employing a new Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor and the highly advanced EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, the camera yields stills and movies in high-quality images throughout the wide standard sensitivity range of ISO 100-51200.
red-dot-awardNikon 1 J4Nikon 1 J42015reddot-2015-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignAF追従で約20コマ/秒の高速連続撮影を実現する優れた動体捕捉性能と、多彩な写真およびフルHD動画撮影機能を小型・軽量ボディーに凝縮させたレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。直感的な操作を可能にするタッチパネル式液晶モニターをはじめ、高画質な写真を手軽に転送・共有できるWi-Fi®や多彩な編集機能などを搭載しています。Nikon 1 J4 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses that features superior subject acquisition performance realizing high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 20 fps with AF, various shooting functions and Full HD movie recording function in a compact and lightweight body. The touch-screen monitor provides intuitive operation. Also, built-in Wi-Fi® that enables simple transfer and sharing of high-quality images, and versatile image editing functions are employed.
red-dot-awardNikon 1 S2Nikon 1 S22015reddot-2015-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designレンズ交換式カメラをはじめて使用する方でも簡単操作できれいな画像が撮影できるモデルです。ミニマルデザインのボディーが特長で、イエローなどカラフルな全4色のカラーバリエーションをそろえています。また、キットレンズはボディーと同色をそろえており、レンズ交換式でありながら一体感のあるコーディネートが楽しめます。Nikon 1 S2 enables the capture of beautiful images with simple operation, and is recommended for first-time users of an interchangeable lens camera. Featuring a compact and minimal design, it is available in four bright colors including yellow. Lenses sold as a kit lens have the same color as the camera body. This color coordination achieves an integrated look despite the fact that it is an interchangeable lens camera.
red-dot-awardCOOLPIX S6900COOLPIX S69002015reddot-2015-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designローアングルからハイアングルまで、多彩なアングルでの撮影が可能なバリアングル液晶モニターに加え、カメラを立てるカメラスタンドやフロントシャッターボタンを搭載した、自分撮りが楽しめるコンパクトデジタルカメラです。また、手のひらでカメラをリモートコントロールできる「ジェスチャー操作」や、液晶モニターで効果を確認しながら撮影できる「メイクアップモード」など、優れた操作性と多彩な機能を搭載しています。A compact digital camera with which users can enjoy self-portraits, equipped with a camera stand and front shutter-release button in addition to a vari-angle LCD monitor that supports shooting from a variety of angles, whether low or high. The COOLPIX S6900 features a range of shooting and editing functions such as the Gesture Control function, which enables remote control using the palm of the hand, and Glamour mode which allows users to preview effects in the monitor during shooting.
red-dot-awardDfDf2014reddot-2014-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「操る愉(たの)しみ」を提供する直感的なダイヤル操作系と幅広い撮像感度域をカバーする高画質を、携行性の高い小型・軽量ボディーで実現したデジタル一眼レフカメラです。有効画素数1625万画素、FXフォーマットCMOSセンサーと画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 3」を搭載。大型の金属製メカニカルダイヤルによるシンプルで視認性に優れた操作系や精緻なボディーデザインが特長です。The Df features intuitive dial control that boosts the pleasure of camera operation, as well as providing superior image quality covering a wide sensitivity range, condensed in its highly portable, compact and light body. It is equipped with the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine and offers an effective pixel count of 16.2 million pixels. The large, metal mechanical dials enable simple operation with immediate visual verification of settings as part of the precision body design.
red-dot-awardD5300D53002014reddot-2014-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design有効画素数2416万画素、光学ローパスフィルターレスのニコンDXフォーマットCMOSセンサーと高性能の画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 4」を採用したエントリーモデルです。ニコンのデジタル一眼レフカメラとしては初めて、Wi-Fi®と位置情報機能(GPS)を内蔵し、スマートデバイスを介した高画質な画像を手軽に共有でき、また、旅行やアウトドアなどの思い出や軌跡を撮影場所とともに振り返ることができます。The D5300 is an entry-level model that employs a DX-format CMOS sensor featuring 24.2 effective megapixels, designed without an optical low-pass filter, as well as the high-performance EXPEED 4 image-processing engine. The first Nikon D-SLR with built-in Wi-Fi® and GPS allows you to share beautiful pictures easily via smart devices, while helping you to keep memories of trips and outdoor activities with location data and track logs.
red-dot-awardACULON T51ACULON T512014reddot-2014-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design携帯性に優れた、コンパクトで洗練されたデザインの双眼鏡です。ボディーにアルミニウムを使用することで、軽量でありながら堅牢性を保ちつつスタイリッシュなデザインを実現しました。優美さを感じさせるメタリック調の4色のカラーバリエーションをラインナップ。倍率に応じて8×24と10×24の2種類があり、旅行、観劇、美術鑑賞、コンサートなど様々な場面で使用できる双眼鏡です。Binoculars that feature convenient portability in a compact and sophisticated exterior design. Using aluminum for the body realizes a lightweight and stylishly elegant finish while keeping durability. Colors are selectable from four alluring metallic hues: black, silver, pink, and red. Magnifications are 8x24 and 10x24, which are ideal for travel, theater, art gallery and museum visits, and concerts.
red-dot-awardD4D42013reddot-2013-01レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design有効画素数は16.2メガピクセル、ニコンFXフォーマットCMOSセンサーとハイスペックなデジタル一眼レフカメラに最適化した画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 3」を搭載し、高精細・高画質と同時に優れた高速性能を実現した、ニコンデジタル一眼レフカメラのフラッグシップモデルです。プロフェッショナルフォトグラファーなどの撮影現場から寄せられた数々の要望を反映し、機能や性能を極限まで高めています。The D4 is a Nikon flagship D-SLR providing beautiful, sharp image quality as well as offering superb high-speed continuous shooting, thanks to its 16.2 effective megapixels, Nikon FX-format CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine optimized for high-spec D-SLRs. Addressing the many demands of professional photographers including numerous requests based on on-site experiences, its features and performance have been improved to the fullest extent.
red-dot-awardNikon 1 V2Nikon 1 V22013reddot-2013-02レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design有効画素数1425万画素、高速AF、73点の撮像面位相差AFと135点のコントラストAFを実現したレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。撮りたい瞬間を切り取れる「スロービュー」機能を搭載しました。撮影したシーンをスローで表示し、再生される動画を見ながらベストな一瞬を静止画として切り取ることができます。Providing 14.2 effective megapixels, Nikon 1 V2 employs a super-high-speed AF CMOS sensor that features high-speed AF, 73 focus areas in phase-detection AF and 135 focus areas in contrast-detect AF, as well as EXPEED 3A image-processing engine, realizing high image quality and high-speed operation. A wide range of functions are packed in a compact and lightweight body with a built-in electronic viewfinder (EVF) and flash.
red-dot-awardNikon 1 J3Nikon 1 J32013reddot-2013-03レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product DesignAF追従で約15コマ/秒の高速連写、AF固定でフル解像度による約60コマ/秒の速さでの高速連写を可能とする小型ボディーモデルのレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。前面に金属を使用したデザインにより高品位な外観に仕上げています。Nikon 1 J3 is a compact, lightweight model offering high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 15 fps with AF or up to approx. 60 fps with fixed AF for full-resolution images. It uses a metal material on the front surface, presenting a refined exterior finish.
red-dot-awardNikon 1 S1Nikon 1 S12013reddot-2013-04レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Design「Nikon 1 S1」は初めてレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラを手にするユーザーに向けたシリーズです。「Nikon 1」の特長である高速性能と、撮りたい瞬間を逃さない様々な機能を備え、GUIデザインにより直感的で使いやすい操作性を実現しています。Nikon 1 S1 is the first model in the Nikon 1 S series recommended for those who are new to using an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses. It offers high-speed performance and a variety of functions that reliably capture precious moments common with Nikon 1 series cameras. It is also equipped with an easy-to-understand GUI for more intuitive operation.
red-dot-awardCOOLPIX S01COOLPIX S012013reddot-2013-05レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot Awardプロダクトデザイン賞Product Designボディーの幅、高さは通常の名刺より小さく、質量も約96gと軽量で、手のひらに収まる極小サイズを実現したコンパクトデジタルカメラです。デザインや素材にもこだわり、どの角度から見ても段差のない滑らかなフォルム、薄くて丈夫なステンレス素材、素材をいかした美しい表面仕上げを施しています。使うこと・持ち歩くことが楽しくなるカメラです。The width and height of the camera body is smaller than a standard business card. The weight is a mere approx. 96 g. The COOLPIX S01 realized an extremely compact size that fits in the palm of the hand. Special attention was also paid to the design of the camera and material used. It has a smooth form, regardless of the angle from which it is viewed, and is constructed of a durable yet thin stainless steel that also provides a beautiful finish. The COOLPIX S01 is also equipped with a touch panel display that enables intuitive operation easy enough for anyone to handle. This is a camera that everyone will enjoy using and keeping with them at all times.
red-dot-awardD5200D52002013reddot-2013-06レッドドット・デザイン賞Red Dot AwardコミュニケーションデザインCommunication Designより分かりやすく、直感的に操作できる新たなグラフィックユーザーインターフェース(GUI)を採用しています。インフォ画面の「グラフィックデザイン」は、コンパクトデジタルカメラや一眼レフ初心者からステップアップしたいというユーザーが、撮影を楽しみながらカメラの操作を自然に習得できるインターフェースを意図し、絞り羽根やフィルムカメラのシャッターダイヤルをモチーフにしたデザインを採用しています。The D5200 employs a unique, easy-to-understand graphic user interface that realizes intuitive operation. Its info screen employs visuals inspired by aperture diaphragms and film camera shutter dials, intended for first-time D-SLR users and those utilizing compact digital cameras to naturally learn more advanced camera operation.
design-for-asia-awardsNikon 1 J5Nikon 1 J52015asia-2015-01アジアデザイン賞Design for Asia Awards銅賞Bronze Award高級感のあるシンプルかつモダンなデザインのボディーに、有効画素数2081万画素、裏面照射型CMOSセンサーと画像処理エンジン「EXPEED 5A」を搭載しているほか、AF追従で約20コマ/秒の高速連続撮影を実現。4K動画撮影機能や、自分撮りができるチルト式液晶モニターなども備えた、本格仕様と高い操作性を追求したモデルです。Nikon 1 J5 features 20.8 effective megapixels, a backside-illumination CMOS image sensor, and EXPEED 5A image-processing engine in a simple and modern body delivering a high-quality impression. High-speed continuous shooting at up to approximately 20 fps is achieved with AF. Also, with 4K movie recording function and a tilting LCD monitor that enables the capture of self-portraits, it is a model that pursues genuine specifications and superior operation.
design-for-asia-awardsNikon 1 V3Nikon 1 V32014asia-2014-01アジアデザイン賞Design for Asia Awardsプロダクト/工業デザイン「専門/商業機器・製品部門」銀賞Silver Award軽量・コンパクトボディーによる高い機動力に加え、AF追従で約20コマ/秒、AF固定で最大約60コマ/秒の高速連続撮影、短い撮影タイムラグを実現し、優れた動体捕捉性能を備えたレンズ交換式アドバンストカメラです。デジタル一眼レフカメラユーザーでも違和感なく使用できる操作系を備え、チルト式液晶モニターと、簡単かつ直感的に使えるタッチパネルを搭載しています。Nikon 1 V3 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses that realizes superb agility with its lightweight, compact body. It offers superior subject acquisition performance with high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 20 fps with AF and at up to approx. 60 fps with fixed AF, as well as a short shooting time lag. Other features include controls and buttons that are designed to allow digital- SLR users to operate them in a familiar manner, and a vari-angle LCD monitor with touch-screen control for simple and intuitive operation.
