Establishment of Nikon Chair of Imaging Science in Tokyo University

April 3, 2012

Nikon Corporation (President: Makoto Kimura, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) contributed to establish the Nikon Chair of Imaging Science in the Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo in April 1, 2012. This department aims to evolve and advance Japan's optics technologies in a sustainable manner by nurturing excellent human resources who will lead the next generation of optical industry.

Overview of Nikon Chair of Imaging Science

Location Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo (Komaba Research Campus)
Period April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2017 (5 years)
Course name Advanced Optical Engineering, etc.
Staff Professor Tsutomu Shimura, Department of Fundamental Engineering, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Project Professor Hiroshi Ohki, Executive Officer, General Manager of Research & Development Headquarters, Core Technology Center, Nikon Corporation

Background and objective of establishment

Japan has been traditionally holding a high rank globally in the optical industry. However, with the fast progress of technologies and the entrance of emerging nations into the industry, it is becoming difficult for the Japanese optical industry to maintain its world-class competitiveness.
Optics that was once taught in the department of physics in the faculties of science had a direct connection to the optical industry. However, optics studies in universities later began focusing on advanced technologies such as quantum optics or nonlinear optics: therefore, it has been pointed out that there is a divide separating the optical industry and academia.
Against such a background, Nikon Corporation contributed to establish the Nikon Chair of Optical Engineering in the Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo in November 2006. In this department, optics education that is directly linked to the industry needs was provided to close to 100 graduate students including lens designing using professional design software under the instruction of full-time Nikon lens designers. The Nikon Chair of Optical Engineering then ended its term at the end of March 2012.
Newly established Nikon Chair of Imaging Science expands the scope of Nikon Chair of Optical Engineering. The department continues to provide distinctive lectures as well as strives to promote exchange between engineers and researchers who bear the responsibility of Japan's future optics technologies, hoping that this industrial-academic collaboration will strengthen Japan's competitiveness in the world.

The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice.
