Materiality and SDGs

Identification of Materiality

The Nikon Group selected 12 materialities in four areas to engage in sustainability initiatives efficiently and systematically. For each materiality, we implemented a process of goal setting, progress management, evaluation, and improvement, and we are developing sustainability activities for our departments and employees.
The Nikon Group reviews materialities every one to three years in response to changes in society and the business environment.

Materiality Inspection

In January 2021, the Nikon Group selected 12 materialities in four areas. As we announced our new Medium-term Management Plan in April 2022, we conducted a close review to ensure that materiality initiatives are tied to the achievement of our Vision 2030.
We conducted interviews and workshops 16 times across all business units, gathering a wide range of opinions from employees. Outside experts and management held discussions at the Sustainability Committee making efforts to ensure that inspections were conducted from a stakeholder perspective.

Materiality Inspection Process

1. Develop a list of social issues to be addressed due to changes in social requirements: ・List is prepared based on various guidelines and the status in similar business sectors / 2. Confirm excesses and deficiencies in materiality prior to inspection, prioritize issues and initiatives: ・Opinions are extracted from employees on issue candidates ・Opinions are collected and consolidated from other stakeholders ・Issues are confirmed, identified, and prioritized ・Issues to be addressed and what Nikon needs to do are clarified ←Interviews/workshops with employees (general and managerial) from all business units ←Exchanges of opinion with corporate administration divisions / 3. Conduct stakeholder assessment (validity assessment): ・Validity assessment is conducted by a third party who is familiar with the overall trends of the stakeholder group → Outside experts, etc. ←Interviews with outside experts ←Exchanges of opinions between outside experts and management / 4. Determine materialities, reflect these and take action in business strategies for the next fiscal year and beyond: ・Materialities are discussed and approved by management → What Nikon needs to do, strategies, indicators, and goals for each materiality  is formulated and reflected in the annual action plan for fiscal year 2023 ←Discussion and approval by management / Also seeking to permeate/share/promote concepts internally via the inspection process

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Materiality and SDGs

The Nikon Group has identified 12 materialities in the four areas of Business Activity, Environment, Society/Labor, and Governance. We aim to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by 2030 by setting forth visions and strategies for each materiality and working on goals and annual action plans based on these.

Materiality and Related SDGs

9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure / 8 Decent work and economic growth / 12 Responsible consumption, production / 3 Good health and well-being / 5 Gender equality / 6 Clean water and sanitation / 7 Affordable and clean energy / 10 Reduced inequalities / 11 Sustainable cities and communities / 13 Climate action / 14 Life below water / 15 Life on land / 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions / Business Activity: ① Creating social value through core technologies, ② Ensuring trustworthiness by maintaining and increasing quality / Environment: ③ Promoting a decarbonized society, ④ Promoting resource circulation, ⑤ Preventing pollution and conserving ecosystems / Society/Labor: ⑥ Building a resilient supply chain, ⑦ Respecting human rights, ⑧ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, ⑨ Employees' health and safety / Governance: ⑩ Thorough compliance, ⑪ Strengthening corporate governance, ⑫ Strengthening risk management

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Materiality Goals

The Nikon Group creates a vision and strategy for each materiality, formulating related goals and annual plans. We advance these initiatives steadily through progress management.

Business Activity

A Key Technology Solutions Company in a Global Society Where Humans and Machines Co-Create Seamlessly
Expansion of growth drivers, services and components
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Growth drivers as a percentage of consolidated operating profit: 40% or more (FY2030)
  • Services and components as a percentage of consolidated operating profit: 50% or more (FY2030)
Providing competitive products and services with safe, environmentally friendly and information security
Advancement and establishment of quality management
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Degree of achievement of the plan to review the quality management system in response to changes in the business environment: 100% (every fiscal year)
  • Quality management system operation status monitoring/Percentage of improvement plans in place: 100% (every fiscal year)
  • Comprehension of basic training on quality*: 80% or more (FY2025)
  • *Scope: Division and business units of Nikon Corporation, and Group manufacturing companies