kids-design-award未来を担う子供たちへ!キッズプログラム実施!The children's program, dedicated to their future.2024kids-2024-01キッズデザイン賞Kids Design Award子どもたちの創造性と未来を拓くデザイン部門Awarded : Designs to develop the creativity and create the future of children未来を担う子供たちに「学ぶ」楽しさを提供するため、様々なキッズプログラムを展開しました。 普段見ることのできない世界大会の舞台裏や、普段触れることのないミクロとマクロの世界、光学やデザインを学びながら作る独自の作品など、さまざまな体験を通じて、豊かな経験の場を提供しました。<br><br> 合計300名以上の方が参加し、保護者からは「幼少期に顕微鏡やカメラに触れることで色々な想像力を育ててくれます。この体験が将来の夢に繋がりそうだと感じました」というコメントや、子供たちからは「探求心をくすぐられた。自由研究のテーマを考えるうえで良い刺激になりました」などの感想がありました。今後も、未来を担う子供たちに新しい経験や挑戦の場を広げたいと思います。<br><br> <ul class="c-link-list"> <li><a href="https://www.nikon.com/vision2030magazinej/corporate/23/" target="_blank" onclick="click_send('/External-link_www.nikon.com/vision2030magazinej/corporate/23/'); return true;" class="c-link-icon">詳細はこちら Vision 2030 magazine <span class="c-icon"><img src="/assets/img/icon_link-ext.svg" width="16" height="16" alt="別窓で遷移します"></span></a></li> </ul>Nikon has developed various programs for children, who will create the world of the future, in order to provide them with the joy of learning.<br><br> A behind-the-scenes view of world championships that most people don’t usually get a chance to experience, and a micro and macro world that most people don’t usually have the opportunity to touch. Also, children creating their own unique works while learning about optics and design.<br> Through these valuable experiences, we have offered a lot of valuable opportunities to grow.<br><br> More than 300 people have been participating in this program, and the parents involved have made such comments as "By touching microscopes and cameras when kids are young, it helps them to develop their various imaginations. I believe this experience can lead them to achieve their dreams." Children’s comments included, "The microscope workshop stimulated my inquisitive spirit. It was a good inspiration for thinking about themes for independent research."<br> Through various unique programs that Nikon can offer, we believe that we can expand opportunities to provide exciting new experiences and challenges for the children who will create the future.<br><br> <ul class="c-link-list"> <li><a href="https://www.nikon.com/vision2030magazinee/corporate/23/">For details, read the Vision 2030 magazine</a></li> </ul>
kids-design-awardCOOLPIX S31COOLPIX S312013kids-2013-02キッズデザイン賞Kids Design Award子ども視点の安全安心デザイン 一般部門Kid Friendly Design Award「写真を撮る、見る楽しさを家族みんなで共有する」というコンセプトのもと開発されたコンパクトデジタルカメラです。カラフルな5種類のカラーバリエーション、子どもでも安心して使えるように水深約5mまでの防水、約1.2mの耐衝撃性能に加えて、約-10℃までの耐寒および防塵性能も備えているほか、ひらがな表示のメニューや撮影後の画像編集等の楽しむ機能を搭載しています。The COOLPIX S31 is a compact digital camera developed based on the idea of families enjoying taking and viewing images together. It offers five colorful variations to choose from, providing waterproof performance to a depth of 5 m, shockproof performance up to approx. 1.2 m, and is freezeproof to approx. -10ºC, making it safe enough for children to use. It also offers special effects and image retouch features so the entire family can fully enjoy the camera.
kids-design-award携帯型実体顕微鏡 ファーブルシリーズFieldmicroscope series2013kids-2013-01キッズデザイン賞Kids Design Award子どもの未来デザイン 感性・創造性部門&TEPIA特別賞Kids' Future Design Award & TEPIA Special Award携帯型の実体顕微鏡で、観察物を両眼で立体的に観察することができます。コンパクトタイプで持ち運びに便利なため、屋外に持ち出してその場で観察が楽しめます。ファーブルシリーズは、防滴仕様の軽量コンパクトタイプの「ファーブル ミニ」をはじめ、標準タイプの「ファーブル」、カメラを装着することで観察とデジタル撮影が同時にできる「ファーブル フォト」、「ファーブル フォト EX」の4機種をラインナップしています。Portable, stereoscopic microscopes let you observe subjects with both eyes and three-dimensionally. Easy portability enables you to take the instrument outside and enjoy observing in the field. Lineups include the Fieldmicroscope Mini, which is waterproof, lightweight and compact, a standard-type Fieldmicroscope, and the EZ-Micro with which the user can observe and simultaneously take super-telephoto images by connection with a digital camera.
jidaデジタルイメージングマイクロスコープDigital Imaging Microscope2023jida-2023-01JIDAデザインミュージアムセレクションJIDA Design Museum Selection病理診断で何時間も顕微鏡に向かう病理医、検査医、検査技師等をターゲットとした医療用デジタル正立顕微鏡です。身体的・精神的負担を最大限ケアし、長時間にわたる顕微鏡観察に集中して取り組めるようサポート。データの供覧、マクロ画像とXYステージ移動との連携などデジタル観察ならではの様々なソリューションを実現します。This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement.
national高度なパフォーマンスを体現するミラーレスカメラの意匠(意匠登録第1705265号)Mirrorless Camera Exemplifying Advanced Performance" (Design Registration No. 1705265)2024national-2024-01全国発明表彰National Commendation for Invention発明賞Invention Prize本意匠はプロフェッショナルユーザー向けミラーレスカメラに関するもので、スポーツ、報道、ファッションなど様々な領域で新しい表現力を求められるユーザーの期待感や信頼感を体現するべく創作された意匠です。特徴は2つあり、1つ目は大口径のレンズマウントからファインダーまでの一体感ある側面形状で高い光学性能と期待感を体現しています。2つ目はシンプルで力強い正面形状で信頼感を体現しています。本意匠はシリーズ全体のブランド価値を高め、実施製品は多くのプロフェッショナルユーザーに使用され、映像文化の発展に大きく貢献しています。This design of a mirrorless camera for professional users embodies the high expectations and confidence of those in various fields such as sports, journalism, and fashion who are seeking new ways to express themselves. The design possesses two main features. Firstly, it has a seamless side profile from the large-diameter lens mount to the viewfinder, effectively exhibiting an impression of high optical performance and anticipation. The second is a simple but robust front profile that projects the camera’s reliability. This design significantly contributes to the advancement of imaging culture by enhancing the overall brand value of the entire series, and the models with this design are widely employed by professional users.
Good Design Award
The Good Design Award is a comprehensive design commendation system that is operated by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion aiming to further enhance our everyday life, the industry, and society as a whole through selecting "good designs" out of a variety of unfolding phenomena while celebrating them.
Mirrorless camera Z6III
Mirrorless camera Z6III
Mirrorless camera Z6III
The Nikon Z6III inherits the superior performance of the higher-end Z9 and Z8 while also offering features that expand users' creativity. In the mid-level mirrorless market, where a variety of capabilities are required of a single camera, the Z6III responds to a wide range of users with high-speed continuous shooting and 6K/60p RAW video recording functions, a handy size and stable operability. -
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
This fast medium-telephoto lens offers pleasing three-dimensional rendering by combining astonishingly high resolution with stunning circular bokeh. Leveraging NIKKOR Z capabilities to the utmost extent, the NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena totally liberates creators' potential with transformative, ethereal imaging expression that harmonizes the brilliance of the subject with beautiful bokeh. -
NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S
NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S
NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S
Being the lightest lens in its class, with a compact design and a total length of 278 mm, the NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S is a 600-mm prime that, despite being a super-telephoto lens, supports handheld shooting, making it the ideal lens for advanced amateurs who want to record powerful photos and videos of distant subjects such as wildlife and motorsports races. -
This is an inverted microscope intended for medical professionals, such as embryologists or doctors in the IVF (in vitro fertilization) field, who treat patients suffering from infertility. Its ease of installation, small footprint and product design lead to simple operation and clear status display, offering improvements in work efficiency and reproducibility, while helping to reduce the burden on users.
Digital Imaging Microscope
Good Design Best 100
Digital Imaging Microscope
Good Design Best 100
Digital Imaging Microscope
This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement. -
Mirrorless camera Z 8
Mirrorless camera Z 8
Mirrorless camera Z 8
The Z 8 offers the high functionality and performance of the Zseries' flagship model, the Nikon Z 9, in a rugged, reliable, and more compact body aimed at photographers and image creators looking to further expand their expressive potential in a wide variety of genres, including wedding and other forms of portrait photography, as well as landscape, wild bird, and aircraft photography. -
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
The Z f is a full-frame mirrorless camera featuring the Nikon Z mount. It combines a heritage design inspired by the FM2, Nikon's iconic film camera, with the latest optical and image processing technologies available for full-frame mirrorless cameras, supporting the user's self-expression throughout their creative process. -
MC-N10 Remote Grip
MC-N10 Remote Grip
MC-N10 Remote Grip
The MC-N10 is an accessory that when connected via cable to mirrorless cameras featuring the Nikon Z mount can be used to control the camera remotely. It can be used for the operation and control of a variety of camera functions, aiding users during video recording and starscapes photography and in other situations in which they would prefer to (or must) keep their hands off the camera. -
NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S
NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S
NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S
With a maximum aperture of f/1.2, this fast, mid-telephoto prime lens vastly expands the expressive range of portrait photographers and videographers alike with its amazing sharpness and large and soft bokeh. It boasts rendering performance that is outstanding even among S-Line lenses, while its maximum aperture of f/1.2 enables the capture of immersive images in a wide variety of scenes. -
NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8
NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8
NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8
This slim, wide-angle prime lens pursues superior portability, image quality, and design, and is ideal for tireless shot-seekers. High performance is packed into a light, compact body with top-tier optics, a fast maximum aperture, fast and precise autofocus, and a design that takes dust and drip resistance into account, supporting a wide variety of scenes, including cityscapes and portraits. -
Lasermeister 1000S
Lasermeister 1000S
Lasermeister 1000S
In addition to general metals, hard/brittle materials such as diamonds and ceramics are processable as well. This machine enables you to process surfaces precisely. You can obtain and apply the scanning data of workpieces to processing thanks to the on-machine laser measuring instrument. This machine contributes to DX by reducing the process and lowering the skill level required. -
ECLIPSE Ji is an innovative imaging system that allows anyone to easily conduct drug discovery research and is targeted at those doing research and development related to the search for "seeds" in the drug discovery market. To appeal to digital natives, who demand "easy" and "fast," this is a digital inverted microscope based on the key concept of an autonomous, AI-equipped microscope.
