Participation in Initiatives
The Nikon Group aims to enhance and maximize the efficiency and efficacy of its activities by working together with various groups through involvement in international initiatives.
United Nations Global Compact
Nikon signed on to the Compact in 2007. We respect the ten principles covering the four areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
We joined the RBA to improve sustainability in the Nikon Group and across our supply chain.
Science Based Targets (SBT)
In January 2024, Nikon received approval for its net-zero targets from the SBT Initiative, and its near-term targets certified as the "1.5 degrees Celsius target."
Joined in February 2021. In March 2021, Nikon sent a letter to the Japanese government, alongside other member companies, calling for expanded adoption of renewable energy.
Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
Nikon supported the April 2021 JCI message calling on the Japanese government to set ambitious targets for 2030 to help realize the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
In April 2023, we endorsed the JCI message calling on the Japanese government to introduce effective measures to accelerate the renewable energy and adopt effective carbon pricing as quickly as possible.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
In November 2018, Nikon expressed its support for the TCFD’s final report (TCFD recommendations) and takes action for appropriate disclosure of information related to climate change.