Achieving carbon neutrality throughout the supply chain by FY2050
GHG emission reduction in Scope 1, 2, and 3 and accelerate introduction of renewable energy
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • GHG emission reduction rate of Scope 1 and 2: 57% compared with FY2022 (FY2030)
  • GHG emission reduction rate of Scope 3: 25% compared with FY2022(FY2030)
  • Renewable energy adoption rate: 100% (FY2030)
Minimizing resource consumption and maximizing resource circulation throughout the supply chain
Reducing resource consumption and waste, etc.
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Rate of reduction in total discharged waste: 10% or more compared with FY2018 (FY2030)
  • Rate of freshwater consumption reduction: 5% compared with FY2018 (FY2030)
  • Rate of use of recycled materials for products: 5% or more (FY2030)
Have zero negative impacts on human health and ecosystems in the supply chain
Appropriate use of chemical substances and reduction of ecological impact and dependence
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Use of hazardous chemical substances in manufacturing processes: Use zero (FY2030)
  • Inclusion of hazardous chemical substances in products: Containing zero (FY2030)
  • Percentage of FSC-certified or recycled paper (catalogs, instruction manuals, packaging boxes): 100% (FY2030)


A sustainable supply chain that remains sound at all times in the face of business risks and social issues
Building a mechanism for supply chain risk assessments and immediate emergency response
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Critical procurement partner percentage of human rights due diligence*1: 100% (FY2025)
  • Understanding BCP systems in the supply chain*2: 100% (FY2025)
  • *1If a survey or audit indicates that corrective action is required, such action will be implemented until the improvement is completed.
  • *2We manage the scope of the supply chain required to establish a BCP system according to the number of suppliers.
Minimizing human rights risks throughout the value chain
Spreading awareness of human rights via the Nikon Human Rights Policy and conducting human rights due diligence
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Level of awareness of human rights policy: 100% (FY2030)
  • Conformity rate of RBA Code of Conduct: 90% or more (FY2025)
  • *Scope: Nikon Group manufacturing facilities.
Realizing a corporate culture that welcomes diversity and harnesses it in business activities
Spreading awareness of the Nikon Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy, creating an environment in which diverse human resources can participate fully, and applying DEI to business activities
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Level of awareness of DEI policy*1: 100% (FY2030)
  • Percentage of female managers*2: 8.0% or more (FY2025)
  • *1DEI Policy: Abbreviation for Nikon Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy.
  • *2Scope: Nikon Corporation
Allowing each individual to fulfill physical and mental health in a safe and comfortable working environment
Raising awareness of the Nikon Group Health and Safety Policy and implementing health and safety activities
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Percentage of findings in periodic health checkups*1: Below the previous national average*2 (every fiscal year)
  • Occupational accidents that are attributable to work and related to the performance of work: 60 or less (FY2025)
  • High stressed person rates in stress checks*1: Below the previous national average*3(every fiscal year)
  • *1Scope: Nikon Corporation
  • *2National average for the manufacturing industry as published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
  • *3National average as published by stress check contractors


Zero compliance violations
Spreading awareness of the Nikon Code of Conduct
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Establishment of compliance awareness*: 95% or more (FY2025)
  • Awareness level of whistleblower system*: 95% or more (FY2025)
  • *Checked by Nikon Group awareness surveys
Governance that is transparent, efficient, and trusted by stakeholders
Continuously conducting effectiveness evaluations of the Board of Directors and improving its diversity
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Assessing Board effectiveness and addressing key issues: 100% (every fiscal year)
  • Diversity of the Board of Directors: Optimizing the composition of the Board of Directors to meet stakeholder demands (every fiscal year)
Appropriate measures in place to address key risks
Establishing a company-wide risk management system in line with environmental changes and management strategies
Indicator: Goal
(achievement year)
  • Progress in identifying important risks and implementing measures based on risk assessments: 100% (every fiscal year)
  • *Indicator/goal scope: Nikon Group (Nikon Corporation and consolidated subsidiaries), unless noted otherwise.

Sustainability Report

For more information, refer to Sustainability Materiality in the Sustainability Report.

  • Identification of Materiality
  • Materiality Inspection
  • Materiality and SDGs
  • PDCA Cycle Implementation Framework
  • Materiality Goals