Mirrorless camera Z 9
Good Design Best 100
Mirrorless camera Z 9
Good Design Best 100
Mirrorless camera Z 9
The Z 9 is the first flagship camera in the Nikon Z mount system. Adoption of many cutting-edge Nikon technologies ensures the best still and video performance in Nikon history. It embodies ultimate usability as a tool, offering professional photographers and video creators active on the front lines an unprecedented imaging experience exceeding that of previous digital-SLR and mirrorless cameras. -
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
The Z 30 is the smallest and lightest APS-C size mirrorless camera in the Nikon Z mount system developed with a thorough pursuit of video usability. It is an affordable camera that responds to ever-increasing demand for video capabilities, perfectly suited for those just beginning to work with video, as well as seasoned video creators. -
Interchangeable lens for mirrorless cameras NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S
Interchangeable lens for mirrorless cameras NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S
Interchangeable lens for mirrorless cameras NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S
Covering from macro to portraits, this ultimate medium-telephoto 1x Micro lens exhibits striking contrast between beautiful bokeh and superior sharpness. The fast Z mount enables incredibly impressive and delicate expression not possible with other lenses. The lens pursues usability as a photographic tool and a sophisticated appearance even as it realizes superior rendering performance. -
NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)
NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)
NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)
This first in a new series of super-telephoto prime NIKKOR Z lenses boasts ultimate optical performance that exceeds the expectations of pros and advanced amateurs. It demonstrates superior sharpness and beautiful bokeh for realistic images of a wide variety of sporting and nature scenes. Fast and precise AF ensures the certain capture of decisive moments, even when the subject is moving rapidly. -
Golfer's laser rangefinder (COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED / COOLSHOT 50i)
Golfer's laser rangefinder (COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED / COOLSHOT 50i)
Golfer's laser rangefinder (COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED / COOLSHOT 50i)
The COOLSHOT series of laser rangefinders for golfers irradiate an infrared laser to a target such as the flagstick, instantly measuring the distance to it based on the laser's reflection and return time. This makes it a lot easier for golfers to understand the right distance to hit and which club to select, allowing users to more fully focus on their play. -
Binoculars MONARCH M7
Binoculars MONARCH M7
Binoculars MONARCH M7
The lightweight, compact and easy-to-use PROSTAFF P7 binoculars are ideal for users who enjoy 'looking' during all kinds of outdoor activities such as birdwatching, nature watching, sporting events and hiking. Multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms, achieving a wonderfully bright field of view. -
Binoculars PROSTAFF P7
Binoculars PROSTAFF P7
Binoculars PROSTAFF P7
The MONARCH series models are highly ranked among Nikon binoculars. By pursuing a wide field of view and superior contrast attained through high optical performance, they are perfectly suited for a wide range of nature observation in the wild, including birdwatching. Multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms, effectively realizing a brighter field of view. -
Ultra-compact machine vision camera LuFact
Ultra-compact machine vision camera LuFact
Ultra-compact machine vision camera LuFact
Lufact is a series of machine vision cameras manufactured by Nikon, utilizing in-house image-processing technology accumulated over many years. Each model consists of a camera head with a built-in sensor and an I/F (interface) conversion unit, designed to be installed on various production lines in factories. There are currently four different models available to meet a variety of customer needs.
Nikon DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc and Premium Exterior customizable color options
Nikon DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc and Premium Exterior customizable color options
Nikon DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc and Premium Exterior customizable color options
The Z fc is a mirrorless camera that combines a heritage design with the latest optical and image-processing technologies of the Z mount system. It supports intuitive adjustment of basic camera settings using the dials. Nikon also offers a service that allows users to change the leather-toned material around the camera body to their preferred color, meeting the needs of anyone who wants to enjoy shooting with an exterior design in their own style. -
10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars
10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars
10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars
The 10x25 STABILIZED binoculars are a compact model equipped with the optical and stabilization technologies that Nikon has cultivated over many years. They are designed to be used at live performances, concerts and sporting events, as well as being ideal for birdwatching. They have a simple form and are easy to handle, making them extremely convenient for such situations and activities. -
Upright Microscope ECLIPSE Si
Upright Microscope ECLIPSE Si
Upright Microscope ECLIPSE Si
The ECLIPSE Si is a biological microscope intended for current and prospective pathologists, as well as clinical laboratory physicians who employ microscopes for testing and research over many hours of observation. It achieves operational efficiency with a design based on ergonomics that permits natural posture and less strain, allowing users to concentrate on their tasks for an extended period of time. It also realizes intuitive operation and provides easy handling in educational fields.
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
The ECLIPSE Ei is a practical educational microscope. Practical lab education places a heavy burden on instructors who are teaching beginners how to use a microscope. Students have to set up and put away their microscopes before and after each lesson. These issues have been resolved with intuitive shapes and displays for controls, a lightweight and portable body, and beautifully designed accessory storage. -
The D6 is Nikon's new flagship digital SLR camera that provides the ultimate in performance demanded by top professional sports and press photographers. When used with any of the plethora of NIKKOR F mount lenses, the D6 effectively responds to user needs with its ability to capture decisive moments then immediately deliver those images. -
Z 50 + NIKKOR Z 16-50mm VR Kit
Z 50 + NIKKOR Z 16-50mm VR Kit
Z 50 + NIKKOR Z 16-50mm VR Kit
The Z 50 is Nikon's first APS-C format mirrorless camera for the Z mount system. This camera, which condenses in a compact body many of the optical and manufacturing technologies Nikon has developed, as well as knowledge and know-how it has cultivated with its D series of D-SLR cameras, will satisfy a wide variety of users, from those using a camera for the first time to seasoned hobbyists. -
Z 5 + NIKKOR Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3
Z 5 + NIKKOR Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3
Z 5 + NIKKOR Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3
The Z 5 is an interchangeable-lens mirrorless camera equipped with a full-frame sensor. It has inherited the superior power of expression and reliability of the Z mount system, yet forms a remarkably compact system when used with its small and lightweight standard zoom kit lens. It's the perfect camera for those looking to easily enjoy richer photo and video expression with Z series full-frame image quality. -
NIKKOR Z f/2.8 zoom lenses series
NIKKOR Z f/2.8 zoom lenses series
NIKKOR Z f/2.8 zoom lenses series
The NIKKOR Z f/2.8 zoom lens series for large-diameter Z mount mirrorless cameras offers incredible rendering performance for recording of both stills and video. These three great lenses cover a broad range of angles of view, each achieving better rendering performance than ever before. They will open a new frontier in expression for any subject or scene, from landscapes to portraits or wildlife. -
Intelligent Actuator Unit C3 eMotion
Intelligent Actuator Unit C3 eMotion
Intelligent Actuator Unit C3 eMotion
The C3 eMotion is an actuator unit for robotic joints that is not only intended for use by robot manufacturers, but also for anyone who wants to perform their own assembly. The unit combines a motor, speed reducer, motor driver, brake, and encoders together in one package, making it easier to build and control robots without the need of reducing wiring or concern for complicated calculations or compatibility problems.
Z Mount System
Z Mount System
Z Mount System
The Z mount system is a mirrorless camera system that utilizes the superior optical, image-processing, and production technologies Nikon has established over its history of more than 100 years, and into which the knowledge and know-how acquired primarily through Nikon's experience with the D series of D-SLR cameras have been condensed into compact bodies for which a new mount has been adopted. -
Lasermeister 100A
Lasermeister 100A
Lasermeister 100A
Lasermeister 100A is Nikon's unique metal processing machine, and it can be used for various metal processing by laser such as usage, marking, bonding, and polishing like 3D printer such as build-up modeling. It is easy to use even for people who are not familiar with metal processing, which is difficult to operate, and features a compact body that can be used anywhere.
The COOLPIX P1000 is a super-telephoto camera that offers high-power zoom and superior operation for photographing the moon, birds, and other subjects at a distance. It is suited for an incredibly wide variety of scenes, from macro photography of subjects as close as approximately 1 cm from the front of the lens, to astrophotography at a focal length equivalent to 3000mm with conversion to 35mm [135] format. -
Equipped with Nikon's vibration reduction system, the COOLSHOT PRO STABILIZED is a laser rangefinder capable of instantly measuring the distance to a target. As a high-end model loaded with Nikon's optical technologies, this rangefinder can measure the actual distance to an object as far away as 1,200 yards. The built-in ID Technology reads uphill and downhill slopes, which can make judging distances difficult, to display the slope-adjusted distance to the target. In addition, this technology uses an algorithm to instantly measure and display the distance to more difficult targets, such as flagsticks. This compact and sporty, yet highly functional rangefinder makes golfing more enjoyable. -
MONARCH HG 8×30/10×30
MONARCH HG 8×30/10×30
MONARCH HG 8×30/10×30
MONARCH HG 8×30/10×30 binoculars are compact and lightweight high-performance binoculars for those looking for greater enjoyment from the "watching" they do in their leisure time, whether it be birdwatching or traveling. Nikon's Field Flattener Lens System is incorporated to minimize the curvature of field for a sharp and clear view to the lens periphery even with the M00001's wide field of view. These flagship models of the MONARCH series with 30mm-diameter objective lenses are reliable and effective tools with universal yet refined lines and a high-quality look and feel. -
Spectacle Lenses Nikon PAL LOHAS 10
Spectacle Lenses Nikon PAL LOHAS 10
Spectacle Lenses Nikon PAL LOHAS 10
"LOHAS 10" is the new type Progressive Addition Lens designed by Nikon for presbyopia. The digitalization of today has been creating new vision problems and various new requirements for better vision. In order to realize these visual requirements we designed four types of lenses according to lifestyle: ACTIVE, WALK, HOME, and CRAFT. Furthermore, we offer consumers a lens trial before purchase and guarantee exchange or re-adaptation of lenses in the LOHAS 10 lineup after purchase to achieve the optimum vision solution for each user's lifestyle.
Action Cameras "KeyMission 360" "KeyMission 170" "KeyMission 80" and the accessories
Action Cameras "KeyMission 360" "KeyMission 170" "KeyMission 80" and the accessories
Action Cameras "KeyMission 360" "KeyMission 170" "KeyMission 80" and the accessories
KeyMission is a series of action cameras that enable recording with a wide variety of scenes. The cameras support 360°, 170°, and 80° angles of view, and photos recorded with the cameras can be automatically transferred to a smart device using the SnapBridge or SnapBridge 360/170 app. They offer varying degrees of water-, dust-, cold-, and shock-proofing that enable worry-free use in even the harshest environmental conditions. The cameras also support a rich lineup of accessories for more convenient and more enjoyable recording in a variety of situations. -
The D850 is a high-end camera with 45.8-million pixels, the same 153-point AF system built into the D5, and support for the ISO 64-25600 range of standard sensitivities and continuous shooting at up to 7 fps (9 fps with the MB-D18). It is Nikon's first FX-format SLR to support full-frame recording of 4K UHD video, and its interval timer shooting enables recording of high-resolution images, even in low-light conditions. It supports a wide variety of photographic scenes, from landscape to commercial, sports, wedding, and fashion, as well as multimedia content creation. -
The D7500 is a digital SLR camera that supports high-speed continuous shooting at up to 8 fps and realizes the ultimate in Nikon DX-format image quality. Its monocoque structure is made of a highly durable carbon-fiber composite material that makes it even lighter than its predecessors. The agility for which the DX format is known and its dust- and drip-resistant body allows users to easily enjoy hand-held shooting in a variety of situations and conditions. It also supports in-camera batch RAW processing with the same playback workflow as the D5 and D500 for greatly efficient post-processing. -
WX 7x50 IF / WX 10x50 IF
WX 7x50 IF / WX 10x50 IF
WX 7x50 IF / WX 10x50 IF
These are binoculars for observing heavenly bodies and scenery. The objective was to ensure that users would feel excitement and joy from the sense of release the super-wide field of view and incredible sharpness to the very edge of the periphery they offer. The concept behind these products, which called for minimization, without sacrifice, of supported functions in order to achieve the ultimate in optical performance, has been in no way watered down, but is fully realized. -
Inverted Research Microscope "ECLIPSE Ti2" and the application for smartphones and tablets "Ti2 Control"
Inverted Research Microscope "ECLIPSE Ti2" and the application for smartphones and tablets "Ti2 Control"
Inverted Research Microscope "ECLIPSE Ti2" and the application for smartphones and tablets "Ti2 Control"
The ECLIPSE Ti2 is a flagship model of inverted microscopes series for biology, medical and pharmaceutical. Unparalleled 25mm field of view maximizes the large sensor area of CMOS cameras without compromises, and significantly improves data throughput. Exceptional stability meets the demands of super-resolution imaging while unique hardware-triggering even enhance high-speed imaging. Furthermore, intelligent functions assist users operation by gathering data from internal sensors, eliminating the possibility of human errors. The Ti2 strongly supports the most advanced life science research. -
"Auto MeasureEyes" imaging software for CNC Video Measuring Systems "iNEXIV VMA" series
"Auto MeasureEyes" imaging software for CNC Video Measuring Systems "iNEXIV VMA" series
"Auto MeasureEyes" imaging software for CNC Video Measuring Systems "iNEXIV VMA" series
Auto MeasureEyes is a control software that enables anyone to easily operate a video measuring system. Users can now measure object dimensions, create automatic measurement programs, and export reports, all without the complex settings and instructions required with conventional software. Easily understandable and user-friendly, Auto MeasureEyes UI is engineered to simplify the measurement process.
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R
Good Design Best 100
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R
Good Design Best 100
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R
The ECLIPSE Ts2R is an inverted microscope for cell culture observations in biological and medical research. The compact, sophisticated body provides intuitively positioned control buttons, LED-based diascopic and epi-fluorescence illumination as well as enabling the Emboss Contrast technique that realizes pseudo-three-dimensional images of thick samples. -
Fieldmicroscopes EZ-Micro
Good Design Long Life Design Award
Fieldmicroscopes EZ-Micro
Good Design Long Life Design Award
Fieldmicroscopes EZ-Micro
The "EZ-Micro" is a portable fieldmicroscope that enables observation of such subjects as insects, plants and minerals in outdoor situations. You can easily carry it with you and enjoy 20x magnification observation. Attaching a compatible Nikon COOLPIX digital camera allows the user to observe objects and capture images at the same time. Since its release in 2006, it has been highly acclaimed as a unique observing tool. -
Nikon's flagship D5 D-SLR responds to a wide variety of shooting scenarios and subjects, as it provides superior performance such as dramatically boosted acquisition performance for moving subjects and elevated image quality at high ISO. Boasting a new-generation, 153-point AF system and high-speed continuous shooting at approx.the camera demonstrates highly reliable subject acquisition in diverse situations. -
Nikon's D500 DX-format flagship D-SLR ensures subject acquisition during high-speed continuous shooting at approx. Employing a new Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor and the highly advanced EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, the camera yields stills and movies in high-quality images throughout the wide standard sensitivity range of ISO 100-51200. -
MONARCH Fieldscopes
MONARCH Fieldscopes
MONARCH Fieldscopes
High-performance Fieldscopes employing the Advanced Apochromat Optical System with ED (extra-low dispersion) glass that minimizes chromatic aberration at the furthest limits of the visible light range, and the Field Flattener Lens System that provides consistent sharpness across the entire field of view, all the way to the periphery. They are ideal for all kinds of nature observation, astro observation and target confirmation for archery, as well as birdwatching. -
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Nivo-i incorporates three image sensors - in a collimation camera, wide-angle camera and centripetal camera, as well as an accurate rangefinder and angle-measuring features. The onboard software simultaneously acquires images while measuring the distance, allowing location data to be embedded on the images. This helps scientific modeling of temporal changes for applications such as the geological study of landslides, or examining cracks on concrete bridges - contributing to increased efficiency for infrastructure inspections. -
Application software for Microscope Camera Control Unit DS-L4
Application software for Microscope Camera Control Unit DS-L4
Application software for Microscope Camera Control Unit DS-L4
This software for the DS-L4 allows setup and control of the Microscope Camera DS-Fi3, live image display and acquisition of pictures from the camera. The tablet-style control unit enables easy building of a microscopic image storage system in a compact space without using a PC. The software incorporates a variety of measuring functions as well as annotation features for text input with markers on-screen. -
MONARCH HG binoculars are the most advanced models in the history of MONARCH binoculars, which are Nikon's representative binoculars. While providing a wide field of view, the Field Flattener Lens System also assures a sharp and clear view all the way to the lens periphery. A high-quality multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms. Dielectric high-reflective multilayer coating is applied to the roof prism. All of this combines to achieve a bright view with light transmittance of up to 92% or higher, plus natural color fidelity.
Good Design Best 100
Good Design Best 100
The COOLPIX P900 is a super-telephoto camera that realized an attractive size and price that D-SLR cameras have never achieved. It supports a range of shooting from macro photography of subjects as close as 1 cm to the lens, to astrophotography with a super-telephoto 2,000 mm angle of view (equivalent focal lengths in 35mm [135] format). -
Good Design Long Life Design Award
Good Design Long Life Design Award
The Nikon F6 is a 35mm-format film SLR camera developed for professional photographers working in diverse genres. It reigns as a top-quality film camera even ten years after its launch. The grip form was repeatedly refined to enable quick and secure operation, a must for a professional tool. This process yielded an ergonomic body with a firm grip and efficient layout of controls, allowing users to comfortably hold the camera while easily operating buttons and dials with their fingers. -
Good Design Long Life Design Award
Good Design Long Life Design Award
Since their introduction in 1932, NIKKOR lenses have been highly evaluated by a wide range of users all over the world. Their intricately fine but rugged design has consistently placed emphasis on operability and long-term reliability, employing features such as an easy-to-grip roulette and easy-to-read lens information. This highly praised NIKKOR lens lineup will continue to successfully advance into the future. -
Fieldscope ED50 / ED50-A
Good Design Long Life Design Award
Fieldscope ED50 / ED50-A
Good Design Long Life Design Award
Fieldscope ED50 / ED50-A
Employs ED glass to compensate chromatic aberration. Multiple, exclusive eyepieces, including zoom eyepieces, can be attached for a variety of purposes, while super-telephoto shooting is available by attaching a digital camera to the Fieldscope via an attachment. The small, lightweight body can be operated with a single hand. These models have been highly appreciated by many people as entry-level equipment which has a practical, simple design while delivering genuine performance and that can be used over many years, and also as sub-equipment for professionals. -
The Nikon D5500 DX-format D-SLR features high image quality delivered by 24.2 megapixels and superb operability. Its compact, lightweight and very agile body further pushes the horizons of shooting opportunities and creative photography. Rigorous exploration to find the perfect form as a handheld device has resulted in the slim body with a deep grip that fits comfortably in users' hands, whether large or small. Combined with the intuitive touch-screen LCD monitor and Wi-Fi® connectivity allowing instant image sharing, the camera offers comfortable and practical photo shooting experience. -
Nikon 1 J5 + 1 NIKKOR 18.5mm f/1.8
Nikon 1 J5 + 1 NIKKOR 18.5mm f/1.8
Nikon 1 J5 + 1 NIKKOR 18.5mm f/1.8
The Nikon 1 J5 is an ultra-high-speed, advanced camera with interchangeable lenses, satisfying the high shooting motivation of users. It employs a 20.8-megapixel backside illumination CMOS image sensor and can capture fleeting facial expressions or movements of subjects beautifully. Improved design, operability and other specifications encourage users to shoot. The tilting LCD monitor enables self-portraits, and the wide tilting range facilitates shooting from the best angle. -
The COOLPIX S33 offers shock- and water-proofing performance that enables worry-free use for anyone from children to adults. It can be used in any situation. In addition to the design that makes it easy to hold with both hands, operational buttons are placed closer to the fingers, for more natural shooting. Simple operational buttons are easy to use not only for children but also seniors. -
PROSTAFF 7S 8x30 / 10x30
PROSTAFF 7S 8x30 / 10x30
PROSTAFF 7S 8x30 / 10x30
PROSTAFF 7S 8x30/10x30 binoculars are waterproof models that feature a highly practical design to fit in your hands comfortably with high-class texture, and can be used for a wide variety of applications, including birdwatching. Magnifications are 8x and 10x. The lightweight and slim body employs fiberglass-reinforced polycarbonate resin. These easily portable, 30mm-diameter binoculars deliver genuine performance. -
COOLSHOT 40i / 40
COOLSHOT 40i / 40
COOLSHOT 40i / 40
Laser Rangefinders for golfers that display the measured distance to a target speedily. As well as the actual distance, Golf mode displays "the guide distance to shoot" considering slopes where a sense of distance is otherwise difficult to judge. This is realized by Nikon's original First Target Priority Algorithm, which easily measures the distance to a flagstick. Employing various functions that expand the enjoyment of golf, the COOLSHOT 40i/40 Laser Rangefinder combines compactness, portability, easy operation and sporty styling.
8x20HG L DCF / 10x25HG L DCF
Good Design Long Life Design Award
8x20HG L DCF / 10x25HG L DCF
Good Design Long Life Design Award
8x20HG L DCF / 10x25HG L DCF
With their high resolving power and bright field of view, 8x20HG L DCF/10x25HG L DCF binoculars achieve a superior optical system with reduced flare and ghost. It has been over 10 years since their introduction and their enduring high-class image quality can be assured. In addition to durability, the lightweight magnesium body offers genuine waterproof performance. By folding both left and right lens tubes inside, they are compact to store. They can be used in any situation from dark interiors to tough outdoor conditions. -
Progressive Addition Lens [AI]
Open For The Future Award
Progressive Addition Lens [AI]
Open For The Future Award
Progressive Addition Lens [AI]
The Progressive Addition Lens [AI] has drastically reduced uncomfortable vision problems such as distortion and blurring. This is thanks to Nikon's new Artificial Intelligence design program, which finetunes people's eyesight individually based on the precise condition of the wearer's eyes and lens power information. The [AI] lens, developed in the Cyclone design, is a bifocal lens that allows users to freely adjust their vision, overcoming conventional problems. -
Nikon 1 J4 + 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD-ZOOM
Nikon 1 J4 + 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD-ZOOM
Nikon 1 J4 + 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD-ZOOM
The Nikon 1 J4 is a compact and lightweight, CX-format advanced camera with interchangeable lenses. High-speed continuous shooting and superior image quality delivered by 18.4 megapixels capture the decisive moments. Images and movies can be handled by touch operation easily, allowing a variety of image expressions. Nikon 1's characteristic minimal appearance has been enhanced by a seamless design, while a sharp and sophisticated texture portraying solid metal is achieved. -
Nikon 1 V3(Premium Kit)+1NIKKOR VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6
Nikon 1 V3(Premium Kit)+1NIKKOR VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6
Nikon 1 V3(Premium Kit)+1NIKKOR VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6
The Nikon V3 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses, employing a CX-format CMOS sensor and achieving outstanding subject acquisition performance of moving subjects, condensed in a compact and lightweight body. In addition to realizing superior operability equivalent to that of D-SLR cameras, the camera supports system expansion with an array of accessories, including an EVF and grip, for flexible response to a variety of shooting situations. -
The D750 is a Nikon FX-format camera offering superb agility, that further expands the horizons of shooting scenarios and creative photography, as well as providing rich rendering performance that goes well beyond its class. Concentrating comprehensive wireless communication features in its compact, lightweight body, it is a full-scale D-SLR camera. It has also achieved superb operability with a series of convenient features: a tilting LCD monitor, a spacious grip area for comfortable holding, the unique i button offering quick access to frequently used menu items, and intuitive info display designs. -
PROSTAFF 5 8x42 / 10x42
PROSTAFF 5 8x42 / 10x42
PROSTAFF 5 8x42 / 10x42
With functional styling and high-class texture that provides a comfortable grip, the PROSTAFF 5 8x42/10x42 models are waterproof binoculars ideal for a wide range of outdoor leisure activities such as birdwatching. Magnifications are 8x and 10x. Employing fiberglass-reinforced polycarbonate resin for the body material ensures a lightweight and slim body. The 42mm-diameter binoculars also offer easy portability.
The D7100 incorporates a Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor featuring 24.1 effective megapixels, an image sensor unit developed without an optical low-pass filter, that contributes to sharp depiction, as well as the advanced EXPEED 3 image-processing engine. It also achieves excellent operability that delivers efficient, comfortable shooting. The carefully designed camera grip comfortably fits in users' hands even after long hours of shooting, while the unique i button provides quick access to frequently used menu items. -
A Nikon FX-format camera, the D610 is a highly cost-effective model. Its compact, lightweight body packs high image quality, rendering performance, operability and robustness that pursue those of more advanced models. It also inherits diverse convenient functions and features of higher-end models, such as the camera grip that comfortably fits in a user's hand even after long hours of shooting, as well as dust- and weather-resistance at the same level as the D800 and D800E. -
Nikon 1 AW1
Nikon 1 AW1
Nikon 1 AW1
The Nikon AW1 is the world's first waterproof and shockproof digital camera with interchangeable lenses. It maintains waterproofing to a depth of 15 m and can withstand the shock of a fall from up to 2 m. Using it with the dedicated 1 NIKKOR AW 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 and 1 NIKKOR AW 10mm f/2.8 lenses, also waterproof to 15 m and shockproof to 2 m, expands shooting possibilities, while delivering the high image quality of the Nikon 1. Inheriting the Nikon 1's characteristic minimal design, the camera incorporates stainless steel on the front surface, providing both elegant styling and ruggedness. -
MONARCH 7 8X42 / 10X42
MONARCH 7 8X42 / 10X42
MONARCH 7 8X42 / 10X42
These waterproof models deliver the best optical performance in the MONARCH series of binoculars and feature an elegant design providing secure holding and high-class texture. With their comfortable grip, superb design and outstanding performance, MONARCH 7 8x42/10x42 binoculars are ideal for a wide variety of users, from serious enthusiasts who seek high quality and performance to family users. -
Research Stereo Microscope SMZ25 / SMZ18
Research Stereo Microscope SMZ25 / SMZ18
Research Stereo Microscope SMZ25 / SMZ18
These stereo microscopes feature an expanded zoom range as well as drastically increased resolution. The arm design that smoothly stretches from the back, signifying new-generation products, realizes a fresh, advanced appearance. The combination of color and form, providing an impression of the optical axis, symbolizes reliability and security to inspire users.
iF design award
Since its founding in 1953, organized by iF International Forum Design GmbH based in Hannover, Germany, the iF DESIGN AWARD has been an internationally prestigious design competition that recognizes the best designs of industrial products in the world every year, comprising several award categories such as product, communication, and packaging designs.
Z 8
Discipline : Product Design
Z 8
Discipline : Product Design
Z 8
The Z 8 offers the high functionality and performance of the Z series' flagship model, the Nikon Z 9, in a rugged, reliable, and more compact body aimed at photographers and image creators looking to further expand their expressive potential in a wide variety of genres, including wedding and other forms of portrait photography, as well as landscape, wild bird, and aircraft photography. -
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
Discipline : Product Design
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
Discipline : Product Design
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
The Z f is a full-frame mirrorless camera featuring the Nikon Z mount. It combines a heritage design inspired by the FM2, Nikon's iconic film camera, with the latest optical and image processing technologies available for full-frame mirrorless cameras, supporting the user's self-expression throughout their creative process. -
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
The NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena is an S-Line lens, and takes full advantage of the Z mount system's large-diameter mount that unlocks further possibilities for lens design, as well as the potential for large and consistent distribution of light. This realizes beautiful, well-rounded bokeh throughout the entire frame even at maximum aperture, and outstanding sharpness and clarity regardless of the shooting distance — resulting in the fantastic expression of delicate textures and beautiful bokeh in both portraits and landscapes. -
NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8
This slim, wide-angle prime lens pursues superior portability, image quality, and design, and is ideal for tireless shot-seekers. High performance is packed into a light, compact body with top-tier optics, a fast maximum aperture, fast and precise autofocus, and a design that takes dust and drip resistance into account, supporting a wide variety of scenes, including cityscapes and portraits. -
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
ECLIPSE Ji is an innovative imaging system that allows anyone to easily conduct drug discovery research and is targeted at those doing research and development related to the search for "seeds" in the drug discovery market. To appeal to digital natives, who demand "easy" and "fast," this is a digital inverted microscope based on the key concept of an autonomous, AI-equipped microscope. -
Digital Imaging Microscope
Discipline : Product Design
Digital Imaging Microscope
Discipline : Product Design
Digital Imaging Microscope
This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement.
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
Discipline : Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
Discipline : Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
The Z 30 is the smallest and lightest APS-C size mirrorless camera in the Nikon Z mount system, and was developed via thorough pursuit of video usability. It is an affordable camera that responds to the ever-increasing demand for video capabilities, and is perfectly suited for those just beginning to work with video, as well as seasoned video creators. -
NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S, NIKKOR Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S, NIKKOR Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens series for mirrorless cameras (Winning products are NIKKOR Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S, NIKKOR Z 600mm f/4 TC VR S and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S)
This first in a new series of super-telephoto prime NIKKOR Z lenses boasts ultimate optical performance that exceeds the expectations of pros and advanced amateurs. It demonstrates superior sharpness and beautiful bokeh for realistic images of a wide variety of sporting and nature scenes. Fast and precise AF ensures the certain capture of decisive moments, even when the subject is moving rapidly. -
Remote Grip MC-N10
Discipline : Product Design
Remote Grip MC-N10
Discipline : Product Design
Remote Grip MC-N10
Attaches to a variety of video equipment via the ARRI Rosette*1 and allows for remote control of Z mount mirrorless cameras*2 via a wired connection while recording — expanding what's possible on solo video shoots using a gimbal, slider, etc.
- *1Requires a third-party rosette adapter if using equipment without an adapter of its own.
- *2As of May 2023, the Z 9, Z 7II, Z 6II, Z 5, Z fc and Z 30 are the cameras supported.
Ultra-compact machine vision camera LuFact series
Discipline : Product Design
Ultra-compact machine vision camera LuFact series
Discipline : Product Design
Ultra-compact machine vision camera LuFact series
Lufact is a series of machine vision cameras manufactured by Nikon, utilizing in-house image-processing technology accumulated over many years. Each model consists of a camera head with a built-in sensor and an I/F (interface) conversion unit, designed to be installed on various production lines in factories. There are currently four different models available to meet a variety of customer needs.
Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 9
Discipline : Product Design
Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 9
Discipline : Product Design
Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 9
The Z 9 is the first flagship model of the Z series mirrorless cameras bringing together Nikon's leading-edge technologies to deliver the best still and video features and performance in Nikon history. Thanks to the newly developed stacked CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 7 image-processing engine, the most powerful AF performance among Nikon cameras is realized. This advanced AF system detects the world's largest range* of nine subject types for both stills and video: people, dogs, cats, birds, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trains, and airplanes. With this system, decisive moments can be reliably captured for diverse subjects.
- *Among mirrorless cameras available as of October 28, 2021, based on Nikon research.
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc
Discipline : Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc
Discipline : Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc
The Z fc is the first Z-series camera to adopt a heritage design, while simultaneously supporting various advanced features. In addition to the enjoyment of shooting great stills and videos, it is designed with particular attention paid to delivering the pride and joy of ownership. Its compact, lightweight body is highly portable but packs superb operability and rendering capability, making it easy to handle even for first-time mirrorless camera users. -
NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens
Discipline : Product Design
NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens
The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S belongs to the S-Line* series of NIKKOR Z lenses, thereby achieving superior resolution, while also realizing beautiful bokeh with thoroughly suppressed color bleeding and fringing. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm F/2.8 VR S and the NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8, both announced on the same date, are the first NIKKOR Z micro lenses. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S supports a minimum focus distance of 0.29 m and a maximum reproduction ratio of 1.0x, while delivering the high performance required of a mid-telephoto micro lens in a wide variety of scenes, from life-size photography to the capture of landscapes and portraits for which the mid-telephoto focal length is perfectly suited.
- *The S-Line is a grade of NIKKOR Z lenses that demonstrate outstanding optical performance, adhering to a high standard of design principles and quality control.
ECLIPSE Si upright microscope
Discipline : Product Design
ECLIPSE Si upright microscope
Discipline : Product Design
ECLIPSE Si upright microscope
Complex operation and physical fatigue from long hours of use are common challenges for microscope users in both clinical and educational settings. To address these challenges, Nikon has developed the ECLIPSE Si upright microscope. The ECLIPSE Si features intelligent features such as a Light Intensity Management function which reduces the time spent on adjusting the light intensity when changing magnifications. The ergonomic design of the ECLIPSE Si, including a tube featuring a 45-degree inclination angle and a low stage height ensures that users maintain a natural posture. The ECLIPSE Si improves the workflow for a wide range of users and helps them stay focused during long hours of observation.
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
It provides the necessary support for professional sports photographers and photojournalists to perform at their best, and is equipped with the most powerful AF system in Nikon history. Further, in combination with the rich lineup of NIKKOR F lenses, photographers are able to capture decisive, once-in-a-lifetime shots with more accuracy. -
Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack
Discipline : Product Design
Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack
Discipline : Product Design
Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack
Reliability and operability have been improved with the adoption of Dual EXPEED 6, which increases the number of shots with a single burst of continuous shooting as well as enabling support of dual card slots, meeting the needs of users. Further, the MB-N11 Power Battery Pack, ideal for vertical shooting, increases the number of possible shots while offering a firm and comfortable hold. The MB-N11 Power Battery Pack supports a hot-swap system and is well suited for extended use, such as when recording video or capturing shots for time-lapse videos. -
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
Discipline : Product Design
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
Discipline : Product Design
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
ECLIPSE Ei, educational microscope, is designed for intuitive operation and an improved learning experience. Its Online Guide provides quick and easy access to tutorials, empowering students to learn independently. Also, its portable and storable design shorten the time required to preparation and clean-up, realizing an efficient workflow.
Fundus camera RetinaStation
Discipline : Product Design
Fundus camera RetinaStation
Discipline : Product Design
Fundus camera RetinaStation
RetinaStation captures high-definition fundus images with full automation. It supports diagnosis of eye diseases such as glaucoma, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. Fundus details are reproduced in high resolution with 12 million pixels.
Nikon Z mount system
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon Z mount system
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon Z mount system
The Z mount system is comprised of mirrorless cameras featuring a new, larger-diameter mount, and compatible NIKKOR Z lenses and accessories. At the heart of the new Z mount system is the new, larger-diameter mount, which unlocks further possibilities of lens design, greatly increasing capabilities in optical performance. The Z mount system will offer a variety of high-performance lenses, including an extremely fast f/0.95 lens. Nikon will expand the value of mirrorless cameras through the pursuit of a new dimension in optical performance, and by upholding Nikon's tradition of quality while responding to the evolution of imaging technology. -
COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight
Discipline : Product Design
COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight
Discipline : Product Design
COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight
The COOLPIX P1000 is a compact digital camera that combines superior photographic performance that records high-quality, breathtaking images with 125x optical zoom and superior operability. It is equipped with a 125x optical zoom lens that covers an incredible range of focal lengths, beginning at the wide-angle 24mm*1 equivalent, and extending to the super-telephoto 3000mm*1 equivalent (up to 250x*2 zoom is possible when Dynamic Fine Zoom is enabled). The EXPEED image-processing engine built into the camera achieves superior image quality, and the Dual Detect Optical VR, which provides a level of vibration reduction equivalent to a 5.0-stop*3 increase in shutter speed, enables sharp and clear images, even with hand-held telephoto shooting.
When used with the DF-M1 Dot Sight, an accessory that helps the user to keep track of the intended subject with telephoto photography, the capture of previously impossible subjects, including birds and celestial bodies, is fully supported.- *1Equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format.
- *2At the maximum image size. The maximum zoom ratio varies by image size. The zoom ratio indicated for Dynamic Fine Zoom is the combined ratio of optical zoom from the maximum wide-angle position and digital zoom.
- *3Measured in accordance with CIPA standards at approx. 350mm (equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format).
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
The D850 has been extremely well received around the world for its high image quality; outstanding high-speed performance; its ergonomic, power-saving, and advanced dust- and drip-resistant design; and cutting-edge functions such as silent photography. -
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
The D7500 is a compact and lightweight digital SLR camera with superior high-speed performance, featuring the same impressive image quality as the D500 — Nikon's flagship DX-format digital SLR camera. Equipped with the same EXPEED 5 image-processing engine and Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor as the D500, the D7500 achieves superior image quality with very little noise throughout the broad ISO 100-51200 range of standard sensitivities. -
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
A compact digital camera providing tough durability able to withstand severe outdoor shooting situations. It features a stylish design and offers easier-to-use operability including a comfortable grip. With the COOLPIX W300, you can enjoy shooting in style at special events and while traveling, as well as in everyday life.
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon's flagship D5 D-SLR responds to a wide variety of shooting scenarios and subjects, as it provides superior performance such as dramatically boosted acquisition performance for moving subjects and elevated image quality at high ISO. Boasting a new-generation, 153-point AF system and high-speed continuous shooting at approx.the camera demonstrates highly reliable subject acquisition in diverse situations. -
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon's D500 DX-format flagship D-SLR ensures subject acquisition during high-speed continuous shooting at approx. Employing a new Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor and the highly advanced EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, the camera yields stills and movies in high-quality images throughout the wide standard sensitivity range of ISO 100-51200. -
KeyMission 360
Discipline : Product Design
KeyMission 360
Discipline : Product Design
KeyMission 360
The flagship KeyMission 360 records seamless 360° video in 4K UHD format, moving action camera users a step closer toward virtual reality content, and changing the way people capture and share their experiences. -
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ti2
Discipline : Product Design
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ti2
Discipline : Product Design
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ti2
Without altering the size of the microscope body, the diameter of the observation light path has been enlarged in order to make it compatible with digital cameras which employ a large sensor. The ECLIPSE Ti2 has achieved the largest FOV in its class. Integrated fly-eye lens technology provides uniform illumination from edge to edge, enabling high-speed, image-tiling experiments. -
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Discipline : Product Design
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Discipline : Product Design
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Nivo-i incorporates three image sensors — in a collimation camera, wide-angle camera and centripetal camera, as well as an accurate rangefinder and angle-measuring features. The onboard software simultaneously acquires images while measuring the distance, allowing location data to be embedded on the images. This helps scientific modeling of temporal changes for applications such as the geological study of landslides, or examining cracks on concrete bridges — contributing to increased efficiency for infrastructure inspections.
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R
iF Gold Award
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R
iF Gold Award
Inverted Microscope ECLIPSE Ts2 / Ts2R
The ECLIPSE Ts2R is an inverted microscope for cell culture observations in biological and medical research. The compact, sophisticated body provides intuitively positioned control buttons, LED-based diascopic and epi-fluorescence illumination as well as enabling the Emboss Contrast technique that realizes pseudo-three-dimensional images of thick samples. -
Nikon 1 J5
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 J5
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 J5
Nikon 1 J5 features 20.8 effective megapixels, a backside-illumination CMOS image sensor, and EXPEED 5A image-processing engine in a simple and modern body delivering a high-quality impression. High-speed continuous shooting at up to approximately 20 fps is achieved with AF. Also, with 4K movie recording function and a tilting LCD monitor that enables the capture of self-portraits, it is a model that pursues genuine specifications and superior operation.
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
The Df features intuitive dial control that boosts the pleasure of camera operation, as well as providing superior image quality covering a wide sensitivity range, condensed in its highly portable, compact and light body. It is equipped with the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine and offers an effective pixel count of 16.2 million pixels. The large, metal mechanical dials enable simple operation with immediate visual verification of settings as part of the precision body design. -
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
The D750 is a Nikon FX-format digital SLR camera that offers 24.3 effective megapixels, and is equipped with a new Nikon FX-format CMOS image sensor and the EXPEED 4 image-processing engine. It supports superior image quality and full-scale specifications that pursue those of professional models, all in a very agile compact, lightweight, and slim body. It is the first Nikon FX-format camera for which a tilting LCD monitor and built-in Wi-Fi® function have been adopted for greater convenience. -
Nikon 1 V3
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 V3
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 V3
Nikon 1 V3 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses that realizes superb agility with its lightweight, compact body. It offers superior subject acquisition performance with high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 20 fps with AF and at up to approx. 60 fps with fixed AF, as well as a short shooting time lag. Other features include controls and buttons that are designed to allow digital- SLR users to operate them in a familiar manner, and a vari-angle LCD monitor with touch-screen control for simple and intuitive operation.
Nikon 1 AW1
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 AW1
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 AW1
The Nikon AW1 is the world's first waterproof and shockproof digital camera with interchangeable lenses. It maintains waterproofing to a depth of 15 m and can withstand the shock of a fall from up to 2 m. Using it with the dedicated 1 NIKKOR AW 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 and 1 NIKKOR AW 10mm f/2.8 lenses, also waterproof to 15 m and shockproof to 2 m, expands shooting possibilities, while delivering the high image quality of the Nikon 1. Inheriting the Nikon 1's characteristic minimal design, the camera incorporates stainless steel on the front surface, providing both elegant styling and ruggedness. -
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
The first COOLPIX compact digital camera to be equipped with a DX-format CMOS sensor. Employing an exclusively designed wide-angle 18.5mm (equivalent to a 28mm angle of view in 35mm [135] format), f/2.8 fixed focal length NIKKOR lens, the COOLPIX A combines the superior rendering capabilities of a digital SLR camera with the ease and portability of a compact digital camera.
Discipline : Product Design
Discipline : Product Design
The D4 is a Nikon flagship D-SLR providing beautiful, sharp image quality as well as offering superb high-speed continuous shooting, thanks to its 16.2 effective megapixels, Nikon FX-format CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine optimized for high-spec D-SLRs. Addressing the many demands of professional photographers including numerous requests based on on-site experiences, its features and performance have been improved to the fullest extent. -
Nikon 1 system
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 system
Discipline : Product Design
Nikon 1 system
The Nikon 1 system includes Speedlights, GPS unit, grips and cases, centered on a compact and lightweight camera and dedicated interchangeable lenses, providing new image expressions. The camera body, with its simple, trim styling and metallic appearance is available in a selection of colors. The entire system is unified with a smart, sophisticated and minimal design, symbolizing Nikon's confidence in Nikon 1 as a new-generation imaging device.
Red Dot Award
The Red Dot Award: Products Design is one of the largest-class design awards in the world that selects products with excellent design within the previous two years, based on nine criteria including degree of innovation, functionality, ergonomics, ecology, and durability.
Z 8
Product Design
Z 8
Product Design
Z 8
The Z 8 offers the high functionality and performance of the Z series' flagship model, the Nikon Z 9, in a rugged, reliable, and more compact body aimed at photographers and image creators looking to further expand their expressive potential in a wide variety of genres, including wedding and other forms of portrait photography, as well as landscape, wild bird, and aircraft photography. -
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
Product Design
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
Product Design
Z f + NIKKOR Z SE (Special Edition) lenses
The Z f is a full-frame mirrorless camera featuring the Nikon Z mount. It combines a heritage design inspired by the FM2, Nikon's iconic film camera, with the latest optical and image processing technologies available for full-frame mirrorless cameras, supporting the user's self-expression throughout their creative process. -
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena
The NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena is an S-Line lens, and takes full advantage of the Z mount system's large-diameter mount that unlocks further possibilities for lens design, as well as the potential for large and consistent distribution of light. This realizes beautiful, well-rounded bokeh throughout the entire frame even at maximum aperture, and outstanding sharpness and clarity regardless of the shooting distance — resulting in the fantastic expression of delicate textures and beautiful bokeh in both portraits and landscapes. -
NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S
The NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S is an S-Line*1 super-telephoto prime lens offering superior optical performance and portability with a total length of 278 mm and weight of approximately 1,390 g, the lightest in its class*2. Furthermore, a design that positions the lens' center of gravity closer to the body side means that users are much less aware of its weight, making the NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S an ideal lens for panning in situations that require easy lens control and stability, such as motorsport races, as well as for the hand-held shooting of various fast-moving subjects such as wild birds.- *1The S-Line is a grade of NIKKOR Z lenses that demonstrate outstanding optical performance, adhering to a high standard of design principles and quality control.
- *2Among f/6.3 and faster interchangeable lenses for full-frame/FX-format mirrorless cameras, including those with a focal length of 600 mm, available as of October 11, 2023. Statement based on Nikon research.
Product Design
Product Design
ECLIPSE Ji is an innovative imaging system that allows anyone to easily conduct drug discovery research and is targeted at those doing research and development related to the search for "seeds" in the drug discovery market. To appeal to digital natives, who demand "easy" and "fast," this is a digital inverted microscope based on the key concept of an autonomous, AI-equipped microscope. -
Digital Imaging Microscope
Product Design
Digital Imaging Microscope
Product Design
Digital Imaging Microscope
This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement.
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 30
The Z 30 is the smallest and lightest APS-C size mirrorless camera in the Nikon Z mount system, and was developed via thorough pursuit of video usability. It is an affordable camera that responds to the ever-increasing demand for video capabilities, and is perfectly suited for those just beginning to work with video, as well as seasoned video creators. -
Remote Grip MC-N10
Product Design
Remote Grip MC-N10
Product Design
Remote Grip MC-N10
Attaches to a variety of video equipment via the ARRI Rosette1 and allows for remote control of Z mount mirrorless cameras*2 via a wired connection while recording — expanding what's possible on solo video shoots using a gimbal, slider, etc.
- *1Requires a third-party rosette adapter if using equipment without an adapter of its own.
- *2As of May 2023, the Z 9, Z 7II, Z 6II, Z 5, Z fc and Z 30 are the cameras supported.
Golfer's Laser Rangefinders COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED and COOLSHOT 50i
Product Design
Golfer's Laser Rangefinders COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED and COOLSHOT 50i
Product Design
Golfer's Laser Rangefinders COOLSHOT PROII STABILIZED and COOLSHOT 50i
The COOLSHOT series of laser rangefinders for golfers irradiate an infrared laser to a target such as the flagstick, instantly measuring the distance to it based on the laser's reflection and return time. This makes it a lot easier for golfers to understand the right distance to hit and which club to select, allowing users to more fully focus on their play.
Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 9
Best of the Best
Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 9
Best of the Best
Full-frame/FX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z 9
The Z 9 is the first flagship model of the Z series mirrorless cameras bringing together Nikon's leading-edge technologies to deliver the best still and video features and performance in Nikon history. Thanks to the newly developed stacked CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 7 image-processing engine, the most powerful AF performance among Nikon cameras is realized. This advanced AF system detects the world's largest range* of nine subject types for both stills and video: people, dogs, cats, birds, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trains, and airplanes. With this system, decisive moments can be reliably captured for diverse subjects.
- *Among mirrorless cameras available as of October 28, 2021, based on Nikon research.
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc
Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc
Product Design
APS-C size/DX-format mirrorless camera Nikon Z fc
The Z fc is the first Z-series camera to adopt a heritage design, while simultaneously supporting various advanced features. In addition to the enjoyment of shooting great stills and videos, it is designed with particular attention paid to delivering the pride and joy of ownership. Its compact, lightweight body is highly portable but packs superb operability and rendering capability, making it easy to handle even for first-time mirrorless camera users. -
NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens
Product Design
NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens
Product Design
NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S mid-telephoto micro lens
The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S belongs to the S-Line* series of NIKKOR Z lenses, thereby achieving superior resolution, while also realizing beautiful bokeh with thoroughly suppressed color bleeding and fringing. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm F/2.8 VR S and the NIKKOR Z MC 50mm f/2.8, both announced on the same date, are the first NIKKOR Z micro lenses. The NIKKOR Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S supports a minimum focus distance of 0.29 m and a maximum reproduction ratio of 1.0x, while delivering the high performance required of a mid-telephoto micro lens in a wide variety of scenes, from life-size photography to the capture of landscapes and portraits for which the mid-telephoto focal length is perfectly suited.
- *The S-Line is a grade of NIKKOR Z lenses that demonstrate outstanding optical performance, adhering to a high standard of design principles and quality control.
NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S super-telephoto prime lens
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S super-telephoto prime lens
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S super-telephoto prime lens
The NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S, the first NIKKOR Z super-telephoto prime lens, belongs to the S-Line series of NIKKOR Z lenses, which pursues the ultimate in optical performance. It realizes the rendering of realistic images by achieving beautiful bokeh and high resolution. It features a built-in 1.4x teleconverter and a new coating that delivers the highest anti-reflection performance in NIKKOR history. Providing superb operability that is ideal for video recording, the NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S supports the imaging expression of professional photographers. -
ECLIPSE Si upright microscope
Product Design
ECLIPSE Si upright microscope
Product Design
ECLIPSE Si upright microscope
Complex operation and physical fatigue from long hours of use are common challenges for microscope users in both clinical and educational settings. To address these challenges, Nikon has developed the ECLIPSE Si upright microscope. The ECLIPSE Si features intelligent features such as a Light Intensity Management function which reduces the time spent on adjusting the light intensity when changing magnifications. The ergonomic design of the ECLIPSE Si, including a tube featuring a 45-degree inclination angle and a low stage height ensures that users maintain a natural posture. The ECLIPSE Si improves the workflow for a wide range of users and helps them stay focused during long hours of observation.
Software NX Studio
Brands & Communication Design
Software NX Studio
Brands & Communication Design
Software NX Studio
NX Studio is a genuine Nikon computer software. The UI is designed in pursuit of enhanced operability, providing any user with intuitive operation including smooth viewing, effective RAW processing and editing. The overall improved responsiveness of individual functions, such as the image display, allows you to work on both stills and movies comfortably. -
Product Design
Product Design
It provides the necessary support for professional sports photographers and photojournalists to perform at their best, and is equipped with the most powerful AF system in Nikon history. Further, in combination with the rich lineup of NIKKOR F lenses, photographers are able to capture decisive, once-in-a-lifetime shots with more accuracy. -
Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack
Product Design
Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack
Product Design
Z 7II, Nikon Z 6II and MB-N11 Power Battery Pack
Reliability and operability have been improved with the adoption of Dual EXPEED 6, which increases the number of shots with a single burst of continuous shooting as well as enabling support of dual card slots, meeting the needs of users. Further, the MB-N11 Power Battery Pack, ideal for vertical shooting, increases the number of possible shots while offering a firm and comfortable hold. The MB-N11 Power Battery Pack supports a hot-swap system and is well suited for extended use, such as when recording video or capturing shots for time-lapse videos. -
NIKKOR Z f/2.8 Zoom Lens Series
Product Design
NIKKOR Z f/2.8 Zoom Lens Series
Product Design
NIKKOR Z f/2.8 Zoom Lens Series
Adoption of a large-diameter mount has enabled high flexibility in lens design, greatly improving optical performance. These lenses cover a broad range of focal lengths—14 mm to 200 mm—expanding possibiliries of imaging expression in a wide array of scenes, from landscape and portrait, to wildlife. -
10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars
Product Design
10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars
Product Design
10x25 STABILIZED Binoculars
10x25 STABILIZED is the first compact binocular of Nikon to be equipped with the STABILIZED function. The compact and lightweight double-hinge foldable body is suitable for not only long-time but also one-handed use. -
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
Product Design
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
Product Design
Educational microscope ECLIPSE Ei
ECLIPSE Ei, educational microscope, is designed for intuitive operation and an improved learning experience. Its Online Guide provides quick and easy access to tutorials, empowering students to learn independently. Also, its portable and storable design shorten the time required to preparation and clean-up, realizing an efficient workflow.
Z 50
Product Design
Z 50
Product Design
Z 50
The Z 50 is Nikon's first APS-C size (Nikon DX-format) mirrorless camera, inheriting its design and operability, reliability, and future possibilities as a mirrorless system from the Nikon Z 7 and Z 6. The Z 50 further improves on these characteristics and condenses them into a compact, lightweight, and durable body capable of superior rendering capabilities and rich power of expression. -
NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct
Product Design
NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct
The NIKKOR Z 58mm f/0.95 S Noct serves as a symbol of the outstanding optical performance achieved with NIKKOR Z lenses. It takes advantage of the superior design flexibility made possible by the combination of the large-diameter (inner diameter of 55 mm) Z mount and 16 mm flange focal distance to realize an f/0.95 maximum aperture, the fastest (brightest)* in Nikon history.
- *Among interchangeable lenses for Nikon cameras.
Fundus camera RetinaStation
Product Design
Fundus camera RetinaStation
Product Design
Fundus camera RetinaStation
RetinaStation captures high-definition fundus images with full automation. It supports diagnosis of eye diseases such as glaucoma, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. Fundus details are reproduced in high resolution with 12 million pixels.
Nikon Z mount system
Product Design
Nikon Z mount system
Product Design
Nikon Z mount system
The Z mount system is comprised of mirrorless cameras featuring a new, larger-diameter mount, and compatible NIKKOR Z lenses and accessories. At the heart of the new Z mount system is the new, larger-diameter mount, which unlocks further possibilities of lens design, greatly increasing capabilities in optical performance. The Z mount system will offer a variety of high-performance lenses, including an extremely fast f/0.95 lens. Nikon will expand the value of mirrorless cameras through the pursuit of a new dimension in optical performance, and by upholding Nikon's tradition of quality while responding to the evolution of imaging technology. -
COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight
Product Design
COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight
Product Design
COOLPIX P1000/DF-M1 Dot Sight
The COOLPIX P1000 is a compact digital camera that combines superior photographic performance that records high-quality, breathtaking images with 125x optical zoom and superior operability. It is equipped with a 125x optical zoom lens that covers an incredible range of focal lengths, beginning at the wide-angle 24mm*1 equivalent, and extending to the super-telephoto 3000mm*1 equivalent (up to 250x*2 zoom is possible when Dynamic Fine Zoom is enabled). The EXPEED image-processing engine built into the camera achieves superior image quality, and the Dual Detect Optical VR, which provides a level of vibration reduction equivalent to a 5.0-stop*3 increase in shutter speed, enables sharp and clear images, even with hand-held telephoto shooting. When used with the DF-M1 Dot Sight, an accessory that helps the user to keep track of the intended subject with telephoto photography, the capture of previously impossible subjects, including birds and celestial bodies, is fully supported.- *1Equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format.
- *2At the maximum image size. The maximum zoom ratio varies by image size. The zoom ratio indicated for Dynamic Fine Zoom is the combined ratio of optical zoom from the maximum wide-angle position and digital zoom.
- *3Measured in accordance with CIPA standards at approx. 350mm (equivalent focal length in 35mm [135] format).
Communication Design
Communication Design
SnapBridge is the Nikon app that seamlessly connects a smart device*1 to a Nikon digital camera via Bluetooth® connection. One-time setup enables a constant Bluetooth® connection*2 between the smart device and camera, automatically downloading pictures to the smart device as they are taken with the camera.- *1iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch®, and Android™ devices to which the SnapBridge app has been installed can be used. The SnapBridge app can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store® and Google Play™. See Nikon's website for further information.
- *2As from SnapBridge version 2.5, the automatic connection between camera and smart device is "OFF" in default setting. Turn it to "ON" during pairing in order to activate automatic transfer.
- •The Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® functions built into cameras are effective only when connected to a smart device on which the SnapBridge app has been installed.
- •The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Nikon Corporation is under license.
- •Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
Product Design
Product Design
The D850 has been extremely well received around the world for its high image quality; outstanding high-speed performance; its ergonomic, power-saving, and advanced dust- and drip-resistant design; and cutting-edge functions such as silent photography. -
Product Design
Product Design
The D7500 is a compact and lightweight digital SLR camera with superior high-speed performance, featuring the same impressive image quality as the D500 — Nikon's flagship DX-format digital SLR camera. Equipped with the same EXPEED 5 image-processing engine and Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor as the D500, the D7500 achieves superior image quality with very little noise throughout the broad ISO 100-51200 range of standard sensitivities.
KeyMission 360
Best of the Best
KeyMission 360
Best of the Best
KeyMission 360
The KeyMission 360 is a genuine action camera that records seamless 360° video in 4K UHD format while realizing a compact body. Delivering superior waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof and dustproof performance, it is ideal for a wide range of outdoor and leisure activities such as skiing, skydiving and mountain climbing. Diverse experiences can be recorded in 360°. By using a supported head-mount display you can also enjoy a virtual reality world of action. -
KeyMission 80
Product Design
KeyMission 80
Product Design
KeyMission 80
The KeyMission 80 is a tough, wearable camera enabling quick shooting with one hand, great for situations where it is difficult to use a smart device. With its excellent waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof and dustproof performance, it is suitable for many different activities, whether up in the mountains or out on the ocean. Besides the main camera, a second camera is equipped for selfies. You can take memorable images of yourself within vast landscapes. -
Product Design
Product Design
MONARCH HG binoculars are the most advanced models in the history of MONARCH binoculars, which are Nikon's representative binoculars. While providing a wide field of view, the Field Flattener Lens System also assures a sharp and clear view all the way to the lens periphery. A high-quality multilayer coating is applied to all lenses and prisms. Dielectric high-reflective multilayer coating is applied to the roof prism. All of this combines to achieve a bright view with light transmittance of up to 92% or higher, plus natural color fidelity. -
Product Design
Product Design
The PROSTAFF 3S models are compact and lightweight 42mm-objective-lens-diameter binoculars with superior portability (565g for 8x42, 575g for 10x42). They provide a wide apparent field of view (53.4° for 8x42, 62.9° for 10x42). High-reflectivity silver-alloy mirror coating is applied on the mirror surfaces of the prisms for brightness and clarity. Multilayer-coated lenses also ensure a brighter image. The long eye relief design delivers a clear field of view, even for eyeglass wearers.- *This product is not sold in Japan.
Product Design
Product Design
COOLSHOT 80i VR/80 VR Laser Rangefinders are the world's first Laser Rangefinders employing a VR (Vibration Reduction) function*. Reducing vibrations of the image in the viewfinder caused by hand movement stabilizes the subject and remarkably improves the ease of measuring. This realizes speedy measurement of smaller subjects, such as a flagstick, without stress.- *Among released Laser Rangefinders for golf, as of September 5, 2016. Researched by Nikon Vision.
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Product Design
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Product Design
Digital Imaging Solution Nivo-i
Nivo-i incorporates three image sensors — in a collimation camera, wide-angle camera and centripetal camera, as well as an accurate rangefinder and angle-measuring features. The onboard software simultaneously acquires images while measuring the distance, allowing location data to be embedded on the images. This helps scientific modeling of temporal changes for applications such as the geological study of landslides, or examining cracks on concrete bridges — contributing to increased efficiency for infrastructure inspections.
Product Design
Product Design
Nikon's flagship D5 D-SLR responds to a wide variety of shooting scenarios and subjects, as it provides superior performance such as dramatically boosted acquisition performance for moving subjects and elevated image quality at high ISO. Boasting a new-generation, 153-point AF system and high-speed continuous shooting at approx.the camera demonstrates highly reliable subject acquisition in diverse situations. -
Product Design
Product Design
Nikon's D500 DX-format flagship D-SLR ensures subject acquisition during high-speed continuous shooting at approx. Employing a new Nikon DX-format CMOS sensor and the highly advanced EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, the camera yields stills and movies in high-quality images throughout the wide standard sensitivity range of ISO 100-51200.
Nikon 1 J4
Product Design
Nikon 1 J4
Product Design
Nikon 1 J4
Nikon 1 J4 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses that features superior subject acquisition performance realizing high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 20 fps with AF, various shooting functions and Full HD movie recording function in a compact and lightweight body. The touch-screen monitor provides intuitive operation. Also, built-in Wi-Fi® that enables simple transfer and sharing of high-quality images, and versatile image editing functions are employed. -
Nikon 1 S2
Product Design
Nikon 1 S2
Product Design
Nikon 1 S2
Nikon 1 S2 enables the capture of beautiful images with simple operation, and is recommended for first-time users of an interchangeable lens camera. Featuring a compact and minimal design, it is available in four bright colors including yellow. Lenses sold as a kit lens have the same color as the camera body. This color coordination achieves an integrated look despite the fact that it is an interchangeable lens camera. -
Product Design
Product Design
A compact digital camera with which users can enjoy self-portraits, equipped with a camera stand and front shutter-release button in addition to a vari-angle LCD monitor that supports shooting from a variety of angles, whether low or high. The COOLPIX S6900 features a range of shooting and editing functions such as the Gesture Control function, which enables remote control using the palm of the hand, and Glamour mode which allows users to preview effects in the monitor during shooting.
Product Design
Product Design
The Df features intuitive dial control that boosts the pleasure of camera operation, as well as providing superior image quality covering a wide sensitivity range, condensed in its highly portable, compact and light body. It is equipped with the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine and offers an effective pixel count of 16.2 million pixels. The large, metal mechanical dials enable simple operation with immediate visual verification of settings as part of the precision body design. -
Product Design
Product Design
The D5300 is an entry-level model that employs a DX-format CMOS sensor featuring 24.2 effective megapixels, designed without an optical low-pass filter, as well as the high-performance EXPEED 4 image-processing engine. The first Nikon D-SLR with built-in Wi-Fi® and GPS allows you to share beautiful pictures easily via smart devices, while helping you to keep memories of trips and outdoor activities with location data and track logs. -
Product Design
Product Design
Binoculars that feature convenient portability in a compact and sophisticated exterior design. Using aluminum for the body realizes a lightweight and stylishly elegant finish while keeping durability. Colors are selectable from four alluring metallic hues: black, silver, pink, and red. Magnifications are 8x24 and 10x24, which are ideal for travel, theater, art gallery and museum visits, and concerts.
Product Design
Product Design
The D4 is a Nikon flagship D-SLR providing beautiful, sharp image quality as well as offering superb high-speed continuous shooting, thanks to its 16.2 effective megapixels, Nikon FX-format CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 3 image-processing engine optimized for high-spec D-SLRs. Addressing the many demands of professional photographers including numerous requests based on on-site experiences, its features and performance have been improved to the fullest extent. -
Nikon 1 V2
Product Design
Nikon 1 V2
Product Design
Nikon 1 V2
Providing 14.2 effective megapixels, Nikon 1 V2 employs a super-high-speed AF CMOS sensor that features high-speed AF, 73 focus areas in phase-detection AF and 135 focus areas in contrast-detect AF, as well as EXPEED 3A image-processing engine, realizing high image quality and high-speed operation. A wide range of functions are packed in a compact and lightweight body with a built-in electronic viewfinder (EVF) and flash. -
Nikon 1 J3
Product Design
Nikon 1 J3
Product Design
Nikon 1 J3
Nikon 1 J3 is a compact, lightweight model offering high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 15 fps with AF or up to approx. 60 fps with fixed AF for full-resolution images. It uses a metal material on the front surface, presenting a refined exterior finish. -
Nikon 1 S1
Product Design
Nikon 1 S1
Product Design
Nikon 1 S1
Nikon 1 S1 is the first model in the Nikon 1 S series recommended for those who are new to using an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses. It offers high-speed performance and a variety of functions that reliably capture precious moments common with Nikon 1 series cameras. It is also equipped with an easy-to-understand GUI for more intuitive operation. -
Product Design
Product Design
The width and height of the camera body is smaller than a standard business card. The weight is a mere approx. 96 g. The COOLPIX S01 realized an extremely compact size that fits in the palm of the hand. Special attention was also paid to the design of the camera and material used. It has a smooth form, regardless of the angle from which it is viewed, and is constructed of a durable yet thin stainless steel that also provides a beautiful finish. The COOLPIX S01 is also equipped with a touch panel display that enables intuitive operation easy enough for anyone to handle. This is a camera that everyone will enjoy using and keeping with them at all times. -
Communication Design
Communication Design
The D5200 employs a unique, easy-to-understand graphic user interface that realizes intuitive operation. Its info screen employs visuals inspired by aperture diaphragms and film camera shutter dials, intended for first-time D-SLR users and those utilizing compact digital cameras to naturally learn more advanced camera operation.
Design for Asia Awards
The DFA Awards started in 2003 as a flagship program of the Hong Kong Design Centre aiming for the evaluation of excellent designs and discovery of talented designers. Judged by a panel of acclaimed design experts in Hong Kong and around the world, winners for Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit prizes are selected in each of 18 categories.
Nikon 1 J5
Bronze Award
Nikon 1 J5
Bronze Award
Nikon 1 J5
Nikon 1 J5 features 20.8 effective megapixels, a backside-illumination CMOS image sensor, and EXPEED 5A image-processing engine in a simple and modern body delivering a high-quality impression. High-speed continuous shooting at up to approximately 20 fps is achieved with AF. Also, with 4K movie recording function and a tilting LCD monitor that enables the capture of self-portraits, it is a model that pursues genuine specifications and superior operation.
Nikon 1 V3
Silver Award
Nikon 1 V3
Silver Award
Nikon 1 V3
Nikon 1 V3 is an advanced camera with interchangeable lenses that realizes superb agility with its lightweight, compact body. It offers superior subject acquisition performance with high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 20 fps with AF and at up to approx. 60 fps with fixed AF, as well as a short shooting time lag. Other features include controls and buttons that are designed to allow digital- SLR users to operate them in a familiar manner, and a vari-angle LCD monitor with touch-screen control for simple and intuitive operation.
Kids Design Award
The Kids Design Award is a commendation program for realizing a sustainable and bright future for children, aimed toward various stakeholders. The candidates are products, spaces, services, activities, and academic programs that are designed to meet our missions such as "Contributing to the safety and security of children's lives", "Supporting children so that they can grow up rich in sensitivity and creativity" and "Creating a society for comfortably having and raising children." This award recognizes the outstanding works that address social issues related to children and child rearing.
The children's program, dedicated to their future.
Awarded : Designs to develop the creativity and create the future of children
The children's program, dedicated to their future.
Awarded : Designs to develop the creativity and create the future of children
The children's program, dedicated to their future.
Nikon has developed various programs for children, who will create the world of the future, in order to provide them with the joy of learning.
A behind-the-scenes view of world championships that most people don’t usually get a chance to experience, and a micro and macro world that most people don’t usually have the opportunity to touch. Also, children creating their own unique works while learning about optics and design.
Through these valuable experiences, we have offered a lot of valuable opportunities to grow.
More than 300 people have been participating in this program, and the parents involved have made such comments as "By touching microscopes and cameras when kids are young, it helps them to develop their various imaginations. I believe this experience can lead them to achieve their dreams." Children’s comments included, "The microscope workshop stimulated my inquisitive spirit. It was a good inspiration for thinking about themes for independent research."
Through various unique programs that Nikon can offer, we believe that we can expand opportunities to provide exciting new experiences and challenges for the children who will create the future.
Kid Friendly Design Award
Kid Friendly Design Award
The COOLPIX S31 is a compact digital camera developed based on the idea of families enjoying taking and viewing images together. It offers five colorful variations to choose from, providing waterproof performance to a depth of 5 m, shockproof performance up to approx. 1.2 m, and is freezeproof to approx. -10ºC, making it safe enough for children to use. It also offers special effects and image retouch features so the entire family can fully enjoy the camera. -
Fieldmicroscope series
Kids' Future Design Award & TEPIA Special Award
Fieldmicroscope series
Kids' Future Design Award & TEPIA Special Award
Fieldmicroscope series
Portable, stereoscopic microscopes let you observe subjects with both eyes and three-dimensionally. Easy portability enables you to take the instrument outside and enjoy observing in the field. Lineups include the Fieldmicroscope Mini, which is waterproof, lightweight and compact, a standard-type Fieldmicroscope, and the EZ-Micro with which the user can observe and simultaneously take super-telephoto images by connection with a digital camera.
JIDA Design Museum Selection
The JIDA Design Museum Selection Award acknowledges and honors high-quality products in the field of industrial design that make valuable contributions to society based on the theme of "aiming to create a beautiful and enriched daily life". In addition, it seeks to preserve such products to pass down to future generations, thereby making cultural contributions to education, industry, and daily life.
Digital Imaging Microscope
Digital Imaging Microscope
Digital Imaging Microscope
This is the microscope for medical use, targeting pathologists who spend hours for pathological observation. We take care of the physical and mental burden as much as possible and support you so that you can concentrate on long-term observation. Various solutions unique to digital observation can be realized, such as sharing data and linking macro images with XY stage movement.
National Commendation for Invention
The National Commendation for Invention was established in 1919 with the aim of encouraging and fostering the advancement of scientific technologies and industrial development in Japan. This Commendation recognizes inventions, designs, or ideas, and persons who have made significant contributions, as well as those anticipated to achieve great success in the future, for their excellence.
Mirrorless Camera Exemplifying Advanced Performance" (Design Registration No. 1705265)
Invention Prize
Mirrorless Camera Exemplifying Advanced Performance" (Design Registration No. 1705265)
Invention Prize
Mirrorless Camera Exemplifying Advanced Performance" (Design Registration No. 1705265)
Shape extending from mount to viewfinder This design of a mirrorless camera for professional users embodies the high expectations and confidence of those in various fields such as sports, journalism, and fashion who are seeking new ways to express themselves. The design possesses two main features. Firstly, it has a seamless side profile from the large-diameter lens mount to the viewfinder, effectively exhibiting an impression of high optical performance and anticipation. The second is a simple but robust front profile that projects the camera’s reliability. This design significantly contributes to the advancement of imaging culture by enhancing the overall brand value of the entire series, and the models with this design are widely employed by professional users.